War Online

Chapter 163

Chapter 163: Rebellion part-9

"You… What have you guys done?" growled Raziel in anger.

Archangel Nebula shook his head, "I swear we aren't responsible for it. In fact, not even our king knows that Llyne's ruler is a half-breed. You should blame for watering the poisonous plant in your own garden. Now, that plant is destroying all the beautiful flowers."

"Rikilda…" whispered the Archangel before he clenched his fist, "I knew that damn idiot must have told his sister. Is she the one behind this rebellion, not Aiden and his son, Nukegan? But, how do I miss this?"

As Raziel turned his head in the direction of the capital city and inspected the mansion of the grand duchess, he saw she was just sleeping in her bed. But, what more strange is that her stomach is bulging.

"Hmm?" Looking at her state, Raziel was taken aback in shock, "What is this? Just a while ago, she's normal. Now, I sense a new life inside her. Is she pregnant? But, that seemed like the fetus is atleast six-months-old. How is this possible?"

Concentrating on her belly from far away, Raziel's frown deepened, "it's becoming bigger. 28 weeks 3 days? Wait, 28 weeks 4 days? It grew up a day in a few seconds?"

"What! I need to take a look at this." Raziel immediately tried to teleport to her side but then, suddenly, a barrier was formed around the two of them, blocking his movements. "You can't leave from here, Raziel. I'm warning you, again. If you interfere, I'll have to attack you and hundreds of thousands of innocents will die as a result.

Since there's no longer heaven and hell, their souls will vanish for good in the cosmos. If you want that, then, go on…"

A warning echoed in his surroundings, despite there's no presence of mountains. 

Upon hearing the warning of Nebula, Raziel clenched his fist and turned his head towards him, "then, explain what is happening?"

"Not now. You should wait for a while in patience and watch the events that are unfolding," replied Nebula in a serious tone.

Meanwhile, Leon was flying towards the capital city at a top speed, ignoring the fierce battle between the players and the enemy soldiers, which was happening near the outskirts of Blackburn city.

Opening the map, Wil mumbled without paying attention to the front because of blurry surroundings and heavy wind pressure against him, "The capital city is still around 500 km away. Judging by the current speed, it'll still take an hour."


The Gailzach Kingdom, North Zalfari continent;

"One" "One" "One" "One"

The capital city is filled with cheers of the players who support the guild 'Zero,' publicly acknowledged number one guild in the kingdom, while the natives are hiding in their houses in fear and mourning for their families.

As for the rival guild players, most of them logged out.

The person in question, 'One' was walking in the streets towards the Imperial palace, filled with pride with his guild players following him from behind.

Reaching the palace, he found the old man, the only one left from the enemy's forces, and greeted him with a nod before proceeding to enter the palace with him.

As they reached the courtroom, 'One' found the low-level ministers who didn't bother to participate in the war, waiting for them in their seats in silence while the King's throne is empty as the defeated king left no heirs behind.

"Lord Archon." 'One' gestured him to please go and sit in the empty guardian's throne.

Walking towards the throne of the guardian, where Archangel Araqiel once sat, Archangel Archon then opened his mouth, addressing everyone, "as you all know, King Micah Gailzach is killed in the battlefield and, Kingdom of Gailzach will serve the Kingdom of Talion from now onwards.

No one spoke a word in fear of the Archangel as they don't even dare to speak against him nor do they have the power to go against even 'One' as their army has been wiped out.

"Once the barrier dissolves, this kingdom will merge into our Talion kingdom. However, to this brave and powerful warrior, I promised a reward.

Using my rights as the Guardian of Talion, I hereby appoint 'One' as the Governor of Gailzach kingdom.

Once the Empire of Talion is formed, his status will be changed to that of a King."

*Ding. You are appointed as the Governor of Gailzach province.


As 'One' accepted the reward, a system notification was heard over the entire kingdom, putting fear in his enemies.

Looking at the Cheers from the ministers, whose expressions transformed as soon as the notification was sent to everyone, a smile appeared on 'One' as he clenched his fist, "in authority, I think I already surpassed you now, Time Traveler. The only thing that's left is to check, how my current strength fares against yours. I wait for the day we battle again."

Without wearing a crown, 'One' sat on the throne while the guardian's throne beside him disappeared.

At the same time, in the volcanic region of level-200 wild zone, a two-meter big and 3-meter long Jaguar was attacking an energy barrier that closed the path of the cave just a while ago, where it was residing.

After attacking for so long, it turned around and walked back to the resting place before it went into hibernation.


 Weford City, Searvale Kingdom, Xynnar Continent;

In the city of Weford, lies a busy guild residence where the Elf-race players keep going in and out, all day.

Entering the guild residence of Galaxy Net, which is currently serving as the HQ for their operations in the game, a sweet voice was heard at the entrance reception. "Is Uncle around?"

As the male receptionist stares at the person in a daze, the female receptionist who was sitting beside him, gave a chop on his head, bringing him back to reality, and then, replied to her with a bow.

"He's in the office, Kiyumi-sama."

Giving a nod, Kiyumi proceeds to the guild leader's office and found a middle-aged man in his mid-fifties reading some reports. 

"Uncle, one of the results is out. Talion occupied Gailzach and 'One' is appointed as the Governor," spoke Kiyumi with a respectful tone.

Galaxy net's former Vice-President, Miyazaki Shihei (ign: Middleman) responded without looking at her, "as expected. What about the remaining three wars?"

"In the South Zalfari continent, the Kingdom of Pirn winning against Ayrith as we predicted before.

In the northern part of the Xynnar continent, the Kingdom of Everton is successfully defending against Arkaley at all battlefields.

As for Llyne, things aren't going the way, we predicted," replied Kiyumi.

It was only then, did he raise his head and takes a look at her, and said, "Tell me the detailed progress of the Llyne Kingdom."

"The situation is complex in Llyne. According to our reports, the two Archangels haven't been sighted anywhere. I think, they decided not to involve in the war.

Strangely, the Queen also hasn't been sighted yet.

Meanwhile, in the first battlefield at Blackburn city, the Starlight guild is working together with the imperial army to face the enemy. They are in a deadlock as we expected.

In the second battlefield at East Ocean city, the guilds seemed to abandon it and joined the rebels to fight against the Royal knights at the imperial palace.

But, strangely, the Scarlet guild didn't join them and are sighted at the Blackburn city, just now. I wonder if their alliance is broken.

In the third battlefield, Mr. Ravens logged in at right time and took care of the enemy's leader, the fourth prince of Zuweth kingdom, all alone, despite a level difference of 167. It's confirmed that he's in the possession of a guardian beast.

With this, we can also confirm that guardian beasts can also bypass the restriction placed by the system.josei

If we go by the theory based on reports, then, there's a possibility, he can turn the battle around but in reality, there are opponents who are even stronger than the fourth prince. So, there's a high chance that he might fail."

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