War Online

Chapter 227

Chapter 227: Princess Sakura

There are two types of modes. The first one is "Auto mode" and the second one is manual mode.

Auto mode is where the bots will move automatically in a random manner. Due to having sensors, they can avoid each other but not the girl. So, not only she needs to care about hitting the targets, but also to avoid them, Or else she will be injured.

As for the manual mode, it is a bit riskier. It might either be strong or weak, depending on the persons that controlled it manually from the control room.

Right now, the girl is practicing the first mode since the latter is useless.

The bots started to move.

She draws the bow and quickly shot in a direction.


It hit something and a smile appeared on her face and took out the arrow from the quiver.

*Wik* *Wik* *Wik*

The control room was only filled with nothing but continuous gasps. At last, a person let out his thoughts, "is she even a human?"

*Wik* *Wik* *Wik*

In the midst of shooting, a bot's path collides with the place she was standing. "Coach…" The captain called him.

"Shh…" He was shut down instantly. "Watch…" he pointed at the screen.

The girl suddenly put down the bow and somersaulted and then made a consecutive jump to the side to not collide with the other bot that was behind her before she shot at the one that almost ran into her.

The arrow hit the target on the stomach.

The scene made the senior numb. They are wondering whether there's a point in them learning the Archery.

Ten minutes later, she stopped moving and spoke, "I think I finished the drill."

She didn't wait for confirmation from the coach and removed the blindfold as she was confident in her decision.

"48 targets, 11 minutes and 32 seconds… 14.4 seconds per target. She's no doubt the granddaughter of Fujimori Hitoshi, the strongest living Archer." The coach mumbled.

After finishing her practice, she left the university compound as she didn't opt for boarding because of circumstances. The university also granted her permission. It's no big deal for a special student like her to get such a benefit.

An hour later, the vehicle entered a mansion. She stepped inside her home and saw her official known grandfather.

"Hime-sama (Princess) how was the practice?" Strangely, he greeted her with a bow and asked in a polite tone.

She sighed, "Boring… These practice sessions are too easy… I'm going to the capsule. I wonder if I get some worthy opponent at the Arena. If not, I have to go back to hunting." 

Sakura gets from the seat and walked towards her room to get a shower before entering the capsule.

"Hime-sama, wait. I have something to report."

She stops walking and turns her head.

Hitoshi then said, "I have gathered a list of exceptional Archers from our sources. Would you like to see?"

"Exceptional, huh!" Her eyes lit up, "cool. Let's see…"

Hitoshi pointed his finger, "It's in my room. Please wait a second. I will go and retrieve it."

"Nah… Don't bother." Sakura darted towards his old man's room nearby the stairs and opened it. "Where?"

"I kept the USB stick in the drawer. 3rd-row 2nd column."

She didn't waste any time opening it. 

"There…" After taking the USB stick, she didn't waste her time and went upstairs to her room.

Looking at her back, the old man sighed, "my health is getting worse these days. I wonder how long will I able to hide her from the world. That Antolov isn't going to stop looking for the Princess now that he's the new Mafia Lord. Sooner or later, he will close in. I need to do something before that happens."

Meanwhile, Sakura saw it is a list of 128 names, according to the rankings judged by her fake grandfather Hitoshi or his sources.

1. One

2. Time Traveler

3. Immortal

4. Maniac

5. Shift

6. Arrow

7. Grimshot

8. Yelir

9. Ninjury

10. ScappleCrow

11. .

12. .

13. .

128. Shukizi

Other than the names, there was grading to each of them. They were been graded by only two types. Either S-class or unknown.

"Did the old man has lost his senses or something because of his age?" She was frowning deeply. "One isn't an Archer anymore, and Time Traveler? Why is he even in the list much less on number 2?josei

He is indeed stronger and probably can defeat me on 1 v1 but his Archery skills… Sigh… they aren't even at the pro level, much less S-class, although I should admit that his reflexes are good. He knows how to dodge."

Sakura cut off both of their names on the list. "He isn't worthy of either being a partner or being an opponent. And I fought with Shukizi too… He isn't that great either…" She cut off the name on number 128. 

Somewhere near the Marsh Islands;

"Heavenly Push, 1000 mana"

A heavy gust of wind blew up a familiar Squid and dozens of items started raining onto the ocean.

An Ice arrow suddenly struck the water, freezing the surface thereby securing the drops.

A pair of winged-lion and an Angel race player landed on the ice together.

Wil smiled as he started collecting the drops. "No matter how many skills I get or evolve, this is still my strongest trump card."

*Ding! You killed Otto, the Great Squid. You gained 1,146,880,000 EXP.

*Ding! Seraph's Dragon bow consumed 50% of EXP (573,440,000 EXP). You gained 573,440,000 EXP.

*Ding! Pure Angel bloodline is detected and you are in the wild zone of material. You receive additional 30% EXP (172,032,000).

*Ding! You leveled up

*Ding! You leveled up

*Ding! You leveled up





*Ding! You leveled up

More than 21 notifications continuously rang in Wil's head causing a headache. At one point, he just muted them and they continue to appear.

*Sigh* Wil can't help but let out a deep sigh, glancing at this EXP hungry weapon. Then again, it is a legendary+ grade weapon that evolved twice on its own and became a genuine mythic grade.

Once, when Averil merged with it, and the other time, he didn't know when it even happened. He only inspected it a few hours ago and realized it already turned that way. 

Maybe it's the compensation by Aria after taking away Averil? Or maybe it was evolved by Seraph or maybe it's because it was sucking all the EXP from the monsters that he killed after reaching level-200, or maybe, the system adjusted the grade during maintenance.

He didn't have the answer and neither would care about it right now since the effects improved aren't much as one would see in pets.

All he wanted to do is to fly towards Athledon while killing as many Heroic or legendary grade beasts as he can while on the way.

It would be even better if he counters a level-500 legendary grade. He can use Heavenly Push all mana to kill it and level up to 300 directly but he knew that it's impossible.

Even though the Whale can be seen roaming around the world, Wil knew that until the next update, he won't be able to see level-400 or higher beasts. The only way is to find the hidden Dragon Island and kill some high-level dragons.

Others would require several weeks or even months of grinding to gain 600 million but for Wil, all it took was one single skill to use and that's it. He leveled up more than twenty times.

But, Wil wasn't ecstatic about his quick level up. He knew that he has already wasted 11 days to clear the Inheritance quest.

There are other legend class users and guardian beast owners. Surely they must have ventured outside like him to hunt down higher level monsters all alone and gain EXP.

With competitors around, there's no time to fool around.

Collecting the drops, he once again mounted the lion. "Let's fly, buddy…"

*Roar* Leon responded with a powerful roar, scaring the weaker grade beasts away as it flapped the wings and started flying through the South Grennola Ocean.

His destination is the Null Island, a place positioned at 0-degree longitude and 0-degree latitude. Popularly called the world's official center, Wil read on the wiki page about it being the birthplace of Time Beast, Oculus. Although it unlikely would wait for him, Wil wants to try his luck.

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