War Online

Chapter 226

Chapter 226: Hyori's resolution

Archery Club, Maple University;

A girl was practicing archery on her own. She appears to be a little bit distracted. The target is 50 meters away.


An arrow cut through the air like lightning and struck at the center of the target.


Another arrow was shot in the same way but this time, it struck 2cm away from the previous arrow, nevertheless, it's still the center.


This time, the arrow struck on the center golden ring, once again.

But the next arrow landed once again on the nine-pointer as she was a little bit distracted by her thoughts.

"Fuu…" She takes a deep breath, "Hyori… concentrate…" 

Taking a deep breath, she aimed at the target once again and shot the arrow. The next couple of arrows perfectly hit the center.

She walked towards the Archery target and picked out the arrows before walking back to her initial position to continue once again.

Even though all of her arrows were continuously landing on center, she didn't feel an ounce of happiness.

The only thing that's going on in her head is her persona in the virtual world, where she was able to shoot three arrows easily without her handshaking, where she can shoot at a moving target that's located more than a hundred meters away.

She wanted to become as strong as Yelir (her in-game character) but her master told her that there are no archery training centers that can accommodate such super-advanced training nor there ever will be.


It's because the targets placed for women in the international competitions are often between 30 meters and 70 meters. For young adults like her, in the upcoming Intercontinental Archery Championship, it will be placed at 50 meters.

Only for the senior Archers, the target will be around 70 meters.

Even for senior male Archers, it would be at most around 90 meters.

So, there's no point in training to practice shooting more than a hundred or two hundred meters and waste the space.

Hyori was frustrated. She knew the upcoming competition is important yet her heart is in the game.

These days, she even felt practicing archery at such short distances was pointless. Maybe, she was addicted to the game or maybe she was obsessed with improving her Archery skills. Who knows…

The only thing that still let her keep going on with the real-life practice is because of that one girl who will soon compete representing the Ares University. It was someone who defeated her thrice in middle school championships and made her an eternal runner up.

Trying to get rid of useless thoughts, she continued to shoot. As her concentration rose, no arrow escaped the ten-pointer ring.

An hour later;

*Clap* *Clap*

She heard claps from behind her, followed by praise, "wow. Looks like you are at top of the game. I bet you'll win the competition for sure."

"What are do you doing here, TaeWoo-ssi?" She treated him coldly without even taking a glance at this pest who wouldn't stop bothering her from her high school days. One should say it was because of this rich playboy, she had a bad impression of Wil on their first meeting.

"Of course, I'm here to cheer you up." He replied with a smile. "You are our college champion, after all…"

'I don't need your cheering…' She muttered to herself.

"College Champion?" A sweet voice was heard from behind followed by a burst of laughter. "Hahaha… it's really not funny at all calling a s**t like her a college champion."

"Suji…" The young man's face turns dark as soon as he heard the voice of this ex-girlfriend of his. "Mind your tone…" He warned her, glancing at Hyori who was minding her own business.

"Why? Did I say anything wrong?" Her tone turned sarcastic as she stood beside her and shoot at her target that was placed a few meters beside Hyori's target.

It struck the perfect dead center. She further mocked, "the college receded my seeded spot because I was too lazy to join the practice sessions? Do you think I believe a stupid reason like that?" 

She shot another arrow and it hit just a few millimeters away from the previous arrow. They are almost touching each other.

The college originally was allotted two seeded spots after Leafway university receded their spot because of the scandal of their college champion caught while having s*x with a professor.

But due to the complaint lodged by a few universities from other cities, the board committee decided to withdraw one of the allotments.

"They made me, the last two consecutive year's Bronze medal winner recede my spot and gave it to freshmen like her. I wonder who did she slept with…" She shot another arrow and once again, it landed on ten point ring.

"Maybe it's because the college is expecting a better medal this time." Hyori finally commented while continuing to practice. She didn't stoop low to curse back at her nor defended herself. Instead, she hit where it really hurts.

She indirectly implied that she was a three-time runner up of IAC during her high school days while Suji is a third place holder.

Originally, they removed Hyori's spot but due to Wil's intervention, they were forced to change their decision.

At first, Hyori knew about neither the scandal nor the two allotted seeded spots. She just made it as a passing comment but how would she expect that Wil would take action without judging the situation.

When she found out, she can't help but become a little bit angry at Wil. That's why she also lashed out at Wil, the other day. But, eventually, her master made her realize none would that matter as long as she gets the championship.

"You…" Her comment made Suji's face turn sour. Not only this b***h stole her spot but also her ex and now she even dares to look down on her. 

She felt humiliated. Suji was so angry that she even wanted to shoot the arrow towards her instead of the target.

But then, Hyori's next words made her numb on the spot.

"Since you think you are better, then whether you get the seeded spot or not, it shouldn't matter. Instead of wasting time cussing me or spreading rumors about me, show your resolution with your actions, not words.

Get past the preliminaries, enter the top-64, then defeat me when we encounter each other. Then, I will publicly apologize to you for taking your spot if not, you do the same for slandering me."

Hyori turns her head and looked into her eyes coldly, "I won't stop until defeat her and get that gold medal. I dare you to accept the challenge."

She pulled the string as much as she can and shot the arrow without even looking at the target.


Both of their bodies shivered for a second upon hearing the sound of the string as she released the arrow with her maximum strength. The young man who stood right behind her instantly closed his ears.

Meanwhile, the arrow struck the dead center.

Greeting with a light bow as a way of saying goodbye, she picked up the arrows and left the place, and thought of practicing at the training center since they are only causing a disturbance.

"Wow…" The playboy was impressed as he looked at her back. "Now that's charming…" he grinned and ran after her like an idiot much to her annoyance.

'That damn…' She can't help but grit her teeth and curse both of them inside.

She dialed a number.

Someone picked up the call. "Suji-yah."

"Oppa, I need your favor…"

She talked with her acquaintance for a long time.

As she disconnected the call, she curled up her lips, "let's see how you will attend the Championships. You will pay for what you did to me, Hyori…"josei

Meanwhile at the Archery Club, University of Ares;

A girl stood still with a compound bow in her hand. She was fair and petite with an attractive ponytail. If one wouldn't know her identity, they would probably think she's some high school freshman or a middle school senior.

At the moment, she was blindfolded and was alone in the training ground. Her surroundings were quiet.

A few upperclassmen along with their coach are watching her from the control room.

Around her, they placed simple bots with four 10 inch-diameter targets (head, stomach, and two knees). 

She raised her hand and signaled to start.

The coach pressed the button.

"Auto mode."

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