Wake Up As Gay Werewolf Prince [BL]

Chapter 50

Chapter 50


Bai Chen suspected that his memory was unable to recall the right thing. As far as he could remember, Bai Lang had told him that his main mission in this world was to become an Emperor, and that was why he had decided to accept the mission instead of going straight to Hell.

The mission sounded cool the first time he heard it from the white wolf. Imagining when he finally usurped the throne and became the number one person in the Dong Lang Empire was indeed cool. An Emperor was like a president in his previous life, and he had never dreamed of becoming a president back then.

To become president in his previous life, his age should reach 45, and he needed to be elected by the National People’s Congress. He had neither in his previous life, and that was why he had never dreamed of becoming president.

However, the situation was different here. He was born the son of the Emperor, and he automatically got the title ‘Prince’ without needing to fight for it. He did not need people to vote for him, and he did not need to wait until he turned 45 either.

Everything sounded easy, and being the number one person in Dong Lang sounded tempting too. Therefore, Bai Chen immediately agreed to undertake the mission instead of going to Hell.

He was eager to land his hands on the throne, but who would have thought that the mission he had gotten from the system so far was far from leading him to become an Emperor?

His first mission was to bring a male prostitute to his palace. What did bringing in prostitutes have to do with his mission to become the Emperor of the empire? Would a prostitute be able to become his minister who would help him secure the throne? In all his life, he had never heard of a prostitute being a minister in a country.

And then the next mission was crazy too. The system asked him to receive a handjob from the prostitute he had brought from the Red Pavilion. How could that mission be related to his ultimate mission of becoming the Emperor of this empire?

Until then, Bai Chen had thought that the system was completely insane, but unfortunately, the madness of the system didn’t stop there. Just now the system gave him a mission to hire a prostitute as his new personal servant, and that mission was beyond crazy.


Bai Chen couldn’t help but suspect that the system might be hiding something from him. Yes, he suspected that the system was just trying to be a matchmaker, not an Emperor maker. Maybe the system was just a gay couple maker or something.

He could sense that something was off, but he tried to calm himself down as he questioned the system, ‘My main mission is to become the Emperor of this world, right? Why do I need help from a prostitute?’

Even though Zhu Ge was tall, handsome, and could be funny at times, Bai Chen still didn’t think that the man would be of any use to him. Seriously, did the system want to make Zhu Ge a minister after he successfully seized the throne?


Bai Chen felt like cursing again. It looked like he bought a cat in a bag if he blindly trusted the system. Both Bai Lang and the nameless system weren’t even living beings, and Bai Chen was also still suspicious of the two of them.

However, he assumed that he could ask for a guarantee in every transaction even if he couldn’t see the benefits of the transaction, and that was what he did the next second, ‘Can you guarantee that Zhu Ge won’t cause me more trouble in the future? You can guarantee that he will help me in the future, can’t you?’


Bai Chen was stubborn indeed, and the system no longer answered him as if it was too tired to answer any of his questions.

It seemed the system had the upper hand, but Bai Chen refused to give up as he tried to make another bargain, ‘Sys, if you don’t want to give me a guarantee, then I won’t accept the mission, and I’ll die right away because my points will be zero. Therefore, I will not be the Emperor of this empire, and this empire will meet its end, right? Is that the outcome you want to get?’

Bai Chen wasn’t sure whether his way of thinking made sense or not, but he made a bet while nervously waiting for the system’s response.


And Bai Chen felt like he had just seen the words ‘GAME OVER’ flash in front of him when he heard the system’s answer.

Groaning in frustration, Bai Chen finally decided, ‘Alright! I will accept the mission. Are you satisfied now?’

Bai Chen didn’t know whether he would regret this decision or not, but he could at least keep his precious 50 points in his inventory now.



Bai Chen did it for the sake of 50 points, and he hoped he wouldn’t regret his decision the moment he started to open his eyes. Another pair of blue eyes opened, but he found no one in front of him.

‘Strange. Both Zhu Ge and Ma Qiao should be there for me, right?’ He wondered when he found none of them with him.

“You can’t dig carelessly like that! What if there are ants in the ground?”

Ma Qiao’s familiar voice greeted his ears, and Bai Chen brought his body to turn around. He facepalmed when he saw how Zhu Ge and Ma Qiao were squatting with sticks in their hands.

Bai Chen rolled his eyes before asking, “Is the ant house finished?”

“Ah, yes! It’s almost done!” It was Zhu Ge who answered his question casually, but then the man in red froze before hastily rising from his position and dashing towards the white-robed Prince.

“Have you finished thinking about my request? Can I stay in this palace one more night?” Zhu Ge was very eager when he questioned the Prince, but the Prince remained calm when he heard the question.

“No. You can’t stay in this palace one more night,” the Prince replied firmly, and Zhu Ge gasped, while Ma Qiao clapped his hands in satisfaction.


“You can’t stay in this palace for one more night, but you should stay longer because you will be my servant from now on.”

Ma Qiao gasped, Zhu Ge clapped, and the system fell muted after hearing the continuation of Bai Chen’s speech.

“Do... do you mean you’re going to hire him as your servant, Your Highness? Then, what about me?” Ma Qiao sounded panicked as he immediately went to the Prince’s side and tugged at his sleeves like a child who didn’t want to be abandoned by his mother.

Right. Bai Chen just realized that the system didn’t mention anything about Ma Qiao. ‘Maybe it’s fine for me to have two personal servants?’ He thought as he glanced back and forth from Ma Qiao to Zhu Ge. josei

“You will still be my servant, Ma Qiao,” the brown-haired man finally decided. “You two will have different tasks, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

Bai Chen didn’t really think about the duties of the two servants, but he didn’t care because he just wanted to comfort Ma Qiao who looked worried now.

“But, you still can’t do it, Your Highness!” The older servant voiced his protest again. “Zhu Ge is just a prostitute, and having a prostitute as your servant will damage your reputation!”

‘Of course, I know about it,’ Bai Chen sighed inwardly. ‘But, what can I do if I got the mission from the system? I’m just a puppet in this world, and I don’t have the right to decide for myself.’

Bai Chen sighed heavily, but then he replied, “I’ve never had a good reputation in the first place. Hiring a prostitute as my servant won’t make a big difference.”

Hearing his master sound so desperate, Ma Qiao finally kept his lips in a thin line and didn’t protest anymore. However, he still glared at the red-robed man, earning a grin from the man.

“I’m going to hire you as my servant, so I have to go to the Red Pavilion to tell your boss about it, right?” This time, Bai Chen moved to question the young man standing in front of him.

“There’s no need to do that,” replied the raven-haired man. “Even if I don’t return to the Red Pavilion, my boss won’t try to find me.”

It was a strange statement from Zhu Ge, and Bai Chen suspiciously looked at the man. ‘He could calmly say that? Who is this man?’

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