Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1409 Rising Bids!

Chapter 1409 Rising Bids!

The seductive woman watched as the Auction hall was sent into a tizzy by just one of her actions and rejoiced.

"Ah~ it's just fun watching plebeians squirm." The woman said with a lazy smile.

There were two other people in the suite as well with one being a man and the other a woman.

"Lady Kang, is this alright? Won't the auction manager be displeased with such suppression?" The other woman asked.

"Haha! The Auction manager? Is he even worth talking to. Simply by being in the Fifth Tribulation Stage of the Immortal realm does not guarantee that he can oppose me." Lady Kang chuckled not minding the words.

"Lady Kang is right. Besides our Great Kang Palace is of an equal status as the Black Candle Pavilion." The man sitting on the side spoke calmly.

"Mmhmm, If they dare to invite us to the Rust Sky world they have to bear the cost of me playing too…" Lady Kang said casually.

"If you say so my Lady…" The woman sitting next to her replied meekly.

"Let's see who is willing to bid next." Lady Kang said while looking at the screen with amusement.

For a minute, there were no bids, as if people were scared to speak. This was true on some level as the people in the VIP suits were often powerful and could not be messed with.

If they bid and the people in the VIP section took it as an offense, they might just end up losing their lives later. Thus they had to calculate everything properly, lest their decision brought about their doom.

But then there was a bid.

"Five Hundred High Grade Immortal stones." A new voice spoke.


"Five hundred High Grade Immortal stones! Who's bidding that much?"

"It came from the VIP section too."

"It was from that room!" Someone in the hall pointed.

"Oh? It's the Indigo World Hegemony's suite…"

"Fuck, we should have expected this…" The people in the audience cursed.

Even the people in the other VIP suites were a bit surprised by the price increase. They would have bid too soon, but the increase would be of just a few High Grade Immortal stones and not another two hundred High Grade Immortal stones.

"I thought we just had one absurd person, but now we have two."

"Tch, the people here have no bidding etiquette."

The people in the VIP suites couldn't help but complain too.

But two of these suits was surprised for different reasons.

One of the rooms belonged to Cong Shui while the other belonged to Lady Kang.

"The person from the Indigo World Hegemony truly is on another level… he can bid such a high amount with ease." Cong Shui muttered in amazement.

Her desire to meet such a person only increased more after this.josei

As for Lady Kang, she had an amused expression on her face.

"Hoho? There is actually someone that dares to bid like this." Lady Kang said feeling a bit pleased.

She turned to the man on the side and spoke, "who was the one who bid?"

The man simply looked through a small plate on his wrist and saw a name on it.

"The Indigo World Hegemony." The man informed.

"The Indigo World Hegemony?!" The woman sitting next to Lady Kang exclaimed.

Lady Kang furrowed her brows upon hearing this too and her amusement disappeared.

"When did someone from that place arrive?" Lady Kang questioned. "Don't tell me they invited them too," she added.

"No, my lady. The person from the Indigo World Hegemony arrived in disguise but was sensed by the auction manager. They haven't invited them." The man answered.

"Hmm… that's fine then." Lady Kang replied. "But if they had dared to invite both the Great Kang Palace and the Indigo World Hegemony together, I would not take it sitting down." A hint of anger appeared on Lady Kang's face, making her seductive charm turn fierce.

The woman sitting next to her gulped her saliva, knowing that their lady's enmity.

"My lady do you wish to…" The woman said in a low voice.

"No… let them be for now. I don't think it is anyone we know." Lady Kang replied.

The woman nodded and sat silently.

"Do you wish to bid more?" The man asked next.

"No… I lost my mood now." Lady Kang said and took a puff from the tobacco pipe.

She then closed her eyes and simply rested, having lost interest in the auction entirely.

Back in the hall, the commotion had never stopped and they were still in shock about it all.

"Hump! You think you are the only one who can afford it?" Someone in the VIP suite at the very end of the hall said out loud. "Eight Hundred High Grade Immortal stones." He declared.


"Looks like we have big tycoons among us! AHAHAH!" The host was greatly pleased.

"One thousand High Grade Immortal stones…" but the next bid took them by surprised.

"And the gentlemen from Indigo World Hegemony does it again!" the host said with a wide smile.

By now the normal people in the hall had given up and only stayed to watch the ensuing drama. They wanted to see who would be the final victor in it all.

"You think you are the only rich guy here?" Someone shouted from another VIP suite. "1200 High Grade Immortal stones!" he stated.

"GODDAMN! This is already worth a few high grade immortal weapons and tools." The people in the hall were feeling a rush of excitement.

If before they were disappointed from the rising bid, now they were just intending to watch the entertainment.

"1500 High Grade Immortal stones." Another big bid was thrown.

"The indigo world hegemony again!" the people were now interested in just how high this would go.

"1600 High Grade Immortal stones!" A VIP suite that had not bid so far also stated.

"Another tycoon!"

"2000 High Grade Immortal stones." The indigo world hegemony's suite was now the center of everyone's attention.

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