Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1408 Playing The Auction

Chapter 1408 Playing The Auction

Lin Mu got to see hundreds of items getting sold in the auction which allowed him to get an idea of the demand there was for things like this.

It also got him more aware about the methods of people in the Rust Sky world. They certainly had deep pockets, but their problems were also the same as those in the mortal worlds.

They wanted to breakthrough and were stuck; there were even some that were sick or poisoned or some that just wanted to gain more skills. Lin Mu felt like no matter where he went in the universe, these problems would never change.

'These are the constants of cultivation and can only be overcome by reaching the very peak… but is immortality truly the peak?' Lin Mu wondered to himself often about this.


The sound of the gong brought him out of his thoughts as he saw the people beginning the bidding for the final item.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! For our final item, we have a very special material… I'm sure some of you already know about it, but now I'll confirm it for sure." The host started to entice the people and gestured for the servants to wheel in the next cart.

"The item is none other than… A Spiral Flake Crystal!" The host announced loudly.

"It really is a Spiral Flake Crystal!"

"See! I told you my information was accurate! You now owe me three mid grade Immortal stones!"

"We have to get this! The next years immortal herb harvest will be good if we can make a good preserving spatial storage tool."

The people in the hall talked loudly and were very excited. To them, the Spiral Flake Crystal was a long term investment. The normal resources like herbs and pills were consumable and would run out once they used them.

But the Spiral Flake Crystal was different. If they made a spatial storage tool from it, it could serve them for thousands of years to come. This was specially important for those powers who were involved in the cultivation of immortal herbs, fruits as well as alchemical pills.

Just the addition of this Spiral Flake Crystal would help them increase their production greatly and allow them to make better quality pills.

Not to mention, if they had no use for it themselves, they could still obtain it and rent it out to others for a good passive income.

No matter the person all of them wanted the Spiral Flake Crystal for themselves. It was the same case for Lin Mu too, but in his case he wanted it for an entirely different reason. It was a use that others didn't even know of.

"Bidding for the Spiral Flake Crystal shall start from…. Four High Grade Immortal Stones!" The host announced.


"We can't even begin to bid for this…" Over half of the people in the hall felt the pinch.

It was an amount they simply could not afford with the savings they had.

One might think that Four High Grade Immortal stones were the same as Four hundred Mid grade stones, but it was not the same exactly. While the amount of Immortal qi in each subsequent immortal stone grade rose by a level of 100, there was also the factor of rarity.

After all, in an average immortal stone mine, only 10% of the total immortal stones might be of the high grade. Thus, their supply was always low.

For most of the times, trading was done in mid grade immortal stones and high grade immortal stones were limited to either personal use, or refinement of other things.

The peak grade immortal stones were even more distant, being used very sparingly and often used as a tactical resource. It was rare for them to be used as currency and even if they were, it was in for very high level items such as peak grade immortal weapons and such.

"Eight high grade Immortal Stones!" A man sitting in the common area shouted first.

"And here we have our first bid, directly doubling the starting bid!" The host commented.

"Twelve High grade immortal stone!"

"Twenty five high grade Immortal Stones!"

But the first man's bid turned out to be useless the others started to double their bids one after the other. It didn't take long for it to reach nearly a hundred high grade Immortal Stones.

"One hundred high grade Immortal Stone! Anyone want to bid more?" The host asked, teasingly.

He knew that there were many people itching to buy it and them more he could drive up the cost it would be better.

"Three Hundred high grade Immortal Stones." After about ten seconds a price was thrown out.


The people in the hall were stunned after hearing a triple increase.

"Who even is that?"

"Tripling the prices? Are they insane?"

This time it was the people in the VIP section that were taken aback.

They had been bidding this entire time as well, but had only gotten the price to a hundred high grade immortal stones. But now it was directly 300 high grade Immortal Stones.

This was a large amount even for them, especially since they had bought other items too. They needed to watch how much they spent or it was easy to go broke.

"Tsk~ Tsk~ falling for something like this so easily." A woman sitting in one of the few VIP suits said.


She took a puff from the tobacco pipe and blew out a long stream of smoke.

She had a small mole under hear left eye and a long pipe was held in her hand. She was dressed in a pink and purple robe and seemed to be in her mid thirties.

And yet, she evoked a feeling of absolute seduction. Her hair was tied in a half bun and the rest of it just fell on her back. There were no ornaments in her hair though, being tied by just a black ribbon.

Her nails were painted red and looked to be a bit long too.

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