War Online

Chapter 147

Chapter 147: Taking over Heibei Corporation

"Young master is here. Everyone, stand up."

As soon as the words exited out of Aster's mouth, everyone stood up obediently with a smile.

Meanwhile, Heibei, who continued to struggle to get out of the ropes that tied him to the chair, was stupefied to see the uniformity in directors' actions.

As a bodyguard released the ropes and another one forced him to stand, and a growl escaped from his lips, removing the plaster on his mouth "You guys… Looks like everyone is in this scheme. So, who is that ba****d you became dogs for?

It's Textel, isn't it? I knew something was off when they tied up with our company in exchange for 18% shares… umpfff… mmm…"

His lips were once again sealed with plaster while his hands were grabbed tightly.

As the boardroom went into silence, Heibei heard nothing but footsteps from outside the corridor which are getting louder as time passed by.

Not long after, a 19-year-old Wil entered the room, walking towards the Chairman's seat followed by Aster, leaving behind the bodyguards outside while the directors bow lightly as a part of greeting.

"Is he the young master of Textel?" wondered Lu Heibei after calming down a little, realizing that he can't win against them.

But, to his surprise, Wil stopped on the midway just when he was about to pass him. 

Looking at him, a frown appeared on Wil as he asked, "What is the plaster for? And…" His attention shifted to the ropes that were scattered on the floor, "what are they for?"

"Young master, he's talking too much. So, we thought…" As one of the bodyguards trying to reply with the utmost politeness, Wil then interrupted him, "This is a boardroom, okay? Sigh… It wouldn't look for my image if you do things like that." 

Aster just stared at him with a deadpan expression, "aren't you the one who ordered me to inform such instructions…"

Shaking his head with a sigh, Wil proceeded to remove the plaster, maintaining a smile on his face, "sorry about that. As you can see, our boys tend to be violent sometimes. So, it's best if you quiet.

Or else, instead of plaster, I'll tell them to sew your lips to seal them permanently. So, don't force me to do that, okay. After all, we are all civilized men, right? White Tiger…"

Upon hearing his first half of the sentence, the directors stared at him in surprise as Wil was different from what they imagined him to be. After all, everyone in the room knew how scary Scarlet and the Mafia behind the group are.

But, then, the latter half of the sentence brought many of them already took out their handkerchiefs to wipe off their sweat even though the air conditioner is working very well.

On the other hand, a trace of fear appeared in Lu Heibei's eyes. Looking at Wil's smile, resembling a devil's in his eyes, a shiver swirl up from the back of his legs to the spine, his voice quivered as he bellowed, "Your voice… You are him, right? How is this possible for a damn net café owner to become the chairman… No, I f*****g don't believe it…"

But, all of the words stuck inside his throat, and no sound came out of his mouth.

Realizing that WhiteTiger isn't in a state to answer, Wil walked past him and took his seat before addressing everyone.

"Hello, I'm Williard Ravens. I guess most of you probably got the notification that I was nominated as the Chairman of this board by the shareholders along with firing Lu Heibei, judging the crisis we are facing.

As the interim chairman and the majority shareholder of this company, I'm taking some steps to improve our image and financial situation."

Aster then, handed over the files to everyone. As they started reading, Wil spoke, "here are my propositions. The first step is to change the company name to a better one.

That's why the name will be changed to Ravens' Corporation from now onwards.

The second step is to annexing it into our parent company, Scarlet group.

The third step is…"

As Wil was reciting the steps they were going to take, everyone held their breath in shock and quietly listened while glancing at each other from time to time.

Finishing his speech, Wil folds his fingers while resting his elbows on the table, before leaning forward a bit to look at the board members, "You can read the documents in the file about the benefits we are going to receive from it.

But before that, we need a new CEO, as well as the chairman of this board as I will be busy band, can't afford the time.

You can discuss among yourselves and propose a few names, which I will select one, later.

So, if anyone has any objections to the changes, you are free to speak. We can discuss it."

Looking at the silent boardroom members, Wil turned his chair towards the side while crossing his legs, "seems like no one has any objections. Okay, then, everyone can leave now. And notify all the Presidents of the branches about the changes we are going to implement soon."

"What the hell is going on…" Lu Heibei just sat in a daze for a long time before Wil tapped the table with his fingers to bring him into senses.

Looking at the empty room, Heibei mumbled, "What just happened? Where has everyone gone…" As Wil once again tapped the table, gaining his attention, Heibei stared at him in confusion, still wasn't able to realize the whole situation of what's going on...

Maintaining a smile on his face, Wil then spoke, "Lu Heibei, after the death of your father, you started with being Chairman of the company, holding more than 35% of the shares.

You have hundreds of millions of dollars, a lovable girlfriend, and a guild with a large number of subordinates.

But, just within a month, you lost your shares and ended up as the minority shareholder with only 13.65% shares left, losing your position as CEO and the chairman, losing your guild, and now, even your company name.

How does it feel to see your world turn upside down?"josei

Heibei sat there like a statue, not daring to move around while having a lot of thoughts emerging in his mind upon hearing Wil's words.

Upon seeing no response, Wil thought he was shocked. Intending to interrupt his thoughts, Wil then, asked, "you are wondering where everything went wrong, right?"

As Heibei came out of its thoughts and slowly turned his head and looked into his eyes with his deep red eyes, a wide smile appeared on Wil as he stood up from the seat, "let's just say everything you have done until now for the past month and everything that happened with you is because of me. Confused, aren't you?

Go to your home and think, think, and think..."

Wil then started walking away, leaving Heibei alone.

Heibei was still silent, not moving an inch, controlling all the raging muscles, quivering voice that's tempting him to go wild.

But then, just before he left the room, Wil, once again, opened his mouth, "Oh, you aren't the part of the board anymore. So, you don't need to come to the company anymore... Goodbye..."

Heibei collapsed on the chair as Wil left the place. Grabbing his head, he roared as he threw the file, "Time Traveler…"

Meanwhile, at the unknown Research laboratory, the test subject was sleeping in a capsule while the researchers are monitoring the status...

"65%... 70%... 75%... 80%... 85%... 90%... 95%... 100%..."

"Integration successful."

She opened her eyes, looking blank.

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