Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1483 Three Bigshots

Chapter 1483 Three Bigshots

Lin Mu had given his word to Alchemist Ruoxian that he would be available and didn't want to get swept away while cultivating again.

It actually made Lin Mu understand why several experts became secluded ascetics.

'Cultivation in solitude does feel appealing… the gains from it are pleasant.' Lin Mu thought to himself.

He even wondered if he should make an immortal abode and stay there for a few hundred years.

It was but a passing thought, and Lin Mu didn't take it seriously for now. After all, he had quite a lot of things he'd need to do before that.

"Come on Little Shrubby, we're going out." Lin Mu called out while picking up the twins.

Both of them were still in their dormant state, though their cultivation bases were steadily increasing. By now Lin Mu had understood that their capacity for Immortal Qi was massive, otherwise they could have easily triggered and Immortal Tribulation.

'I'll need to ask Saintess if they are ready for it. It'll be bad if they have it in the middle of a city, or if I'm in seclusion…' Lin Mu thought to himself.


And by the time Lin Mu, kept the twins in his robes, Little Shrubby was already waiting.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"To the city, and perhaps somewhere else too…" Lin Mu replied.

"Okay~" Little Shrubby responded while jumping to Lin Mu's shoulder.

In the courtyard, Lin Mu looked for the Saintess but didn't find her there again.

"I'll be leaving Saintess. I might head to the Desolate Blood battlefield too." Lin Mu said, hoping that the Saintess would hear him.

"Go… I'll be watching." A voice drifted into Lin Mu's ears a few seconds later.

Lin Mu couldn't tell where it had come from, but he was sure it was nowhere close. Which was true as the Saintess was currently thousands of kilometer above him.

She sat on a platform of clouds that was attached to one of the many asteroids that littered the atmosphere of the Rust Sky world. Invisible traces of energy swirled around the Saintess while her palms were curled in front of her chest.

Her postured didn't move at all when she had replied to Lin Mu, as if she had directly transmitted her thoughts.

"A Violet Mystic Life Tree has appeared… The Transcendent immortals will not stay still, and the hidden experts will come out…" The Saintess muttered while her eyes opened.

She gently looked down at the Rust Sky world and spoke, "I'll see what talent lies within the disciple of the Void Weaver."

After saying this, the Saintess controlled the asteroid and evolved it entirely in the clouds. A few minutes later the clouds expanded and hundred of asteroids were hidden inside them. But after some more time, all the asteroids disappeared and so did the clouds, as if they had never existed there at all.


And as if on time, three people appeared where the asteroids had disappeared.

One of them was the old man that the Saintess had scared away before.

The second was a middle aged man that had a long scar on his face along with a missing ear.

And the third was a man wearing yellow and green robes of an emperor.

If a few knowledgeable people saw this trio, they would be absolutely stunned. For each of them were bigshots of the Rust Sky world.

The man wearing the yellow and green robes was none other than Emperor Feng of Dao Wind Empire!

The man with the scar and missing ear was the Emperor of the Huiqing Empire!

"Uncle, there is nothing here." The Emperor of the Huiqing Empire spoke.

"I swear there was a someone here before. I could sense it even from far away." The old man replied.

Emperor Feng furrowed his brows before looking at the are deeply. He raised palm and pointed it at the area.


Wind Dao Traces directly poured out from his palm and filled the area. A few seconds later it was as if a hurricane had arrived, as nothing could be seen other than a swirling storm.

"Old Feng! At least tell us before you do that!" Emperor of The Huiqing Empire shouted.

The old man was fine though and simply flew back a bit.

"Did you find anything?" The old man asked seeing Emperor Feng's actions.

"Nothing."Emperor Feng replied.

"Nothing?" Huiqing Emperor repeated in confusion. "Then why did you do that?" he asked feeing displeased.

"Because there is nothing here, it just makes it more suspicious…" Emperor Feng replied.

"How so?" Huiqing Emperor questioned.

"It is too… clean." Emperor Feng answered. "As if someone intentionally hid everything here."

"You think so too?" the old man asked.

"Yes, uncle." Emperor Feng replied. "For it to be hidden this well… there aren't many methods." He spoke.

"What are you thinking? Dao of Illusions?" Huiqing emperor asked.

"No… As far as I know there is no transcendent immortal that is proficient in the Dao of Illusions in our world." Emperor Feng Shook his head.

"Formations then? The same effect can be achieved. And both you and I aren't skilled enough to detect transcendent formations." Huiqing Emperor guessed.

"I doubt…" Emperor Feng said before looking at the old man. "Uncle, your tamed beast was scared away right?" he inquired.

"Yes, Sha'er was terrified as if she had met her predator." The old man replied.

"Hmm… that can only mean a threat to its bloodline." Emperor Feng said before looking down in a particular area.

The Huiqing Emperor noticed where Emperor Feng was looking and understood something.josei

"You don't think it could be the Holy Topaz Empire, do you?" Huiqing Emperor asked doubtfully.

"If it is a bloodline that can threaten the Six Winged Bloom Tail crane then there aren't many options. The Holy Topaz Empire has the oldest foundation and also specializes in body cultivation.

It wouldn't be unusual for someone with a strong beast bloodline to appear there. After all, that and body cultivation go hand in hand." Emperor Feng said as a few thoughts went through his mind.

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