Chapter 239

Chapter 239: The Infamous Nobody and the Girl Who Lost Everything Part 1

Rhinefield was meant to be seen as the last city of humanity; after Sunset Peak's fall, there was nothing left in the outside world. At least that's what the vase population accepted; another lie spoon-fed to them by the CEOs. No, beyond the wall's way out past no man's land, there lives a brave group of civilization living their lives in the endless ice age, adapting and surviving. Only the strong survive here. That's a harsh lesson one particular girl had to learn all too quickly…


The doors to a worn-down pub burst open as the cold air rippled through, blasting everything off the tables that people weren't holding. Two children tried pushing the door closed with all their might, only for a tall bearded man with three coats on to slam it shut instead. The two children bowed to the man scurrying in, looking around for what seemed like someone in particular. At least a dozen sat huddled up around tables with serval coats and gloves on, trying to enjoy the little bit of peace they could have. All apart from one figure sitting alone wearing a single coat with their hood up and a scarf covering their face. The two children scurried to the bar, climbing into the chair as one cleared their throat, speaking up. "Can my sister have some milk, please?"

The bartender scoffed, pointing to the sign. "Sorry, kids, we ran out of that stuff weeks ago. All we have left these days for the likes of you is tea."

"We'll have some tea then, please…" He whispered, pushing some money forward which was just enough for one cup of tea. Sipping the tea once, he gave the rest to his sister as he spoke up, shivering. "Where can we find someone to help us?"

"You mean bounty hunters? The board is by the restrooms. Good help you kid if you need something like that."

While his sister was drinking, the small boy plopped down from the chair, wondering over to the board. Two men talked to each other, beer in hand, as they glanced down at the kid. "What's wrong little man? Looking to become a bounty hunter?"

Both laughed at this, egging him on. "You might be a bit small!"

The boy held out a small lump of coins, mumbling, stuttering over his words. "Please, free my village!"josei

"What's this now?"

The little girl kept sipping her tea, watching her brother with great concern. The lone figure noticed this, walking over to the bar placing a small set of coins down. "I'll have another soda."

"You know this stuff is in short supply."

Throwing more money onto the counter, they spoke in a disappointed tone. "Is that enough?"

"Plenty, miss."

Gripping the soda can tightly, the figure cracked it open, putting it in front of the girl. "I don't know anyone who likes tea."

The girl, slightly shocked, looks at the can before taking a sip of that, instantly gulping the whole drink down in shock of the taste. Before she could even put forward her thanks, the figure was already looking to leave, buttoning up their coat. Passing the large group, they stopped just shy of the door hearing the boy's desperate cries. "Please, I beg of you! She has my mother and the whole village!"

"Beat it, kid, we don't look for jobs from riffraff like you. Besides, that's nowhere near enough!"

The boy kept persisting, getting on the two bounty hunters' nerves. "I'll do anything! Once you save the village, we'll pay you whatever you need! Please, my sister and I need your help!"

"You know what? I'm feeling rather generous today, kid. If you hand over your money, I'll forget I ever saw your face."

"No, I need that money."

The sister ran over, trying to protect her brother shaking uncontrollably from fear. "Hey! That's called stealing; you're meant to be helping people, not stealing. You're no different to the people you hunt down!"

Drawing a knife from his pocket, he pointed it to the girl making her jump back in fear. "You better watch your mouth, little lady; you don't want to mess with us."

The boy held his sister terrified, whispering. "Please, mister, we're sorry. We need this money to save our village. Don't take it…"

"I don't care about your money; it's hardly anything no real bounty hunter would take it. I want your money because you have the nerve of pissing off the Delton brothers, the most prestigious bounty hunter family in all of Tenyua."

Before either one of them could bully the two children further, the figure turned around, speaking up. "How much have they got?"

The two bounty hunters stared on at the lone stranger snarling. "Enough for two rounds."

"Perfect. That's enough to settle for the drink I brought for them." They spoke back, walking around the tables facing off against the bounty hunters. Placing their hand on the girl, they tried defusing the situation. "I'll take these kids off your hand and do the job myself."

"You?! Who the hell do you think you are getting in the way of our business?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry were you going to take the job? I mean, bounty hunters shouldn't be picky these days with such little work left. If you want to take the job, don't let me stop you." Nothing was said in response as the figure took the two children by the hand. "Wonderful, a pleasure doing business with you two."

Walking towards the exit, the Delton brothers snapped, breaking their bottle barking. "Now just wait a second, lass we didn't say you could go! Who the hell are you?!"


"Well, nobody, you should know. Nobody tells the Delton family what to do!"

"Is that so?" She responded, moving her hand inside her coat. "You know you remind me of another snobby family I once knew. All talk and no bite, at least they had the power to back it up."

"You bitch!" He snapped, but before he could react, a knife was wedged into the wall radiating with electricity. "I can overlook what you say to me. But threatening innocent children like this. That I cannot overlook, they cannot avoid conflict, so I'll have to defend them, right?"

"Huh?!" The other brother barked before being blasted back with a high burst of wind crashing out the window, letting the cold air blitz through. All the others sitting around bolted up with knives and other sharp weapons at the first sign of trouble.

The two children edged back, scared as the girl patted them on the back. "It's alright now a hero is here to save you."

"A hero?"

Tearing her coat off, the drunks stepped back, startled by sight. A long katana made from pure electricity was on view as a cocky laugh came from. "My name is Zinnia Trost, a former member of Team Rhapsody and the greatest bounty hunter known in all of Tenyua! If you value your lives leave now!"

Zinnia waited for anyone to strike as she looked around the room. One brave idiot, in particular, was the first to try his luck leaping over the table knife in hand. Turning her arm, Zinnia ripped into a bolt of lightning, striking the man down, sending him flying across the counter's bar. Appearing again, she swept three more off their feet, kicking one back out the next window. Channelling all her energy, she swiped her blade around, leaving serval sparking stars all around the room, seemingly nothing. Her head turned as more rushed in for a fight. Aiming her katana down, she turned it, muttering to herself. "This is apart of me; feel my wrath. Thunderous flurry." Zinnia rippled between each of the points she left behind, creating an afterimage of herself cutting through any straggler in her path. Passing through the last one, she stumbled forward, catching her balance stabbing her sword into the ground. Each of her afterimages exploded into a wonder of lightning, taking out the last of the brawlers.

"I'll kill you!" The last Delton brother, sloppy, shouted, trying to tackle Zinnia. Passing right through her, echoes of electricity trickled off him as he turned, being stabbed right through the chest with her blade. Pinning to the floor, no wound came about buy instead, a bolt of lightning smashed through the roof, burning the man to a crisp, leaving him utterly defeated.

Zinnia spun her katana around as it vanished into thin air. Taking off her hat, she pulled out her short dirty pink hair, which was tied into a plaited ponytail. She turned to the children with a warm smile beyond the scars all across her face taking off her scarf. "Are you two, alright?" They didn't give a proper response; instead, just nodding still shocked by all means. Zinnia turned her head to the bartender throwing him a large pouch of coins. "Sorry for the mess… Hopefully, this covers the costs."

The bartender grumbled to himself, throwing his towel on the counter. "Damn heroes…"

Kneeling to the children's level, she handed them back their money. "It's not safe for children like you here. Get out of here."

"Weren't you going to help us miss?"

"I cannot. Sorry."

The girl looked up at Zinnia, whispering. "Why?"

"I just don't do that stuff anymore."

"You said you were a hero… What is a hero?"

Zinnia sighed, standing up. "A hero is someone who saves others in need… I used to believe myself to be one at one point in time. Turns out I was just a wishful dreamer; truth be told, I was never a hero… A hero doesn't run from their problems. I'm sorry you two find someone else."

Zinnia wrapped herself back up, bracing the storm leaving the right choice behind her. She stared down and just kept walking as she began mumbling to herself. The only thing being a hero is good for is getting yourself killed. That's what you believed, right, Alton? I can't believe it took me that long to realise that… There's no such thing as heroes…"

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