Chapter 234

Chapter 234: Prison Break Part 2

"Why now of all moments? What did we do to deserve this?"

The two Zephyr squad members began their charge onto the barracks where Lily's weapons were kept. The prison was pure chaos, with many inmates escaping causing a riot. Luckily for them, since Lily and Alesha were in the same boat, they were allowed to pass without much resistance. "Hurry, Alesha, I can see the barracks in sight!"

Turning the corner, the area exploded as both were sent flying back by the sheer force. Coughing up smoke, Alesha opened her eyes, flinching at sight. "Of course, you're here… Finally decided to show yourself after all this time, Alice Hawthorne."

Alice stood in the middle of the cellblock, her bow low by her side as she stared at the two Zephyr squad. "The Alice was bound to run into you two eventually. Alesha Marks and Lily Brooks members of the infamous Zephyr squad. I won't ask twice, where is Alton Brantley."

Alesha stood up looking nervous, holding a long strain of her hair. "Get up, Lily. We won't get another chance like this. The leader of their rebellion has shown herself take her down, and the whole group falls apart."

Alice stares blankly, pulling her bow back, ready for battle. "I will not let anything stand in my way in saving Alton; now get out of my way!"

Alesha was the first attacked as she was forced to use her hair as a shield blocking the incoming fire, but that was too much as she was knocked to the ground. Sliding back, her hair trusted forward, latching around Alice holding her in place. "Don't just stand there, Lilly. Get moving!"

Alice stared down at the hair breaking free, making Alesha yell in pain, holding her head. Walking forward, Alice stepped into a portal vanishing. Flinching at this, Alesha stopped hearing a bow being pulled from behind her. "Where is he?" Around, Alesha swung her fist, missing Alice as she effortlessly fell to her side, stopping the fall halfway through. Alesha kept attacking without much thought as Alice dodged those attacks as well before grabbing onto her shirt sliding under Alesha's legs sweeping her off her feet. A portal opened, devouring Alesha, tossing her between different portals before she slammed against the floor down for the count. Alice stood over Alesha with a bow at the ready. "I'll ask again! Where is Alton Brantley!"

"Alesha!" Lilly yelled, throwing a toy car. Alice turned as it grew into a full-size match throwing Alice off entirely. Unable to react, she was knocked back as the vehicle exploded, leaving a giant blast of smoke and fire behind. Jumping over the counter, Lilly had piles of toys in both hands panting. "I'm sorry it took so long."

Helped to her feet, Alesha placed her hand on Lily's cheek, shaking her head. "You turned up just on time as always, Lilly cup."

Lily turned her eyes widening as Alice emerged from the flames with her bow pulled back. "No way! That did nothing?!"

Alesha stood in front of Lily, biting her lip. "It's going to take more than that, obviously. We are dealing with a Child of the Garden, the most powerful Anti-Humans known to live."

Aiming her bow at the two girls, Alice paused for a moment before jolting her weapon to the right of them, firing a single arrow. The arrow was caught before being snapped in half. Both turned, seeing a shadowy figure drowning in crows. They both stepped back as Alice gritted her teeth tutting. "Damn it…"

"Alice… Alice, is that you? My, my, it's been so long. I never got the chance to thank you for saving my life so long ago."

Alice stared on, horrified as she held her bow loosely down by her side. "That's impossible."

The distorted voice began cackling as the crows all began flying around Alice blocking her escape. The figure tilted his head, covering his face, stuttering on his words. "Pain and Guilt, Pain and Guilt, Pain and Guilt. Do you feel the pain and Guilt, Alice?" All the crows stopped responding as each morphed. They changed into a sharp bloody sword making Alice stare on in horror, unable to even counter this. Before she could even call on her portal to escape, she was cut down by the barrage falling to her knees before collapsing. "I've missed you all so very much.


"And the man of the hour reveals himself. Too afraid to come down here and face us yourself, Kurt?" Jinx scoffed at.

"Trust me, while I'd love to be there in person bashing a few heads together, I have more important matters to attend to. Take the boy if you want. Alton Brantley has no real value to us any longer. We have something much more promising."

"What do you mean?" Blossom questioned.

Kurt leaned back, shaking his head. "Nah, ah, ah. I don't want to spoil the surprise. We've spent years building the ultimate weapon for our very disposal."

Blossom's head turned as her eyes widened before a crow flew by. Before she could react, Blossom was launched back, knocked out instantly. "Gemini!" Goro yelled.josei

Jinx stumbled back as more crows began flooding the room. "It can't be… That's not possible."

"Is it the truth you seek? Is it Jinx? I'm going to save everyone; at least that's something I use to say…" The crows all dispersed as the figure vanished. Before long, it appeared next to the ground and another one behind them and then even more all around the room, blocking them off. The last one appeared in front of them, dragging his feet, his head hanging down low. Placing his hand on Jinx, his head turned as a smile cracked on both him and Jinx unintentionally. The grey hair moved away, revealing a decaying face full of cracks and lifeless eyes, the eyes of an old ally and friend long to be dead. The crows flew around them, ready to strike, but at that very moment, the roof exploded. The decayed figure stood back as Alton crashed to the ground looking down at the ground. "There you are."

Alton stood up, turning his head. "Are you all alright?"

Jinx felt her face noticing the smile gone now as she was shaken by the event losing all focus on what happened. "What? Alton… You're back!"

Standing up, he sighed, moving his shoulder around. "Sorry for the little act back then, Jinx. I allowed myself to fall through my own self choices. Mortem had nothing to do with that."

Jinx's eye began twitching as she stomped her foot on the ground. "Wait, you weren't under their control?! You killed Emi and beat my ass out of your own free will?! You bastard!"

"You can do what you want with me after… Let's get out of here first."

In that split moment, the decayed figure stood right next to Alton, leaning in whispering in his ear. "Yes, let's do just that, leader…"

Alton panicked, jumping back summoning a rapid pillar of ice to stop the enemy. The decayed boy stood on top, keeping balance laughing. Alton looking nervous, stared up, whispering. "Who the hell are you?"

"That thing took out Blossom in one hit!" Goro snapped.

"He did… Go to her." Alton ordered, staring up. "What do you want?"

Turning his neck all the way until his head was to his side, the boy cackled, leaning forward, staring down. "What's wrong, leader? Don't you recognise your own friend? I was going to save everyone, remember?"

Alton stared on with a blank stare before the realisation kicked in, and he went pale, eyes wide and mouth the same. "No… That can't be… This is a trick! I… I."

"Watched me die?" A cackle came from behind as the same figure appeared everywhere, surrounded by crows. "What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy to see your friend alive again? Come here and give me a hug."

"Percy Misharp?!"

Percy leaned back, looking to the ceiling with a crooked smile as he swung his arms all the way out before pulling at his hair, screaming. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I've returned. Did you miss me, leader? We have so much to catch up on. Like the fact, you left me to rot and die. You abandoned me. You and the rest of Team Rhapsody! You broke my heart."

"That's not true. You died; I know you did. Zinnia, no, we mourned for you!"

"Like they mourned for you? Don't lecture me on death when you go about faking. Yours like it's nothing more than ordering a takeaway! Look at what they did to me! Look at me!" Percy screeched, showing his broken body. Cuts and scars alongside his face cracked like a stone. "They did this to me!"

"Percy… Don't do this; whatever V.I.R.A.L did to you, we'll make them pay. Let us help you!"

Percy slouched over, moving his body like a puppet cranking up, still covering his face howling with laughter. His eyes pierced through his hands, showing a deep yellow glow. "No… Don't call me Percy; it hurts saying that name… Call me by what they named me. I introduce myself as a stage of grief. My stage is that of Pain! Allow me to share that burden with you, Alton Brantley."

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