War Online

Chapter 172

Chapter 172: Threatening the Queen part 1

Imperial Palace, Llyne Kingdom;

"Your majesty, the Crown Prince requests an audience." A soldier informed, just as the minister reported about the theft to the new Queen.

The courtroom went silent all of a sudden since it is well known that Wil is close to their late King Mirella.

Even though they didn't know about his win at the East Ocean City, they still believed that his contribution in the war is great with him killing the fourth Prince of Zuweth and his Royal knights, all alone.

His mount, the guardian beast is also the one that massacred many soldiers of the rebellion forces.

If not for the powerful helper that caused the sudden explosion, which ruined the entire city, rebellion must have been crushed.

So, in their eyes, he should be the most hated person in their current Queen's eyes.

But, contrary to their thoughts, Rikilda didn't dare to show her anger. Instead, she suppressed all of her hate and smiled forcibly, "let him in."

Wearing his Prince robes, Wil walked high and mighty into the courtroom under the gazes of the ministers and the audience.

"Greetings, Your majesty." Wil then gave a 90-degree bow in respect.

After Rikilda responded with a greeting, Wil didn't move forward to take his seat but, instead, stood there and spoke as he took out a level-360 legendary-grade necklace that was dropped by the Averil when he killed her, "this is something I acquired from a fortuitous encounter during my travels to the Marsh Islands. I hope Aunt will like this present from this nephew."

The reason he gave out this valuable treasure is that it's quite valuable to them, who lost everything in the treasury and it will take a long time till he gets to such a level.

Of course, the main reason is to make things harder for her to show her hate towards him in public.

As soon as he handed out the gift, which then, was passed to Rikilda by a soldier. She took it with maintaining a smile.

As she inspected the necklace stats, which are higher than any of her equipment, she let out a gasp but quickly controlled herself and thanked him for the present, and told him to take the seat.

Just as everyone thought the chaos is averted, Wil spoke loudly, "NO."

Hearing the change in his tone, Rikilda frowned a bit.

Wil then continued, "Your Majesty, the gift was from a nephew to his Royal Aunt. But, that's it. I can't sit in the assembly and serve a rebel who killed my sister."

All of a sudden, the ministers stood up from their seats and the soldiers drew their weapons.

Rikilda stood up from the throne and raised her hand, gesturing them to stand down.

Looking at him with a frown, "I can forgive your mistake for raising voice against your Queen, considering our relationship. I hope the Prince will remember to watch his tone."

"I apologize for my actions, Your Majesty. I'll be careful to control my feelings," Wil bowed lightly this time.

He purposely enraged her and then apologized to place himself as a victim, in case she tries to punish him.

"You should know that Mirella is a half-dragon. A non-human isn't allowed to sit on this throne. Honestly, the blame is with my brother. If he wouldn't have deceived us, the rebellion wouldn't even occur."

Since she just ascended to the throne and most of her supporters were killed in the explosion, Rikilda tried to justify herself so that these ministers won't collude to form a rebellion.

Everyone then, took their seats with Wil still standing in the middle of the audience chamber.

'This clever b***h. Let's see how long will you laugh.' Wil cursed inside. Then, he spoke, "I heard the royal treasury was robbed last night by the royal knights and a guild even dares to kill the soldiers and occupy the city."

Wil again tried to rub the salt on her wound.

Because the matter was reminded by the person who she hated, Rikilda was enraged once again, momentarily forgetting about his words from earlier.

Slamming the handle, she growled, "Once I catch those traitors and that Lupin, I will skin them alive."

"Perhaps, I can help you out with something," Wil replied at the right time, following his plan.

"Hmm?" Rikilda looked at him with a frown.

Wil then spoke, "I can solve the money issues within the kingdom. During my travels to the Marsh Islands, I encountered a Dragon cave filled with treasures. So, I can fork out a few hundred thousand gold coins."

"Really?" the finance minister stood up with excitement, "Your highness is too generous."

Wil shook his head in response. "You misunderstood me, Lord Bert. I mentioned earlier, didn't I? I can't serve her majesty after what happened to my sister. I can only serve the kingdom and its people."

Turning his head towards Rikilda, Wil then said, "on the account of our relationship, I'm willing to loan my entire wealth of 500 thousand gold coins to the kingdom."

The entire hall fell into a strange silence once again as Wil folds his hands to the back and stared at Rikilda with a smile on his face.

Rikilda didn't speak for an entire minute and got busy with the staring battle before she asked, "What are you expecting in return?"

"I wish for her majesty to declare Eldershore as an autonomous region so that I can rule it peacefully," answered Wil.

In response, Rikilda didn't say Yes or No, and went silent once again, weighing the options.

Prime Minister Arry quickly walked to her and whispered into her ear, "I already sent a letter to the Zuweth Kingdom for financial assistance of three hundred thousand gold coins.

Her majesty can reject the offer if she wishes. That money is enough for us for a month to run the kingdom. Meanwhile, we can raise the taxes to fill our treasury and fork out some from the nobles.

But, the money hasn't arrived yet. So, I think it's better to stall for some time."

Rikilda agreed with him and gave a nod.

Arry then turned his head towards Wil, and said, "Your highness, we need time to discuss this matter. Her Majesty just ascended to the throne. There's a lot happening in the kingdom…"josei

"Lord Arry, it's precise because of that, I'm willing to help, taking out all of my wealth. Half of the city is in ruins. We need to compensate for the people who lost their homes because of that gigantic explosion.

Thousands of soldiers are dead. We need to provide compensation for their families so that they won't stay out of hunger.

We should also recruit new soldiers to replace the soldiers we lost.

On top of that, the kingdom needs money to provide salaries. Even with 500 thousand gold, it won't be enough to restore it to the previous state."

Arry and Rikilda got stunned for a second upon hearing this.

Rikilda turned her head towards the finance minister and asked his opinion.

He replied with respect, "Your majesty, we haven't calculated how much are our losses but five hundred gold is barely enough if we don't wish to depend on other neighboring kingdoms."

Wil inwardly gave a thumbs-up to this minister who spoke what he wishes to say.

If you don't want to become a lackey of Zuweth, then, take the money.

Without giving them a chance to reply, Wil applied more pressure, trying to hit a nail further into the wall.

"Your majesty, I hope I will get an answer by evening. Let me take leave. I have an appointment with an envoy of Erelon."

"Erelon?" Even Raziel can't help but frown upon hearing his words as the Elven kingdoms are always hostile to humans since the beginning of the times, despite the elves are highly respected with official positions in the administration departments.

"Is he trying to provoke me, now?" Rikilda muttered under her breath. Luckily, except for Arry and Raziel, no one heard of it but everyone got a clear message.

That if she doesn't accept the deal, this Prince before them will fund to their enemies.

Well, since he is practically a supporter of Mirella, everyone thought of it that way. 

Wil didn't bother to correct their thinking and pushed them even further as walk away.

Stopping at the entrance, he turned around and said, "Your majesty, I forgot to inform you one more thing. General Gerrad and his soldiers are under my shelter. They wish to serve the Kingdom at the border. I hope you won't think they turn into traitors or something."

After throwing a huge bomb, Wil left the palace, leaving behind an enraged Queen.

If the previous one was just provoking, this one was a direct threat. 

"You dare to threaten…" Rikilda erupted with a roar.

Her voice reverberated across the hall, making the ministers and the audience fear.

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