Chapter 237

Chapter 237: Rise of the Gatekeeper

Alesha and Lilly stared on, dazed by the current events as Alice struggled to keep Percy at bay. She cranked her head around, yelling. "Why are you still standing here for?! Get out!"


The chains began to snap as Alice turned her arms, tightening her grip keeping Percy trapped for a little longer. "Just run… I can't hold him much longer."

"Oh, Alice, poor, poor Alice. No one is going anywhere." Percy cackled as dozens of copies spawned all around the prison block showing how dire the situation was. Retracting her chains, Alice wrapped them up, gripping them around her arms more. "How does it feel to be entirely overwhelmed? To have all that false built-up hope only for it to be ripped away in a heartbeat. I, too, once believed in something like that. I wanted to save the world, but that only lead to pain… Allow me to share this pain with you."

Alice bit her lip, swinging her chain whip around as dozens of giant chains emerged, tearing through the copies of Percy like a knife through butter. No stone was left unturned as she lay her eyes on the former Percy taking the fight to him. Charging forward, Percy held his hand out as serval crows flew towards Alice, morphing into the bloody swords. Alice took another step, vanishing into a portal below her feet before reappearing behind. Percy turned his hand around as all the blades swarmed back at Alice. However, another portal opened up, sending Percy's attacks back at him, cutting him down more. Falling to his knees, Percy smiled, looking at his blood trickling down. He didn't even get a chance to react as serval more chains smacked him down, wrapped around him, subduing the stage of grief and pinning him against the wall for adequate measures. All Percy could do was laugh and smile at these attempts angering Alice. "What's so funny?!"

"Are you sure you want to know?"josei

Alice walked over, holding a scythe to Percy's neck. "Whatever V.I.R.A.L has done to you, Percy, let us help. Me, Alton, Zinnia. We can all help you."

"The Percy you know is dead! He died stupidly following what he believes in, and where did that get him? His friend's dead! A world falling apart with evil and corruption, soon there will be nothing to save. That's what is destined for all of humanity. The Garden will rip your hopes and dreams apart until you accept them as your salvation. How is that helping me?!"


Percy turned his head, biting his lip. "I don't want to hear it! The only way to stop this pain is to kill all of you!"

Another clone appeared behind Alice, which she cut down in a matter of seconds. "He's completely lost it… Oh, Percy… What have they done to you?" Another clone stood next to Alice, which she didn't even hesitate to dispose of without a second thought. "What's the big idea?! You seriously won't give up?!"

Percy let out a small chuckle as his cuts and scars began to glow a dark purple. This made Alice step back, startled as he hissed quietly. "I am the incarnation of humanity's pain and guilt manifested into physical form. Anyone who cuts down my scars with guilt in their heart will share that pain twice a fold. That is the power of my stage. And you, Alice, is finished." Alice's eyes widened as the same scars and cuts appeared on her body, cutting deep as she fell to her knees, collapsing. The chains were released, and Percy landed on the ground, patting himself down. Holding one of his bloody swords, he kept his over Alice with a sadistic look. "This is what playing hero get you."

"I couldn't agree further." Alice giggled, vanishing from sight, stabbing Percy in the back with a giant white scythe. Kicking him away, Percy crashed into a cell block unresponsive. Alice glanced around, cautious. "Be careful, Alice; it seems your friend isn't finished yet." 

Percy's voice echoed across the block, bouncing off each wall. "I should have expected you to survive that Child of the Garden. Any other normal person would have perished easily, but it seems my seal is weakened by the likes of you. So desperate you give your body over to the likes of Eve Berry?"

Eve twirled her scythe around, shaking her head. "Not exactly. I have but merely made a deal with the girl. We both want the same thing. To save Alton and stop Mortem."

"How adorable. However, I must warn you, little Alice, Eve isn't to be trusted. She would stab you in the back in a heartbeat if her brother gave the order. Remember that."

"I'm giving you your body back, Alice," Eve whispered, swapping places as Alice fell to her knee. "You should rest for a moment."

Alice held her head panting. "Where did Percy go?"

"The stage of grief most likely had split himself all around the prison. But now I can sense all of his copies traversing on one location. Most likely, wherever Alton is, it makes sense I would want to dispose of someone like him right away."

Alice jolted up only to fall onto her knees, wincing in pain. "Gah! I have to help him! Alton needs my help!"

"Easy Alice, your body is still adjusting to our pact. Just rest a moment."

"Would you rest if your brother was endangered?!"

Eve didn't respond, looking down at Alice, only she could see her double seeing her full concerned look. "I understand how you feel… I wouldn't give up myself. So, tell me, Gatekeeper, what are you going to do now?"

Alice managed to stand up, turning to the two girls, which were not long ago her enemy. "You two still here? If you know what's good for you, you'll run."

"You aren't going to fight us?" Lilly questioned.

Alice shook her head, smiling. "The Alice sees no reason for us to battle. You were merely fighting to protect your leader, correct? We're quite alike there."

"Was there really Percy Misharp? The former member of Team Rhapsody?"

"It was. I intend on putting him out of his misery. This is what V.I.R.A.L and the CEOs do to the likes of you. It doesn't have to be this way. Run while you can, get out and be free from those chains."

Alesha gave it a little thought letting her guard down, turning around. "Come on, Lily, we're leaving."

"What, Alesha, are you sure?!"

"You heard the girl; we have no reason to fight. Let's go home."

"I'm not sure how long Alton can hold off Percy alone. We should hurry."

"Right. Time to complete the mission."


Alton squared off against Percy, blocking off any weak points he could be caught off guard alongside freezing any crows in Alton's line of sight. Percy leapt between the cell blocks avoiding each flurry of ice attacks showing no signs of stopping. Alton turned to Goro, yelling out. "How is she?"

Goro kept shaking Blossom, gritting his teeth. "She's not doing good!"

Alton bit his lip, frustrated. "Damn it… Jinx!"

Jinx dodged a set of swords hiding behind a wall. "I'm alright. I can't give you much help without my guns."

"Just stay there. I'll deal with this imposter myself."

The other copy of Percy appeared in front of Alton, smirking. "Imposter? That's powerful words coming from you traitor to the Garden." Alton didn't hesitate to turn his hand ripping serval sharp shards of ice through Percy, cutting him down. The clone collapsed on the ground bleeding out. Percy stared on howling with laughter, holding his hand up. "Game over, Alton."

Activating his stage, he found nothing to happen and no time to react as Alton flew in the air smashing Percy into the next cell block landing back down. "I'm not messing around with a stage of grief. You'll get no mercy from me."

Percy's copy vanished as another appeared behind Alton. "Why didn't my stage affect you? Anyone who strikes me down with guilt in their heart will perish…"

Alton spun around, trying to cut Percy down again but missed inches from the target. Percy jumped up, balancing on the railing a crow resting on his shoulder. "I feel no guilt towards imposter like you. Percy Misharp is dead; I saw it with my own eyes. There's no point dwelling on the guilt now. I'm beyond that."

Percy raised his hand with a blank stare. "What a waste. You're a pain in the ass, Alton Brantley. Now be devoured by my pain." A swarm of crows burst through the roof, consuming the area as hundreds of bloody swords appeared floating above Alton, ready to strike. "Die, die like the rest of them!" Alton held his hand out, ready to respond with his own counter, only for the wall to crumble and break apart as Percy's head jolted to the left as he flipped out of the line of sight of Alice. This wouldn't help as chains wrapped around his legs, tearing him through serval cells before slamming him back down on the floor. Swinging both her arms down, Percy was bombarded with gigantic chains destroying the area. Percy's body faded as its voice slurred out. "Until this time, Team Rhapsody. Come find me."

Alton stopped his attack as the dust began to settle. From the rubble, Alice stood holding her arm as the two friends stared at each other. Alice limped over to her hero, staring at him with teary eyes. Alton took a deep breath placing a hand on her head. "Alice… You idiot coming after me like this."

Alice latched herself, hugging Alton after serval years apart. Alton smiled, hugging his dear friend back. "I thought you were dead."

"I was for a while; I cast aside myself out of shame and disgust. But I'm back… And I'm never leaving this time."

"I'm glad."

"Say haven't you gotten bigger. I almost didn't recognise you!" Alton said in an exaggerated tone, sighing. "Look at you, all grown up."

Alice wiped her eyes, looking up at Alton, nodding. "I've been fighting every day since you protected me to stop V.I.R.A.L. I've been keeping Team Rhapsody alive in your honour!"

"Thank you, Alice… Let's, let's go home. This time together."

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