Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 177 - Ai The Allseer

Chapter 177 - Ai The Allseer

"Dage, ple-please let go of this lowly one I, I will take you to her,' stammered a terrified Tuzi that you would think he would piss his pants in the next second. He had been told if either Ji Wen or his son shows up he shouldn't bring them to her.

That's because she was tired of answering the same question. There was no trace of his wife anywhere so he would just have to move on but who would have thought Tuzi will get caught before he even went far. 

Ji Yao took a few steps back with a satisfied smile and gestured with his hand for him to lead the way.

Terrified out of his mind he took the lead in hurried footsteps. He led the two further away from the boisterous market turning three to four times in less crowded alleys before stopping in front of a restaurant called Spring Lily.

The name sounded innocent and charming that one would assume they serve sweet deserts and imported Jasmine tea but once one cross the threshold of the back door they would get a slap of reality. The restaurant was the furthest thing from the word innocent. In fact, calling it a restaurant was a crime in itself.

The place was dim-lit with a thick fog of smoke, a strong rancid smell of liquor and armpits with scattered gambling tables. Ji Yao and Xiaoyu seemed out of place as they stood there all clean and smelling like a fresh bed of roses.

Ji Yao took out a handkerchief and covered his mouth and nose with it before walking over to the Allseer's table after spotting her. Ji Yao stopped beside her while Tuzi interrupted her game whispering something.

She heard what Tuzi said and even reacted by raising a brow but she didn't take her eyes off the tiles on her table. It seemed she intended on giving them a cold shoulder. Ji Yao who was in no mood to fool around suddenly said, "She is marking tiles....."

This had the other three slumping back into their chairs looking rather upset. As though rubbing salt into the wound he also said, "You do realise she is the Allseer, right?" With a slight downturn of his lips, he continued, "That means she can see your hand."

Seeing how this brat had spoiled her fun she quickly grabbed her winnings from the previous round while cursing Ji Yao. "You are your father's son, do you know that? Fuckin prick," she said as she hurriedly passed her spoils of war to Tuzi who of course vanished before her opponents could even voice their complaint and snatch back the money.

A plus-sized beauty with a cleavage that was snuggly to lie on shook in anger as she pointed a finger at her. "You bitch! That's why you have been winning all this time? Give me my fuckin money back," she yelled before picking up a bench nearby where three men were sitting on. Like three bowling balls they rolled off the bench and sat their butts on the dirty floor. With an aggressive look in their eyes, they stood up to pick a fight.

But once they saw who it was they wilted before scurrying away. This lady was the very definition of iron man or skull crusher. No one messed with her. She raised that bench in anger intending to bash the cheating bitch's skull when a green light flashed freezing the entire restaurant or in other words the house of sin.

With a slight nod of his head, Ji Yao urged her to lead the way and so she did. Passing by the tables she didn't forget to grab a couple of coins before shoving them into her bosom. Her chest was soon jiggling with coins from her plunder.

The victims could only watch silently as they got robbed by that vile ugly man. They say vile ugly man because that's what they saw.

To everyone in this place, she wasn't a petite pretty lady but a disgusting old man. Because of her status as an Allseer, she wasn't allowed in gambling houses so she had to resort to disguising her true appearance. 

The trio exited the establishment while Xiaoyu inquired, "You must be famous around here and everyone knows you so why would they still gamble with you?"

The Allseer snorted coldly as she swept a piercing gaze past Ji Yao. "I had a perfectly good disguise but thanks to your boyfriend over here, he ruined a good thing. Why couldn't you just stay out of my business?"

She said all of that but all Xiaoyu grasped was the word boyfriend. A blush crept up her face as she bit her lower lip with a timid look on her face. Tucking her emerald strands behind her ear she smiled sheepishly while looking down.

But this little bubble didn't take long before it burst. "She is not my girlfriend," said Ji Yao as she led them into a praiseworthy restaurant with open space and lots of sunlight. The three were led upstairs in a private room overlooking the street which was the best room in the house.

Ai also known as the Allseer sat opposite Ji Yao looking so relaxed you would she think was the one going to pay the bill. Xiaoyu who had just taken an unnecessary hit because of this woman's big mouth had to retaliate.

She eyed her coldly and said, "Can you even afford this room?" Her question was validated. I mean she had just witnessed her robbing gamblers and place the money in her bosom. With the way she was also dressed one could tell she didn't belong in a place as sophisticated as this but she still chose this place.

Not taking any offence from the deliberate attack she smiled gleefully as a waiter poured some tea for them. "Daddy's boy will pay so what's there to worry about? I can even order every dish they serve and he wouldn't complain," she said with a smug on her face.

That was in fact true. His father paid so why wouldn't he pay? Especially when he wanted to find his father. Ji Yao didn't want to waste his precious time talking about such trivial matters so he said, "I need you to find my father."

Ai who had just taken a sip of her tea almost choked. How can one lose such a grown man especially when that grown man was an overprotective hen that never left Ji Yao's side? You would think he was bewitched by his own son.

After regaining her composure she said, "Maybe he took some personal time... you know..... getting laid. I mean even I noticed he is sexually frustrated. Why not just be a filial son and get with your girlfriend so by the time he comes back he would be a grandpa," as she wiped the corner of her lips.

Ji Yao, "..."

"Yao-ge," whispered Xiaoyu with a face as red as a lobster. action

"Just order food and stop listening to her nonsense," he replied without even looking in her direction. Xiaoyu obediently lowered her head concealing the bashful smile on her face.

Ai took a sip of her tea while watching this lovestruck teen. She pitied her for being stuck in unrequited love.. Unfortunately for her she soon fell into the same category ten minutes later when the door was suddenly pushed open.

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