War Online

Chapter 164

Chapter 164: Rebellion part-10

Imperial palace grounds, Llyne kingdom;

"C'mon, guys. Don't hesitate and worry about death. We aren't receiving any penalty. I told you that I'll pay the teleportation fees, later," yelled the leader of the Evernight guild, as he cut down an enemy player, feeling frustrated about seeing how their strength is decreasing rapidly.

HeavenlyKing, the leader of Heaven guild commented, "Maybe, it is because the word was out that Time Traveler ordered his guild to pull back, and he intends to support the throne."

Upon hearing his words, Supreme Master paused for a second before letting out a snort, "nonsense. Don't believe any words unless you hear directly from ShadowBlade or Time Traveler."

HeavenlyKing stared at Supreme Master in silence before asking him slowly, "are you betraying our alliance?"

"Huh! What are you talking about?"

HeavenlyKing shook his head, "Sorry, wrong question. I'll ask the right question this time. Are you betraying Time Traveler?"

"What!" Supreme Master flustered for a second before replying in a serious tone, "Don't spout nonsense. What we are doing will turn in his favor. No one in the right mind will choose to support the King."

"Did you really not know what's going on or are you in complete denial, cousin?" A familiar voice was heard from behind him.

Hearing the words of Green Lantern, as a frown appeared on Supreme Master, Heavenly King spoke, "a while ago, Time Traveler defeated Zuweth's prince along with general and royal knights as well as massacring a ten thousand player army. Everyone in the forums is talking about it. Pay attention to your guild channel for a minute."

It was only then, Supreme Master realized there are not only atleast a dozen private messages to him from the other clan leaders/vice leaders who are fighting away but his guild channel is full of discussion about the video someone uploaded in the forums.

*Argh* A moment of distraction led a sword pierced in his chest taking away a chunk of HP before he kicked the enemy and increased the distance between them. "Heavenly King, cover me for a second."josei

As Heavenly King shielded Supreme Master, the latter went into forums and saw a couple of videos that were taken from far but one can see a few important details like a sword destroying the dragon; Wil freezing hundreds of players with a single arrow; then, turning into metal before summoning a winged-lion; a faceoff between a Giant Golem and a bipedal crocodile; Appearance of Ten high-level heroic beasts all of a sudden in the midst of enemies causing a ruckus; finally, the disappearance of the beasts with Wil flying away.

"It's impossible. Didn't they say that the prince is above 350 level? How did he get defeated so easily?" Supreme Master mumbled in a daze.

"Hmm? Who?" As Green Lantern asked in curiosity, all of a sudden, a part of the second floor of the Imperial palace exploded and a middle-aged stout figure flew before crashing onto the ground followed by a busty maiden in exquisite armor, who slowly landed before him.

Just at that moment, the battlefield went silent as everyone stopped fighting; some are anticipating the quick result while the others are shocked to see, dark bluish massive wings, unnaturally beautiful, with an almost translucent leathery material between the wing bones.

While the armor covered the dragon scales on her skin, the pupils in her eyes that changed into deep red slits were evidently seen by many of soldiers and the players who stood near to her.

"Duke Nukegan, do you really think you can weaken me with such a mere poison?" spoke Mirella as she pointed the Imperial sword to his throat, ignoring her surroundings.

Groaning in pain, Duke Nukegan slowly stood on the ground and then started to laugh crazily.

"Hahahaha… Mirella, you have now exposed yourself." Looking around the soldiers who were in disbelief, the Duke started to shout, resorting to his final trump card, "See at your king, my fellow soldiers. Do you still want to serve this filthy beast?

Let me tell you who she really is. Did anyone remember the beast from 30 years ago that massacred so many innocents and fellow soldiers? Our King also defeated and captured it.

She's the daughter of her.

This imposter killed our late Princess and replaced her. Who knows, to take revenge for her mother, she might also be the one who killed our dear late King. Join me and capture this filthy creature."

Upon hearing his words, the loyalty of half of the soldiers on the palace's side started wavering and slowly dropping, waiting for Mirella to explain herself.

But, contrary to their expectations, a word hasn't been spoken by Mirella causing a strange silence across the battlefield.

Meanwhile, the player army of rebels misunderstood that this might be the reason behind the rebellion.

She just stared at him in silence, making the duke's heart quickened its pace in worry whether his plan worked or not.

Right then, one soldier raised the sword, breaking the silence, "a beast has no right to sit on the throne and rule us. Kill this creature."

"Yes, let's kill this beast." "Kill" "Kill" "Kill"

As Mirella didn't refute the allegations, slowly, one after one, more than half of the soldiers turned against her and joined the rebels, who were their enemies just a while ago.

The players supporting the king went into a panic as the situation turned upside down. Unlike the soldiers, as they can't support the rebels because of the quest, a few of them quickly logged out to escape. 

Thinking that he made the right decision, Supreme Master no longer thought of Wil and spoke in a loud tone, supporting the duke, "what are you still hesitating for?"

Upon hearing the chants around, a smirk appeared on Nukegan, "what will you do, now, Mirella? Will you surrender yourself or will you prove yourself that you are a beast by following the footsteps of your mother and kill everyone who stands before you?"

In response, Mirella's face turns cold as she brandished the Imperial sword, "since the beginning of the times, those who betray the throne will only face with one judgment."

As she flapped her wings, she dashed like a flash of lightning and the Imperial sword slicing Nukegan's throat, beheading him in a single strike.

The faces of young players who saw a headless corpse from very near became pale and felt the urge to vomit. 

Pointing the sword at the soldiers around her, her voice deepened, "what are you waiting for? Since you decide to rebel, come on, then."

"Father!" A cry was heard from far away. Pushing the soldiers that were in his way, a young man sprinted towards the dead body and held the duke's body. "You…"

As his eyes became red, he bellowed in anger, "I'll kill you…"

"Attack with everything you have got." Supreme Master ordered the damage dealers to shoot at her from the distance while ordering the melee players to back off since it looked dangerous to face her head-on.

*Cling* She blocked the attack of the young man and gave a fierce kick in his abdomen before suddenly placing her attention to the sky, "I knew you will not betray me, younger brother." Mirella whispered with a smile and controlled her wings to cover her, blocking all the attacks that were raining upon hear.

Finding a part of her back that exposed to attack, General Adinet, who was on the side of rebels, decided to use the opportunity, raised his spear and mumbled as his eyes turned pitch black, "spear of death."

The soldiers around him, whether they are allies or enemies, started to feel as if something is draining their life force and quickly, they became corpses while an aura of darkness slowly enveloped the spear.

Upon completing it, the general quickly dashed take a detour, and threw it towards the vulnerable part, "Yes, as long as it pierces her skin, the battle's over… And I'll be the one to perform the finishing strike and get the reward of a hundred thousand gold coins… hehehe…"


All of a sudden, a powerful roar of a lion was heard across the city.

The aura of darkness quickly disappeared just before the spear pierced the back of her right leg, leaving him in shock.

Meanwhile, the players who were on the side of rebels were also stunned to find their skills in grey followed by receiving a notification.

*Ding. You are affected by the Roar of the King. All of your skills will be locked for 30 minutes.

"I'm sorry for being late, your majesty." A voice was heard from the sky, making everyone raise their heads.

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