War Online

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: Invading Ormshire Island part 2

"I'm the successor of the Scarlet group"

"I'm the Prince of Llyne Kingdom"

"I'm the summoner of the guardian beast, Leo"

"I'm the only Angel-Dragon race player"

"I'm the strongest player in the world of War online"

"I'm one of the richest people in the world"

"I'm the destined protagonist of this era who traveled through time to the past"

"How dare this measly guard of an NPC that's made up of data dares to insult me… How dare he…"

Upon transforming into a full Dragon, Wil's thoughts were influenced greatly by the pride of a dragon race.

Feeling rage, arrogance, he spread his wings and roared at the remaining bunch of knights who are standing at the gate whose arms and legs are shivering as they pointed their weapons towards the Dragon with an intention to hold it down until the help arrives.

Looking at the knights, Wil sneered, "even the strongest is only level-236. What can you hope to do…"

One of them gathered the courage and dashed towards the Dragon but then, Wil opened his mouth and growled before enveloping the entire area at the gate in flames, burning all of them to ashes without heeding the warning from the system.

*Ding. You killed ten guards. Your status elevated to that of an invader. You will be resurrected in the prison if you were killed by one of the natives of the island.

*Ding. Do you want to challenge Hayward Geruntius and become the ruler of the island?

As Wil accepted the quest, the system sent him a quest, this time.

*Ding. You received a quest.

Description: You are challenging the Geruntius family's authority and take over the island. Kill at least half of the population of the city three-fourths of the knights who are loyal to the noble family along with the city's guardian before killing Hayward Geruntius.

Reward: Independent ruler of Ormshire.

As he accepted the quest, progress was added to the quest.

"I like this one…" 

If it was anyone else, they would have thought whether the system insane or something as it is normally the path of an evil ruler.

Even Wil usually think similar as even though they are just people made of data, killing innocents is something won't be acceptable to any sane person.

After all, they have nothing to do with the battle. It was one thing if they caught up but deliberately killing is a bit evil.

But, the present Wil who was on the path of insanity didn't try to think anything about it; instead, he even got excited about it. 

A massive grin appeared on Wil as he flapped the wings and fly past the city walls and started to continuously breathe out the dragon fire without caring about the mana consumption, burning everyone and everything inside of the city as if he was a wild creature.

The strangest thing Wil hasn't realized is that even though it can't be seen from the outside, his grin never left off his face as he was enjoying burning thousands of innocent islanders who were just running in the streets for their lives but failed to getaway.

Meanwhile, an army of more than a hundred soldiers that are marching down the streets, escorting a large range artillery weapon, resembling a mounted large crossbow that was usually used only to hunt large beasts.

Behind them followed three young men, who were carrying arrows that were as large as a man.

And in the midst of this, the nice young guard who ran away to report to his higher up at the first sight of the Dragon was slowly peeking from a corner of an alley a bit far away for an unknown reason.

"I hope that beast can survive this." As he glared at the mounted crossbow with a frown, suddenly, he discovered everyone halted their steps in the middle of a street, spotting the Dragon nearby.


As one of the soldiers who were carrying arrows loaded it to their weapon, another one pulled it hard and held it while another is adjusting the angle to aim at the Dragon. 

Meanwhile, Wil who was enveloping the city with an ocean of flames everywhere placed his attention on the quest progress.

Quest progress: Civilians: 2685/21672, Soldiers: 12/2114josei

"Still, lots to kill… Hmm, that area looks quite populated," thought Wil, as he glanced at the horde of people, escorted to somewhere safe by a few soldiers.

Titling his body to the left, Wil changed his directions and started flying towards them.


Right then, a large arrow took him by surprise and pierced a part of his neck causing a mild pain as if someone pierced his neck with a needle in real life.


*Ding. The bleeding effect is activated. You will lose 10,000,000 HP every second for ten seconds.

Wil immediately stopped and turned around to glare at the direction that arrow was shot at him.

It was only then, he saw an NPC army, loading another arrow into the large crossbow.

Wil raised one of his front limbs to take out the pierced arrow and dropped it onto the ground before flapping his wings to fly towards them.

"Fire. Aim at its eyes or forehead…" The General shouted on top of his lungs, looking fiercely at the Dragon.

The soldier changed the direction and aimed at the Dragon's eyes upon general's order as the latter realized the arrow didn't do much damage to Wil because of the scales on his back.

As the soldier was pulling it as hard as he can, aiming at Wil's right eye, all of a sudden, he released the arrow in the middle with less force and then, collapsed on the spot with a spear pierced his back.


The other two soldiers who were carrying arrows and adjusting the weapon respectively were stunned on the spot as they saw a hooded man took out the spear from their comrade's back.

Before they made a noise, suddenly two daggers were thrown towards them that pierced their throat and killed them on the spot while the concentration of the rest of the soldiers is on the Dragon that tilted to the left and easily dodged the incoming bolt.


Meanwhile, at the Summersoft Company, the GMs were on a discussion once again but this time, a little girl in her 3d projection is participating in it along with the Chairman.

"A lot of unforeseen events are happening in the past week," commented one of the eight GMs.

As everyone nodded in affirmation, another GM replied with a smile, "Well, as long as our Miss Aria is here, there's not much to worry, right."

"It isn't much," blushed the little girl after hearing praise from her colleagues. 

"C'mon, don't be modest. If not for you, we would have worked to death just to fix those little bugs and issues around. Maintaining such a large game isn't easy…"

"Yeah, that's right." "You are indeed awesome, Aria." "You are the best colleague we could ask for…"

Looking at Aria, who loves hearing praises from humans, was blushing with a smile, the Chairman sighed and grumbled silently, "look at these shameful guys, deceiving such a pure little A.I."

He cleared his throat and attracted the attention of the others, "okay, everyone, stop fooling around. Let's start talking about the second major update."

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