Chapter 238

Chapter 238: Victoria aut mors

"I suppose that is only fair. You treat me so-called more so than our usual enemies. I guess I deserved it…"

"My mother taught me something when I was a child. Out of everything told, one thing was made sure. Betraying others is the worst thing of all time. It's worse than murder. It doesn't just break friendships but memories. That is something I can never forgive or do myself. I'll end this once and for all."josei

Scarlett turned, seeing Kurt watching in the distance. She bit her lip, finding her courage again. "I was still holding out on hope we could be allies once again. I still believe we can, but…" She glanced up as her eyes glowed crimson red, and she began floating. "I cannot lose here! If I do, my whole life would have been for nothing. I will not lose again!"

Alton lowers his hand like an ice sword ripples into existence. His determined look grew only more robust. "Let's end this once and for all."


The alarms had died down entirely as the resistance was starting to escape. The final obstacles were taken care of as Alice stopped to catch her breath. Alton stood by her side, keeping his guard up. "I just need a moment. Sharing powers with Eve has really… worn me out."

Alton nodded. "Take all the time you need. You did good today Alice."

"You really think so… You've changed Alton, for good, I mean! The good… Before, I really thought I lost you to your hatred and anger. But now you're back, we can take down V.I.R.A.L and save Victoria!"

"Save Victoria. Give me a break." Scarlett whispered, walking in dragging her leg. She stared down the group blocking their escape. "Alton Brantley."

Alton stared on, looking concerned, holding his arm out, stopping the others from engaging. "Scarlett. I'm glad to see you're ok."

"Don't give me that bullshit, you liar!" She snapped, holding her head panting. "Your friends came to save you after two long years. They are finally here to set the guilty free. No one came to me. No one even tried you made sure of that butchering my family like it was nothing!"

Alton tried to defuse the situation holding his hand up moving closer. "I won't deny what I did was wrong. We were all played like fools by V.I.R.A.L, both of us. I was too naïve to see that, and I'm sorry. If I had known what they were like, I could ensure you I would have helped. A million sorry won't bring your father or mother back, but we can still make things right." Reaching out for Scarlett, he gave his bravest look. "Please, Scarlett, help me make amends and put an end to this evil. I'll answer for everything I've done after. We need you."

Scarlett stared idly at Alton's hand time went by as she then proceeded to look up at him. "You know, Alton. I hate you; come to think of it, I've always hated you from the moment we first met. Everything about you pisses me off. You have the power that to rival anyone, yet you aren't feared like I am. You're a monster who's killed hundreds, yet people flock to your aid like lost children. You have people who love you like Alice, Zinnia, Riley… The moment you showed up, my family turned their attention to you. After years of pressure and torment, you just turn up and steal the spotlight. They all wanted you, and then you turn that down and kill them all! My purpose in life was to destroy V.I.R.A.L and create Syndicate's new golden age, and you took that from me! I have nothing, nothing left! You made sure of that. So, I hate you. I hate you more than anything. I've only stayed alive clinging onto a thread of hope to find you again…"

Everyone stared on in silence as Alton licked his lip, shaking his head. "Scarlett, we know that isn't true. You really wanted me to join you. I know you did, don't like the hatred consume you like it did me."

Scarlett pivoted her head, staring at Alice. "So, what, you just expect me to fall in line like the others. Follow the one who murdered my family in cold blood with a smile on my face?"

Alton turned to Alice, calling her over. Alice slowly walked up, holding Scarlett's hand. "Please, Scarlett… We need you; we are all we've got left. They got Emil and my sister…"

Scarlett's hair fell through, covering her face as she held Alice's hand. The warmth of the simple touch was unlike anything before. She hadn't felt someone else's touch in years, and it was overwhelming. But soon enough, Alice winced, feeling Scarlett grip onto her tighter and tighter. "For once in my life, I finally can see it clearly. No one to control or manipulate me, I'm the last of my family, and now I can choose my own decisions, one void of anyone else. The path has opened up for me, and now there's no going back." Staring up, her eyes began to glow and burn through her hair as she started crying blood as her whole body began to glow and burn. "I hate all of you with a burning passion. So, I scream to the heavens with all I've got; this isn't about saving the world. Damn this cruel, disgusting place. I want no part in it. I'm finally free, so I scream out to my enemies." 

Alton's eyes widened as a sense of dread swept over him. Pulling Alice away, he turned to his allies, yelling out. "Everyone, get back!"

"Victoria aut mors!"

An explosion like no other was set off. One that tore right through the roof of the prison and could be seen for miles ahead. The mushroom cloud left a potent reminder of her raw emotion breaking out. Everything in a ten-metre radius was decimated entirely, leaving nothing to be desired, and anyone beyond that had to withstand the aftermath as the blast sent everyone back in an instant. Clumps of small stray explosions rippled off, bombarding the area as Scarlett stood in the middle letting everything out. Her face was caped in her own blood as she was floating in the air staring at the carnage she caused with nothing but a blank stare.

A portal opened just outside the danger zone. Alton and Alice fell out, coughing uncontrollably, covered in smoke and rubble. Alton fell to his knees staring at his single hand, which was bloody and worn down. Turning his head, he saw the explosion head's size matching that only of a nuclear explosion itself. "Scarlett, what the hell have you done…"

Alice stumbled back, being much better for ware due to Alton shielding her from the brim of the attack. "Are you alright?!"

"I'll be fine…" Alton whispered, helped up by Alice. "She's completely lost it."

"That explosion. It was unlike anything we had ever seen. Did she have that power all along?"

Alton stared at them, biting his lip. "Damn it, even after all this time, she's drowned in her guilt and anger. There's almost nothing left of the girl we once knew."

"She said she hates us. The look she gave us could that be true?"

"No… It's not; Scarlett is clinging to her old ways like her life depends on it. She's been brainwashed and taught from birth that the way of Syndicate is absolute. Now the family is gone, and her path is unclear. She's been given free will but doesn't know what to do with it. All she knows is how to act out her family's orders, and that's what she shall do."

"Would that have been me if you guys never stopped my father…"

"We don't have time for that. We need to get out of here now. She won't stop in this state." Alton claimed, taking a step, stopping in his tracks wincing. Gripping tightly, he grumbled. "That's not good."

Alton's head turned as an explosion crowed towards him. Pulling up an ice wall, it shattered, sending both friends back. "I will not let you escape. You will die here!" Scarlett screamed.

Alton stopped Alice shaking his head. "We can't beat her in our state. We need to run. I'll hold her off while you get a portal up to safety."

"That's going to take a while!"

"Don't worry about that. I'll buy you all the time you need." Alton claims, holding his arm creating a frozen hand where his own once was. Holding it out, he began firing out dozens of small projectiles, which were instantly destroyed by Scarlett. Jumping around, he swung his real arm up, creating a giant iceberg to block off the incoming fire. However, the explosion destroyed it entirely, leaving Alton open. "Crap…"

Scarlett held both hands together, screeching out. "This is where you die, Alton!"

The explosion rammed out, devouring the area. Out of desperation, Alton held his hand out, trying to do anything to stop it. To his utmost shock, he had stopped the explosion mid-flight. His body was glowing a fading green as he could barely keep it in place. Scarlett stared on, not believing her eyes. "Impossible!"

Alice grabbed Alton's hand, pulling him back. "It's ready!"

"You aren't getting away from me!" The portal rippled into existence, saving the two as Scarlett flew right past it as it closed on her. She stood in the empty fields staring on, unsure what to say. She saw what Alton did first hand, and it troubled her. "Alton's power inspiration… Why did it copy mine for? I sweat it the next time I see you, Alton. I'll kill you."

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