War Online

Chapter 162

Chapter 162: Rebellion part-8

Outskirts of the wild zone, Llyne Kingdom;

*Ding. You heard the raging roar of a guardian beast. Your stats drop by 20% for the next 30 minutes.

"Eh? A stat drop? Is it like Leon's roar?

Well, it doesn't matter since my stats are increased by 100% because of the golem." Wil then proceeds to inspect the beast before him.

Pegallio (Final Transformation)

Status: Mutated

Grade: Legendary+

Level: 200

HP: 2.02 Billion/ 2.08 Billion

Attack: 19.2 million

Defense: 24 million

Crt rate: 200%

Crt. Resist: 200%

Increase Damage: 50%

Decrease Damage: 50%

Description: Ancient beast form of Pegallio.

"So, Everything increased by twice while its defense increased by 10 times. There are also two new stats. I forgot that despite having high HP, in the end, it's still only a level 200 monster. Killing it is a simple matter for the current me.

The only issue is that what ultimate skill that it gained to counter me. I don't have much of the skills left. Sigh… I miss my book of destiny even more, now. If only I have it, this battle would have been over in an instant…"

Inspecting the giant bipedal white crocodile with spikes on its back that let out a powerful roar, Wil came back to reality but didn't stop the Giant Earth Golem that was rushing towards it, shaking the ground.

"Smash that head, Golem" mumbled Wil in a low tone, standing on top of the Golem waiting to release the arrow at the right time.

As the Golem leaped towards the beast, raising its fist to smash its head, the fourth prince ordered, "Pegallio, use Water blast."

Gathering a huge amount of magic power, it blasted a huge volume of water at high power to knock off the Golem.

"Hmpf, do you think, it can block my Golem's punch that's four times more powerful than my attack?" Wil snorted, without worrying about its counter.

Just as Wil expected, as the water blast collided with the Golem's fist, the latter continued to proceed, pushing away the water to the side and landed a punch on the upper part of the mouth.


"What! My Pegallio in its final transformation is defeated by a mere punch?" The fourth prince widened his eyes in shock before he shouted, "Pegallio, use Ice bite and freeze it to death."

*Grrr* Letting out a growl, the crocodile opened its mouth, transforming its sharp teeth into ice before biting the golem's hand that was just a foot away from it. 

Meanwhile, seeing the damage appeared on its head, Wil nodded with satisfaction and then ordered while looking at the beast, "Golem, don't stop. Smash its head until it turns into a paste."

As a puppet, it didn't hesitate to follow its order and proceed to punch its head with the left fist after realizing its right fist is now being bitten by the enemy's teeth while slowly transforming into ice.

"347,364,098" Another damage appeared on the crocodile's head, taking off a huge chunk of HP.

Looking at the frozen right arm of the Golem, the fourth prince spoke loudly, not bothering to hide his wide smile, "yes. That's it. Don't stop…"

"Your highness, look out…" Skyzon, who was spectating the battle from the start, ignoring the massacre that's going behind him, shouted to alert the fourth prince.


Upon hearing the warning, as Wiscar moved his eyes, he saw an arrow, frozen in ice was released from the bow.

Looking at the icy blue arrow that was piercing through the wind, the fourth prince snorted, "Hmpf, do you think you can sneak up on me? This elemental arrow isn't even any special…"josei

Tightly grabbing the spear in his hands, the fourth prince once again, motioned it horizontally at the perfect timing to slash it apart.

But, this time, just as the ice arrow and the spear collide, the arrow didn't break off and pushed the spear away before piercing his upper abdomen, and freezing him for a second.

*Crt "1,004,772,542"

"Caught you, Wiscar." A smile appeared on Wil, ignoring the Golem that was frozen in half.


Realizing its master in danger, the beast quickly left the Golem and attempted to use the water blast to increase the distance between them.

Before the fourth prince resisted the freezing effect due to the level difference, and the water blast hit them, Wil spoke, "Activate, Gravity Suppression."


As soon as the words escaped from Wil's mouth, the entire sixty-meter surroundings faced a huge suppression from above and a part of the player army was crushed to the ground, along with the crocodile with its prince.

Pulling the string, an arrow imbued with fire element was conjured between his hands.

"This is for daring to invade my kingdom and interrupting my busy schedule."


As he released the string, making a thundering sound in the fourth prince's ears, a fire arrow struck into his chest.


"Argh…" The fourth prince grimaced in pain as his HP fell into the last 30%.

"This is for daring to underestimate me and facing me, all alone."



"And this is for letting your underlings insult me."


*Crt. "899,474,992"

*Ding. You killed the fourth prince of Zuweth Kingdom. You receive 10,000 War points as a reward.

*Ding. You are marked as the enemy of Zuweth Kingdom. 

As soon as the fourth prince got killed, the white crocodile beast disappeared from the battlefield, returning to its home.

Meanwhile, Skyzon, who was stuck on the ground, facing an enormous gravitational pressure below him, let out a curse, "F**k. The worst thing has happened. This f*****g monster destroyed all my plans. My 5 million credits reward…"

As he was busy crying out in frustration, a paw appeared in his view and he blacked out.

*Crt "-548,384,223"

*Ding. You were killed by Leon.

For some reason, the winged-Lion stared at his corpse in annoyance for a second before it disappears from the spot.

"Leon, return here." An order appeared in its mind.

Glancing at the ten beasts that are cleaning up the battlefield, it returned to Wil, who mounted on top of it and then caressed its mane, "good job, Leon. Now, let's go to the palace and save Mirella."


Giving a powerful roar, it flapped its wings and started flying towards the capital city while Wil left the party.


Meanwhile, on the top of Merton sea, the expression on Archangel Nebula darkened as he stared at the corpse of the fourth prince on the battlefield. On the other hand, Archangel Raziel's face lit up in happiness, "see… That's the power of our Llyne's crown prince. Let me give you one more piece of news.

With him, guarding the northern part of Llyne, even after the barriers weakened and disappear, your kingdom won't able to invade in the future."

*Pfft* "Hahaha…" All of a sudden, Archangel Nebula started laughing like crazy before he spoke, "you truly overestimate this kid's strength. But, anyway, the life of the fourth prince no longer matter since your half-breed of a king won't be able to sit on the throne much longer."

Happiness on Raziel's face quickly faded away and turned into a frown as he asked, "what do you mean by that?"

Looking at his silence, Archangel Raziel turned his attention towards the palace where the battle is still going on between the army that was loyal to the throne and the combined army of players and NPC rebel army.

"Hmm, the situation is the same. What is he talking about?" Then, his attention turned to the rest of the kingdom and was taken aback to see a lot of natives in a few cities except for the capital are marching down on the street, protesting against the King that a non-human don't have a right to sit on the throne and rule them.

"You... What have you guys done?" Raziel growled in anger.

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