Chapter 233

Chapter 233: The Phantom Survivor Part 2

Acceptance stared dully at Alton through the cell door as the prison began to shake and rumble with fighting. Biting his lip, he slouched, overlooking conflicted. "All these people fighting for a selfish lunatic who would burn this city to the ground if it meant him surviving. I just don't get it, not one bit. Why do they fight for someone like that? What makes you tick, Alton Brantley?"

A large explosion is set off just outside the cellblock as Acceptance catches a glimpse of serval freedom fighters. Sighing, he stands up, adjusting his uniform shaking his head. "It seems our little game has come to an end, Alton. No matter, it was fun while it lasted. I shall now take my leave, I suppose." Stopping in his tracks, he saw Alton's finger twitch, making his eyes widen. "That's not possible. That… How is he? Was it a fluke?" He waited to see Alton's head move again slightly, catching the stage of grief entirely off guard. "He's breaking free of my dream. Alton, what the hell are you?!"


The storm faded as giant roots rippled through, consuming the area eating away at the land. Alton stared up, Acceptance his arms crossed with a stern look. "For being the stage of Acceptance, he doesn't know when to quit, does he?"

Kira stood by Alton's side, sighing. "Doesn't he know who's he dealing with here?"

Alton turned his head, seeing Scarlett in Kira for a split second, looking shocked. This looks vanished as he smirked, nodding. "Quite right. I made the mistake of tossing you aside before Syndicate. Let's make up for that and take this blind bastard down for good."

Vines slammed down onto the two as both leapt out of harm's way. Kira blasted the sky with explosions ripping apart all the vines in the area. Alton pushed on, dodging and weaving against all the odds, making his way to Acceptance. Fading in and out of existence with his smoke, Alton quickly caught up with his foe. That was when he was left with a choice seeing Kira being overwhelmed by the Garden's Might. Destroy Acceptance or save Kira. In mid-flight, Acceptance knew this, staring at Alton, ready to counter-attack; however, he was shocked to see the opposite. Diving backwards, Alton slammed to the ground, taking the attack head's helm to protect Kira. He drove back, breaking through serval trees laying his back against the frozen lake. Gritting his teeth together, Alton pulled himself back up, ready to go again. "You're a walking contradiction, Alton; you truly are. You claim to be a survivor and only look out for yourself, yet your time and time again risk your very life to save others! You cannot be both, you know! The concept of a hero is to save others, yet you claim not to be one. Stop lying!"

Holding his arm out to the side, smoke rippled out as he smirked. "I haven't said a single lie throughout our conversation. It's still my life over others, but as a survivor, what's the point in living if I can't share that experience with others? Surviving all ends alone will be pointless in the long run!"

Crouched down, he ignited, breaking the ground around him as Alton zipped into the air phasing through Acceptance hovering over him. Twisting his whole body around, Acceptance tried fighting back only to be kicked with high power knocked to the ground. Before he could, Kira appeared, holding her hands together, letting out an array of explosions, knocking Acceptance back even further. Lying in the frozen lake, Alton spun around, consuming all the smoke into his body as he propelled himself down to the lake like a screaming bullet looking to find its target. Acceptance's eyes opened as Alton dived down, igniting and melting the entire lake leaving nothing but a ditch where the lake once stood, frying it to a crisp. Acceptance had vanished, leaving Alton on edge before dozens of vines pinned him to the ground. Kira tried to intervene but was knocked aside by a single giant vine. Her body became numb as she lost all feeling, struggling to breathe. Acceptance walked towards Alton holding his face as his once-perfect suit was scorched. "Lies. All of it must be lies; I cannot understand such stupid ideologies, so they all must be lies. You have no such regards for your lives or others. You are merely a parasite latching onto other's as you bleed them dry to survive. If I cannot understand it, then it doesn't exist. When will you wake up from your false dream and realise that?!" 

"False dream…" Alton whispered, closing his eyes. A single root blasted from the ground, throwing Alton aside as he crashed against the ground, hitting the floor bleeding out. Struggling to even stand straight, Alton stared on at Kira, his back to Acceptance. "Perhaps it is time I woke up…"

A sharp root rammed its way towards Alton, ready to land the final blow as Kira held her arm out, croaking. "Alton!"

Alton's eyes shot open as the roots all shattered into little frozen pieces. Acceptance stumbled back, dazed by this as Alton turned to his foe, his eyes a piercing yellow and ice spread across his arms. "That power. Those eyes… What blasphemy is this?! I leeched those powers from you!"

"Did you now? I guess you missed out on one simple flaw in that design Acceptance. This is merely a dream, my dream in fact and in my dream, I make the rules." Letting out a scream of anger, Acceptance pushed forward another firm root in which Alton countered with his own. The icicles ripped through and cut down Acceptance in one single swoop forcing him to his knees. Kira was also freed, gasping for air as Alton's hair expanded and his full Garden form emerged. "Truth and lies. Acceptance and such other crude and pointless things. You hold all of those in such high regards, but you forgot a key part in all of this."

"And that is?!" Acceptance roared back.

"They mean nothing to a Child of the Garden." He hissed back, clenching his hand as an intense hailstorm burrowed into Alton's palm. Crushing it, hundreds of icicles flooded all around Acceptance, holding in place. Lifting his hand, he looked at Acceptance with a look of pride, laughing. "And this is where your truth leads you. One thousand bleeding cuts."  Acceptance was bombarded with a never-ending nightmare of attacks. His very existence was torn apart, leaving nothing but a small fabric of his tie dwindling in the wind. One last icicle pierced it, pinning the tied to a tree as Alton was left victorious with a comfortable one-sided victory. The sky was pierced as the sun cracked through with a light flurry of snow. Alton held his hand out, letting the snowflakes rest on his hand, staying in their perfect form. "Never thought I'd be happy to see this power again."

Kira limped over, slowly spinning around in awe. "So, this is the true power of Alton Brantley… How does snow feel so warm?"

"You got me there; I have no idea. How long has this little dream of mine gone on for?"

Kira kneeled down, swiping a chunk of snow in her hand, making it into a snowball. "Four years, I believe." She throws the clump at Alton, chuckling. "Time to wake up, yeah?"josei

"Indeed, time to wake up. The world I'm returning to is nothing like this. It's fallen to ruin and corruption. It'll be a fight to survive… You aren't going to convince me to try and stay?"

Kira shook her head. "I'd kill you if you tried. Everyone needs you, Alton and I believe you need them too. Just do me a favour… I know it's not even remotely important to you, but please. Save my family, save Scarlett; she can do good. I know she can. She's my great… You get it."

Alton looked at himself in the reflection of the ice seeing himself after so long living in someone else's shoes. "I'll do what I can." 

"That's all I can ask."

Turning back, Alton saw everyone else standing there. Adam, Eve and even Hannah nodding to him. Holding his chest, Alton smiled, flicking the frozen tear from his eye. "Everyone, I cannot thank you enough. Even if this was a dream, a fake truth, it felt real to me, and that's all that matters. I'm going now for everyone." Turning around, Alton took a deep breath smirking. "Will I even remember the life before, huh?" That goofy looked faded into a serious one as the dream began to shatter. "Time to end this once and for all Acceptance."


From the cell, a shockwave sent Acceptance back, falling against the railing. His eyes widened as he yelled out. "This is the power of the Phantom Survivor!" He was frozen on the spot, unable to force any other words out. Alton sat up, looking at his hands-free from his chains standing. He walked over, holding onto the bars coming to his senses. "Everyone… I've been drowning in my own self-pity for too long." The bars shattered as Alton took his first step to freedom smashing Acceptance, leaving nothing behind. The alarms blared his eardrums as he gripped his chest, smiling. "Alice, Emil, Scarlett… Zinnia, worry not anymore. I'm coming to protect you all."

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