War Online

Chapter 223

Chapter 223: Neo-Hybrid

Wil sucked in a breath, reading the details of the new skill. The last one will just freeze the opponents for a while but this new skill is on a whole another level compared to Absolute freeze.

He was really satisfied with his choice of choosing the skill evolution over unique skill.

At the same time, he also felt sad for his earlier choice and received a useless weapon transformation. He didn't realize yet how terrific is that unique skill going to be in the future.

Then, he clicked on the second notification to check what the bonus reward is. As an unknown reward, he doesn't have much hope. 

It was only after saw it, Wil didn't expect to get another shock.

*Ding! You received a vial of Galadriel's blood.

*Ding! You received a vial of Lilith's blood.

"This is the bonus reward?" Wil blinked his eyes for a while before sighing deeply, "I knew that unknown rewards aren't reliable."

All of his happiness acquiring an OP skill like 'Absolute Ice control' was drained as soon as he looked at the bonus reward. He expected something more awesome.

Wil then proceeds to click on the third notification.

Without having any expectations, he opened the inventory and took out two vials filled with red liquids, presumably, blood. Both of them look identical. He inspected the first vial.


Description: The vial contains the blood of the Elven Ancestor Galadriel. Drink it up and obtain the power of Elves.

"Oh! Is this a race changer, perhaps?" Wil wondered at first.


Description: The vial contains the blood of Demon Ancestor Lilith. Drink it up and obtain the power of Demons.

"Hmm… Not much of use to me, is it?" Since he's a Dragon-Angel, he wouldn't think this would be any use to him. Then, he wondered whether it's a race changer or just like the Dragon race, his race will be added to the character.

Trusting the system, which will always show a warning in situations like this, he opened one of the vials.

It gave off a sweet scent. Meanwhile, Wil received the notification as he expected. But, it isn't a warning.

*Ding! You unsealed the vial. Drink the blood of Galadriel to acquire the Elf mode in one minute or seal it again before it evaporates.

"Oh! It isn't a simple race changer, after all… Haha…" Wil's excitement grew and he drank it. Instead of tasting like iron like how our blood does, he felt like he was drinking cranberry juice instead.

*Ding! Elf mode has been added to the character.

Wil didn't check the details yet. First, he wanted to drink the second one too.

Unlike the first one, this one left a strong flavor in his mouth. He felt as if he drank a juice extracted from bitter melon. But, the notification made him forget the taste.

*Ding! Demon mode has been added to the character.

*Ding! Four bloodlines have been detected. You will go under a race evolution in 3, 2, 1...

"Huh?" Wil didn't expect the notification, followed by a sudden pain in his body.

"Argh…" He felt like his bones are getting smashed and reconstructed again. After 10 seconds, the pain became mild and eventually disappeared. Meanwhile, his body went under a tremendous change.

His ears grew long and his face became pale. His hair turned white and became long while he grew curved silver horns from his forehead. Meanwhile, his eyes turned red with no visible pupils.

Instead of greenish-silver scales, red scales covered his upper part and inner portions of the body. His Armor was covering it, so, it wasn't visible. The scales also appeared on top of his right leg. His right hand and the left appeared normal.

His left arm turned into a demonic. One of his Angelic wings changed into a demonic wing. Finally, a red dragon tail grew from behind.

*Ding! Your bloodlines have been purified.

*Ding! Congratulations, your race is evolved to Neo-Hybrid. Check your character menu for details.

"Neo-Hybrid!" Wil remembered two of the ten demigods are of the Neo-Hybrid race. He didn't know what it is then. Now, he understood.

The only thing he was worried whether he can still maintain his Dragon mode or not.

He opened the character menu and then, clicked on the race tab. He sighed in relief as soon as he saw the details.

Neo Hybrid: A race that possesses multiple bloodlines. An ancestor of all the Prime races. It contains five modes.

Default: Your default appearance, which has traits of an Angel, Demon, Dragon, and an Elf.


Stats: 30% stat increase at any type of region except for dungeons.

Skills against other races: No changes. 

Dragon mode: Transform into a pure red-dragon and increase your attack, defense, and speed by 100%. Your Maximum HP increases by 200%.

Mutation: Available

Wil felt a little bit sad for losing Humanoid Transformation. After all, he depended on it, many times.josei

He was still satisfied that his mutation wasn't removed and the corresponding skills associated with complete dragon form are there. There are no further changes to it.

He scrolled down the screen. 

Angel form: Transform into a pure Angel.

Elf mode: Transform into a pure Elf.

Demon mode: Transform into a pure Demon.

"Woah… I can use all the unique skills too… That means I can get into all the racial dungeons. Cool… Now, I can transform into Angel while leveling up, transform into Elf in the forests, and demon in the underworld..."

Wil's imagination went wild for a while. He was on cloud nine to see what kind of advantage he received just now. 

Then, he clicked on the third notification. It redirected him to inventory, with a blinking slot. It has an image of the Armor.

He clicked on it and took it out of the inventory and examined it.

Seraph's Armor (Bound)

Level: 200

Grade: Mythic

Class: Elementalist

HP: 32,768,000

Defense: 6,553,600







Skill: Decrease incoming damage by 20% if received critical damage.

"Oh! 20% decrease damage. That's decent considering I rarely receive critical damage.

But, seriously, when considering the stats, Mythic grade Armor isn't much unless I unlock the remaining stats. Now, the only problem is how to appraise them.

I have to find a Mythic grade Appraise scroll which can only be found by killing a mythic grade beast. The thing is except for that Whale, no mythic-grade beast exists in the game.

 I wonder how many times should I have to kill the whale to obtain so many scrolls.

The other option is to find that mysterious tower of destiny. I wonder where it is… Bran kept it secret until the end.

The third option is to find a 6* legendary Grandmaster Appraiser. Only one such person exists in the game, hiding somewhere…

If everything else fails, I would have no other choice but to request Seraph to unlock them. Or I should do something that let Aria makes a deal with me, again. Then, I can ask her to appraise them as compensation.

Future content, huh!

The only thing that's worth that much is to find and unlock the Dragon Island before the war ends."

Since he can't do anything about it, Wil just keeps the Armor back into the inventory and left the island.

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