War Online

Chapter 224

Chapter 224: Akiko's new home?

Scarlet Town, Ormshire State;

Two beautiful girls stepped out of the teleportation formation.

"Akiko-sama" "Kiyumi-sama" They were greeted by a middle-aged man who is wearing full-set Epic-grade equipment.

Both of them nodded to him. Kiyumi spoke, "Yunosuke-san, how it went?"

He replied, "Everything's going well, Kiyumi-sama. For the past few days, our Elites roamed all over this Kingdom and gathered the information. 

This kingdom is really different from the others. There are no teleportation formations or any kind of Associations in any of the cities here. There weren't fame quests either.

The only exception is this town."

"But… this is so empty." Akiko chipped in, interrupting him as she looked around to see the ghostly town with only a few empty structures. "Wil *Cough* I mean, does Time Traveler have no intention to develop it or something?"

Yunosuke shook his head, "that we don't know, Akiko-sama."

Kiyumi looked at Akiko and cleared her doubt, "He said he's busy with some quest. He'll take care of things when he returned."

"Continue." She said to him.

Yunosuke nodded and spoke, "Someone tried to set up a player town here but it seems the system rejected it, probably because they have no citizenship or the kingdom doesn't allow it. We don't know the reason yet."

"Should be latter." Akiko once again chipped in with her comment. "If it's the former, by now, one would have already developed it." 

Kiyumi agreed to her, "Yeah. I too think the same. If that's the case, perhaps, Scarlet Town might be the only one that can host the guilds. This might even become a Prime spot once it develops into a city."

She became excited at that thought. No wonder her uncle wanted Akiko to form another information network at this base. No wonder Wil put a 1000 gold teleportation fee to this town. Once Wil developed the town, he wouldn't need to worry about security either. He can just move his army here to ward off the invasions.

Meanwhile, Akiko wondered how mysterious her fiancée is. Galaxy Net has its fair share of secrets but it seems that Wil has a lot more secrets than they have.

Not only he possessed a powerful legacy and a guardian beast like her sister Rini, but he also acquired an entire region at a place where things like citizenship, teleportation formation, guilds, player town, can't even exist. Her uncle mentioned that he can literally turn into a dragon and even his race is Dragon-Angel.

She had no doubt that Wil might also be the one behind Athledon Kingdom's revival or else, how would he able to become the ruler of Ormshire, so quickly…

The more she thought about it, the more she became curious about him. She also felt proud at that moment. She wondered why.

Kiyumi gestured to him to continue.

Yunosuke nodded and continued, "The people in this kingdom consist of humans and hybrid creatures."

"Hybrid creatures?"

"They have this monster heads and a human body. Usually, they live separately in their own towns but Vulture city was an exception. It is the Headquarters of this Ormshire state by the way in case you are wondering.

In that city, everyone coexists without any issues.

From what we gathered, everyone says it's because of Time Traveler, who ended the reign of some arrogant nobles and let the hybrid creatures into the city.

Regarding the guilds, while we haven't found a way to set up our branch yet, we found a method to set up a store. You just need to bribe nobles.

So far, in the Capital city, we have found three such stores run by the players. Two of them belong to the Conqueror guild while the remaining one is unknown."

"Conqueror?" Kiyumi's eyes flashed a little. "Looks like they are one step ahead of us. Which other guilds are eyeing this kingdom?"

Yunosuke replied, "We have sightings of a lot of scouts, presumably over 70 at least. So, I guess, a lot of guilds."

Akiko suddenly asked, "How many of them are either Elves or Humans? We need to be wary of the guilds behind them."

"Hmm?" Yunosuke looked at her in confusion as if he was asking, why is that so.

"Good question." Kiyumi smiled upon hearing Akiko. She knew that out of all the four sisters, she's the only one who thinks similar to her except she's lacking in many ways. One can say Akiko is the imperfect version of Kiyumi.josei

Kiyumi explained, "Angel race scouts don't matter since they came by flying. The problem is with the other two races.

Because they don't have wings, they can only arrive through teleportation formation and that too, through Scarlet District. As for transportation on waters, no one would be crazy to rent a boat to travel for days.

That means they also know the relationship between the Scarlet guild and Athledon kingdom. Not that it's hard to conclude after seeing the town's name in the teleportation formation but anyway, what matters is that they are willing to pay 1000 gold coins just to scout the place."

He gave a look of, what about us. Aren't we the same? We even spent ten thousand gold coins. 

His doubts cleared as she continued, "Our Galaxy Net is different. We already decided to expand our network here. Not to mention, Wil promised that our teleportation fees are considered as the investment in this town. So, we are willing to spend the money.

But others are different. To get to this town, they have to travel all the way to Deloris town or East Ocean city and then teleport here by paying such a huge amount.

That says a lot of their background, atleast regarding their riches or their impatience."

Upon listening to Kiyumi's explanation, Yunosuke realized the gravity of the situation. Previously, he just thought it was normal to have spies in every kingdom but now, his views changed.

"Kiyumi-sama, So far, six human race players and 3 elf race players have been sighted," he answered what he knew.

She nodded.

While talking, they exited the town and started to travel on their mounts. 

After a while, they reached the Vulture city.

Kiyumi found the situation in this city is the complete opposite of Scarlet town.

The streets are bustling with people. She can see a lot of people are roaming around while the street vendors are busy selling their products. Just like any other city, food stalls are very popular.

"I wonder how will be inside."

Kiyumi suddenly heard a mumble.

She turned her head to see Akiko was simply staring somewhere. Kiyumi followed the direction where her eyes are staring at.

She saw the majestic fort on the hill that was watching over the city.

Kiyumi knew that from her childhood, Akiko was obsessed with royal things like castles, forts, etc… When she was a kid, her favorite hobby is to make sandcastles. It was upgraded to making a card castle or paper castle. etc...

In fact, the reason she worked hard to attend Ares University because it was once the family compound of the Emperor. 

Federation turned the former residence of the Emperor into a university. It was also the reason why Ares University is the number 1 university as one would experience the feeling of being Royalty.

Kiyumi also remembered Akiko mentioning that she was jealous of Rini when she became the princess.

She whispered in her ear, trying to tease. "You take a fancy to your new home in this virtual world?"

Too bad for her that she didn't fall for it or rather she turned out to be incapable of falling for it.

Akiko looked at her in confusion and replied, "What do you mean by my new home… We haven't been engaged yet much less married. Why would we live together..."

Kiyumi stayed silent, shaking her head with a sigh. This naïve little sister has a lot to learn.

They proceeded to walk towards their temporary base. It's not actually a base or something. the inn is more like a gathering spot and also for Akiko to live until Wil returns.

As they were entering the inn, Kiyumi found Akiko once again staring at the fort as she kept on walking.

Kiyumi whispered to herself, "How lucky you are. Our guild is trying everything it can to make Rini the Queen but you will get to enjoy the status of a Queen just by exchanging a ring."

In fact, she was a little bit jealous of her sister and at the same, angry at her boyfriend who has no interest in the game.

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