War Online

Chapter 173

Chapter 173: Threatening the Queen part 2

Originally, Wil directly planned to threaten the Queen with a letter.

In case, if they came to a conclusion that he was the one behind the theft, and branded him as a criminal, Wil already planned to transfer the ownership of Scarlet districts to Aster, and escape to the island of Ormshire.

With 1.6 million gold coins in his pocket, he can develop the island as he wishes, and when he becomes strong, he can return and take revenge.

Then, he thought, negotiating is better than taking such a drastic path. So, he decided to offer a massive amount of gold coins for the Eldershore region.

He purposely offered 500 thousand such that they shouldn't link him to the theft. If he would have offered like a million, then, surely, they would come to a conclusion that he's the thief.

But, seeing their hesitation for such a great offer made a prideful person like Wil, a little bit angry as he isn't even asking to make it an independent kingdom.

All he was asking for the region to be autonomous. The only difference is that the army will be in his control.

Of course, he also gets over the access for the locked empty plots but that's another issue.

Honestly, with Eldershore city and Deloris town in his hands, it wasn't any different from being an autonomous region. With General Gerrad's regiment in his control, the region is already secured.

But, what he wanted is an official notification from the system so that he can develop the region however he wants.

Now, he went back to plan A, deciding to bare his fangs against Rikilda.

After leaving the palace, Wil teleported to Deloris town and went straight to the barracks that was built at the Scarlet District, where the soldiers are resting.josei

Upon his arrival, the general was quickly notified and he came outside to greet Wil. "Greetings, your highness."


The general stood up.

Wil then spoke of the events that occurred in the palace. Of course, he left out the part where he emptied the treasury, the previous night. That secret was only buried between Wil and the old man.

After hearing him out, Gerrad thought for a couple of seconds and voiced out his opinion, "maybe, Zuweth is providing financial assistance?"

Wil shook his head, "I don't think the king of Zuweth will provide financial assistance to a kingdom that killed his son. I bet the fourth prince is even precious to him since he has the guardian beast."

"Hmm, but, your highness is against the Queen, right? Maybe, he can provide it on the condition to execute you? If that's the case, then, you will be in grave danger." A sudden worry started to appear on Gerrad, thinking of the worst case.

Wil patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "don't worry. I'm confident that it won't happen. The palace can't afford to wage a war against our army.

To do that, they have to bring out the troops from all the borders. If they do that, they'll face a threat from the guilds.

Now, Eldershore city is as good as ours.

Seagle city is already fallen into the hands of a guild.

As for East Ocean City, our allies can take over it at any time. If more cities will fall under other guilds, the throne will still fall."

Gerrad nodded in response, "let's hope the Queen won't be foolish to do so."

Meanwhile, Wil thought as he clenched his fist, 'let's hope that day doesn't come. Moreover, I can't help but suspect the Supreme Master because of his earlier actions. Did he secretly take over the leadership of the alliance during my absence?'

"Your highness…" Gerrad brought Wil from his thoughts.

"Ah! Yes."

Gerrad then said, "Just in case, let me start preparations for another war."

Wil gave his permission and returned to the Mayor's Mansion, where he was greeted by the steward, Borris, and the house staff.

"Welcome back, Master."

"Master, should I make breakfast?" asked Ciara, who is working as the chef.

"No thanks." Wil rejected it and went directly to his room before opening the message sent by Hyori while he was talking with the Queen.

Yelir: Hey, Wil. Good morning.

Time Traveler: Morning. Sorry, I was busy with something.

To his surprise, she quickly replied to him.

Yelir: It's fine. Where are you, right now?

Time Traveler: At the Mayor's Mansion.

Yelir: Not in-game. I mean, did you meet your mom?"

Time Traveler: Nah, I stopped at Ecrin city for some business. I'll go tomorrow morning.

Yelir: Is that so.

For a while, the conversation went cold as Wil didn't know what to type to continue. 

Just when he thought of asking her about how the preliminaries' preparations are going on since she even has the time to play the game, he received a message from her, continuing the chat.

Yelir: By the way, did you see the forums. Your video became viral.

Time Traveler: My video?

Yelir: Your battle with the prince of Zuweth kingdom. The angles aren't great but the video has already surpassed 5 million views.

Wil was taken aback as he read the message.

Time Traveler: 5 million? But, one day has been passed away. Can you send me the link?

Yelir: Sure...

Clicking on the link, he was redirected to the forums page. He directly went to the comments section, which looks like it's a war zone that's still going on between two factions.

Fans of Time Traveler and Anti Fans of Time Traveler.

The fans contain free players who aren't tied to any guild, players who belong to the ally guilds, and some neutral players whereas the Anti-fans comprised of the players who became victims of Wil's actions namely, the past loyal players of Imperial, Dreamwalkers guild players, and their supporters.

The comments of the anti-fans mostly say he doesn't have real skills and only depends on his legendary grade equipment. If they have the same equipment, they can also beat him.

While the fans countered it with, Time Traveler gained the equipment with his hard work to which the anti-fans replied, if it wasn't because he was born rich, and use the gold coins to hire the guards to level up, he wouldn't even have the chance to get to top-128, much less winning the tournament. 

"Hmpf, not everyone can be born to a super-wealthy father like me. Don't need to care about this jealous ba*****s."

Closing the forums, he then, asked her about the preparations to which she replied that the management took back their decision and put her as a seeded player.

"Oh! Looks like Aster is very quick to finish the job even though he's traveling with me."

Wil actually thought of telling to Silver but after getting the shock of his life, he forgot it, and later he informed Aster while they were on their way to Ecrin.

Little did he expect that Aster once again proved himself to be the best subordinate he has…

Having a lot of time in his hands, Wil decides to go to the Mayor's Office. There he was greeted by his assistant, who sorted out all the documents neatly on his table.

He went through one by one, reading everything to decide whether he should stamp on it or reject the requests.

In the afternoon, this time, he teleported to the Eldershore city and went to the Mayor's office for the first time since he expelled the Dreamwalkers guild branch from the city.

Unlike in the town, where the Mayor has to stamp everything, in the city, the administration office that has many employees took care of the mayor's duties in his absence.

Then, he visited the Mayor's Mansion. Since there used to be a Mayor before him, the mansion was kept neat and the previous staff is still working there.

Since Wil doesn't have intentions to stay in the Mansion, he just told them to continue their work while thinking of using it as an in-game accommodation for his best Elites of the company, later.

After touring around the house, Wil then proceeded to go towards the Ravens' district that was still under construction. On the way, to his surprise, he received a notification.

*Ding! You are being summoned by the Queen. Go to the Imperial Palace and meet the Queen at her chamber.

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