War Online

Chapter 171

Chapter 171: Birth of Lupin part-4

*Ding! The equipment is the property of the Imperial Palace. Stealing it makes the equipment unavailable to use or sell. Only an NPC can use the equipment.

"So, only NPCs can equip it, huh!" Wil commented, looking at the notification.

'Well, No matter. I have an army, now. I can give these pieces of equipment as rewards to my loyal generals.

Once my meeting is done with Rikilda, I'm sure more will be defected from the Kingdom and join my army.'

While Wil was busy in thoughts, another notification from the system bring him back to the reality 

*Ding! Prince medallion is detected. The equipment can be rented for 7 days at the price of 500 fame points. Proceed?

Wil quickly dismissed the notification with No, and threw the equipment in the inventory, and proceed to walk towards the next equipment that looked like an accessory.

After transferring all the legendary equipment in the inventory, Wil then threw all the gold coins.

Two hours later;

Taking the last batch of gold coins in his hands, Wil sighed in relief, "finally. With this, everything is finished."

Placing them in the inventory, Wil saw the tab above the inventory that was displaying the stats and a wide smile appeared on him.

Gold coins: 2,184.

Locked Gold coins: 1,632,876.

Items: 19425

Equipment: 432.

"1.6 million… Wow… More than I expected." Wil was amazed to see the staggering amount in his inventory.

He was overwhelmed for a moment, remembering, even in his past life, he didn't gather that much amount in 3 years of gaming.

Staring at the empty treasury, Wil grinned widely, "Now, let's see how Rikilda will react to my present for her coronation."

Just as he was about to leave the room, Averil once again whispered in his head. 

'Are you forgetting something?'

"Hmm?" Wil wondered what it is.

"You are forgetting to leave a message," replied the dragon princess.

'Ah! That's right.' Upon remembering it, Wil returned to the middle of the treasury and then, took out a hundred locked coins from his inventory and proceed to arrange them on the floor.

'Good.' Wil nodded in satisfaction before leaving the palace, changing his clothes to a soldier once again, and logged out.

The next day morning, a new chapter begins for the Llyne Kingdom as well as for Rikilda Llyne.

Despite having a fear, the streets of the ruined city of Llyne was filled with a crowd, welcoming their new ruler.

The players who were on the side of rebellion are also happily welcoming her with smiles because of receiving legendary-grade equipment along with an enormous amount of fame points that made every one of them, a Baron.

Meanwhile, with a troop of thousand soldiers accompanying her, Rikilda Llyne proceeds towards the Imperial palace in her legendary-grade defensive item, a palanquin.

As the troop reached the palace, they saw the ministers lined up at the entrance, displaying panic and fear on their faces.

General Gawyne, who was leading the troop, frowned upon seeing such a sight, misunderstanding that they are afraid of their new Queen.

Still, he didn't comment anything because of the presence of Raziel who stood among them.

Soon, Rikilda stepped down from the palanquin to enter the palace. She directly proceeds to the courtroom/audience chamber to sit on the throne.

Reaching the throne, she didn't sit on it yet until the ministers take their seats and Raziel put the crown on her head and declared her as the new Queen of the Llyne Kingdom.

*Ding! A new ruler ascends to the throne. For 24 hours, EXP from monsters and dungeons increased by 100%.

As soon as the system announced the buff to all players in the kingdom, the large guilds quickly acted.

They started to occupy the parts of the wild zone, aggressively; getting into the dungeons; informing the guild members who are offline. 

Meanwhile, Rikilda sits on the throne with a smile on her face and addressed everyone, "Okay, let's start with the most problematic issues we are facing now, shall we?"josei

The new prime minister, Aiden's grandson, or Duke Nukegan's son, Prince Arry spoke, "Your majesty, taking advantage of the chaos, a guild named Dreamwalkers occupied Seagle city."

Rikilda frowned as soon as she heard that.

But, then, she quickly calmed down after remembering about the Mayor, who is a supporter of Mirella.

"It's fine. Send an envoy with a letter of congratulations. As long as the taxes are paid in time, it doesn't matter who is the mayor," replied Rikilda.

"Yes, your majesty." Arry bowed in response. 


Arry then spoke, "the troops under General Gerrad disappeared after the battle at East Ocean City."

Rikilda clenched her fist, "I knew he would turn into a traitor. Send our scouts to search for him. Once I confirmed that he becomes a traitor, I'll issue a death warrant."


As Arry went silent, the minister of finance stood up, shivering from head to toe, and spoke, "Your majesty, our treasury has been robbed, last night and we are missing several Royal knights."

"What!" This time, the shock was evident on her face as she stood up from the throne. "How dare they? Prime Minister Arry, send a battalion to search for those traitors."

"It's not the Royal Knights, your majesty." The minister cleared her misunderstanding and then, spoke, "the thief left his name at the scene, arranging with gold coins."

"Who?" Rikilda growled at him, making everyone jump in fright while Raziel just sat silently in his seat.

"Lupin" replied the minister.

Just right then, a soldier entered the courtroom and spoke, "Your majesty, the Crown Prince requests an audience."


Hailey City, Western Continent;

The assassin of Phaneul's order, Shin enters an apartment that's located a couple of blocks away from where his target lives.

Looking at the information on the Tablet that he recorded, he mumbles, "Instead of altering him, it's better to take hostage of one of his family members. He has a wife and two children. Who to choose?"

He proceeds to see their pictures.

"His daughter seems very young. Even though it's an ideal way but it's a risk to choose her. If he turns out innocent, I might become the sinner of her life.

Hmm, how about his wife?

For the past couple of days, she rarely left her house. So, I can safely assume that she doesn't have the habit of going out.

It'll be troublesome to make a move on her with all CCTVs around.

That leaves with the only option, his son. Let's see…

He's an 18-year-old high school senior. Hmm, he's easy to take as a hostage. After all, normal kids at that age spend their time outside after school.

Okay. Let's monitor his activities first. If he has a girlfriend, then, it's even easier to trap him without alerting the police."

Changing it to the picture of Scott Quilton, Shin mumbles in a cold tone, "Henry Nicholson, if you really turn out who you are, then, believe me, not even god will be able to protect you from my dagger."



Right then, one of his mobile phones started to vibrate. Looking at the number, a frown appeared on Shin. 'WhiteMoon? Why is this proud peacock calling me?'

"Hello." Shin took the call, despite his feelings.

"Redmoon," addressed his rival before getting to the point directly, "Interested to take a private assignment?"

"A private assignment?" The frown on Shin deepened, "but, the rules of the organization says…"

"5 Billion dollars," interrupted the sweet voice from the other side, "fifty-fifty. We do it together. A life time settlement and a new identity to escape from the organization. What you say…"

"Who is the target and where is the destination?" Shin's words changed quickly after hearing the amount.

"Hailey City. Williard Ravens, the young master of Scarlet Group."

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