War Online

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: Lost Ship of Athledon

*Ding. You discovered the lost ship of Athledon. You received 500 fame points as a reward.

A large ship appeared in his view, which has a dozen canons installed on either side. The anchor was buried in the soil while a crane symbol was printed on a flag.

The happiness on his face faded away quickly as he neared it and saw several holes in the size of a basketball here and there as if some fleet ambushed it from all sides.

Athledon's Warship

Status: Damaged

Description: The legendary warship of Athledon that once conqueror the Grennola ocean.

Sighing with disappointment, Wil swam to the above to open the door on the top and saw the stairs that reach the dark lodging space.

With night vision goggles on him, the darkness inside wasn't a problem for him.

Just like the bottom of the ocean, everything was brightly lit up like a day in his eyes as he started climbing down the stairs.

Ignoring the first floor which contains nothing but cannonballs and canons, Wil climbed down the stairs to the bottom where there are barrels in the corner, gold grade swords along with skeletons, lying here and there.

Wil was taken aback as he looked at the heads of skeletons where instead of helmets, there are hats. Instead of armor, they are wearing normal outfits like t-shirt and pants.

"A pirate? Does this game have pirates? How come I never heard of it before? So, either the Pirates were a quest content or they were a hidden class. Well, not that I would care either way…"

As he continued to swim further, ignoring the bodies and low-level equipment on the floor, Wil reached a seemingly special room that was locked on the outside.

Intending to break the door with force, Wil changed into a humanoid dragon and punched it, testing his luck but as the door stood sturdy, a sigh escape from his lips, "I guess it needs a key."

"Hmm, wait a second. The Guardian..."

"That's right. I killed that shark. Let's see…"

Wil immediately searched his inventory and took out a key in happiness before trying to unlock it.

But, just a second later, the smile froze on his face as the key to unlock it.

"It isn't the key?"

Control key 

Description: key needed to open the control room.

"Hmm, Control room? So, what about the key to open this room, then? Did it wash away in this water?"

Wil mumbled as he turned his head to look at the openings from all the sides.


Wil inserted the key and unlocked the door and stepped inside the control room to see nothing but a huge steering wheel that's as big as him, a lever in the side to start the ship.

*Ding. Congratulations on acquiring Athledon's Warship. As the owner, you can place it in inventory.

*Ding. A warship panel has been added to the Character. Please enter its name.

As soon as he touched the steering wheel, the ship became his property but nonetheless, it wasn't able to start because of the damage.

Exiting out of the ship, Wil stored the ship into his inventory and checked the details while changing its name to Ravens.

Ravens' Warship

Grade: Legendary

Owner: Time Traveler

Status: Heavily Damaged

Durability (HP): 10 million (100 Billion)josei

Cannons: 35

Cannonballs: 196

Crew: 0


Invisibility (level 1): Can turn invisible for 1 minute. Cost: 100 mana. CD: 60 minutes.

Note: Invisibility wears off if you engaged in battle during the effect period. 

All out Canon: Take control of the cannons and fire cannonballs at the enemies without the need for manual labor for 5 minutes. Cost: 500 mana. CD: 120 minutes.

"Oh! 100 Billion of health? Nice durability. I guess it will be useful for the next phase. With it, I can..." 

*Ding. Someone is calling you from the outside world. Accept the call?

Looking at the number, Wil immediately picked up, "yes, Aster. is it done? Okay. We'll go tomorrow."


Two days later;

Heibei Corporation main branch, Ares City;

Lu Heibei and his new secretary were in a meeting with Bank of Ares' representatives.

"Based on our investigation, this company doesn't have a single major client. All left is the minor ones.

Judging by the state, our bank concluded that the company will be closed sooner or later.

So, we no longer wish to provide the loan," said a representative of the bank.

Then, the new secretary opened the file and projected it while Lu Heibei took on the explanation to convince them. 

"So, as you can see, shares have indeed risen by 6.9% in the past few days."

Just when one of them about to open his mouth, Heibei spoke, "I know what you are going to say.

It is true that I invested my personal fortune of over 150 million Yuan in the company but you should understand that it wasn't to stabilize the situation or maintain the share value.

I invested it for the sake of employees to make sure they can receive their salary at right time.

As for the clients, in the next couple of days, we are going to have a deal with Montex Corporation, and just this morning, we have signed a three-year contract with Textel."

Showing them the document, Heibei further said, "So, the issue with our backing already solved we don't have any problems. You can trust…"


All of a sudden, the door was opened with brute force.

"Hey, who the hell are you guys? Security…" shouted Lu Heibei angrily as he saw five to six tall and burly guys entered the room, disrupting the meeting.

"No need to panic," said a guy in his late thirties as he entered the room. Then, he turned towards the bank representatives and said, "I'm afraid the meeting is adjourned for today. You two can leave."

Shrugging their shoulders, the two of them stood up to leave as they aren't interested in the first place. "Wait," shouted Heibei stopping them and then looked at the intruder with a frown, "Who the hell are you to tell them what to do. Wait a second. I have seen you somewhere… Who are you?"

"Just an ordinary bodyguard. Anyway, I'm here to inform you that your Chairman is summoning you, downstairs to the board meeting," replied Aster with a smile before replacing it with a cold look, "If you are unwilling, the boys here will drag you with us. So, come with us without making a ruckus." 

Ignoring his threat in the latter half of the sentence, Lu Heibei slammed the table in front of him, "what are you spouting nonsense. I'm the chairman and CEO of this company. Rolf, call the security as well as police."

"I'm afraid you are fired by the board, Mr. Heibei. It was under the orders of the new majority shareholder" A reply was heard from his new secretary, who was standing behind, stupefying him on the spot.

"What… What are you talking about, Rolf?" Heibei turned his head with his voice quivering in disbelief.


In a meeting room, all of the board directors took their seats along with Lu Heibei who sat in a normal seat like them.

Staring at the empty chairman's seat, his legs shivered, his eyes and face turned deep red while the muscles inside of him quivering with rage. But, he wasn't able to move an inch because his hands and legs were tied to the back of the seat by the two bodyguards who are standing behind him as if he was a hostage.

Meanwhile, the board directors just ignored his situation and waited patiently.

A few moments later, Aster entered the room and announced, "Young master is here."

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