War Online

Chapter 245

Chapter 245: World Auction part-8: T-Rex Egg

"Mr. Time Traveler, I think you shouldn't waste it on this. It's better to save for the top item. Having an extra hundred thousand might give you an edge."

"Hmm…" Wil thought about the old man's advice.

"That's right. If a mere Warship costs this much, surely, the egg will cost more. I only have 450 thousand in the inventory to spend. If I spend more than a hundred thousand gold coins for this Ship, then perhaps, I might not get the egg."

Wil hates that kind of situation even more.

After thinking for a while calmly, Wil backed away from the bid.

He then realized his backing away didn't impact anything on it.

The bidding war still continued between two secret powers.

Looking at the final amount, he mumbled to himself, "maybe, I did the right thing, after all."

What he didn't know is that the VIPs are more shocked to see that he still has a hundred thousand more to burn than they were at the winner who won the Warship with 142000 gold coins.

"The competition seriously jumped up to a whole another level," mumbled 'One' who sat in the H3 room of the VIP section. "Either way, I acquired what I wished to buy. Now all I need to gather the researchers and reverse engineer it. Within no time, Gailzach will have a mighty navy force."

He glanced at the inventory and sighed, "Only 50 thousand left, huh! If only I knew it would be this competitive, I would have collected more gold from the Treasury. Such a shame…"

Meanwhile, the rank-2 item was revealed by Amelia. It was a pouch, a simple black-colored pouch. However, its description is far from being simple.

"The Bag of Eternity is a portable inventory with an infinite number of slots. Items placed in this bag cannot be dropped or stolen." Amelia explained the item as everyone clicked on it to see the description.

Her statement caused unrest among the players. Does she mean the items in the inventory can be dropped and stolen? 

Until now, they thought that only the equipped items can be dropped when one dies. As for getting robbed, they didn't even think of such a thing.

Only a few people including knew that except for the unbound equipped items, unique items like Book of Destiny or the Warship can also be dropped and become ownerless until someone picks it up.

Still, not many are interested in buying the item. To protect the items, they can put them in a bank vault anyway.

'I have the Sniffler anyway. I don't need to worry about the thief profession players.' Remembering the Elite beast when he captured it back when he was doing the Marquis Quest, Wil didn't bid it from the start.

Wil was already satisfied with doing enough damage to his unknown enemies. He felt like he doesn't need to bleed himself just to trouble someone.

Not to mention, only a few people seem to be interested in the item and galaxy net is one of them.

If he likes the item, Wil wouldn't give a damn about it but since it practically worthless to him and neither he can profit it later, he stayed silent.

In the end, it landed in Galaxy Net's hands for 87000 gold coins.

"Now, for the final item… Behold…" Amelia, with a smile on her face, she spoke in a crystal clear loud voice. "The Egg of Tyrannosaurus Rex." Her voice reverberated all over the hall.

She then revealed a 2ft big reddish and Beige mixed-colored egg.

"Let me inform all of you of a few important details. First, the known details.

First, the beast that will be born from the egg will be of Legendary+ grade with a passive ability of 100 levels higher. You won't need to sacrifice your EXP to level it up either, although once you reach level-400 and it reaches 500, it will stop leveling up.

As for the unknown detail, this battle companion is different from the rest of them.

Normally, you can only deploy one battle companion at a time but if you were to deploy this beast, then, you can deploy another battle companion."

The latter half of her statement caused a commotion especially among the guardian beast users or the ones with legendary grade beasts. 

'Seriously?' Even the all-knowing Wil was shocked at the moment. He didn't know that there's such a feature. Now, his desire to buy this pet increased to the peak.

He imagined Leon and T-Rex, destroying everything in his path. As if adrenaline rushed in his body, he became extremely excited.

Meanwhile, Amelia continued, "The starting bid for this extraordinary beast is 10000 gold coins. You can raise the bid by 1000 or 5000 gold coins each time."

The VIPs became busy all of a sudden.

"Gather… gather every gold coin we have…"

Supreme Conqueror, Wisdom Queen, Yakuza's Tojo clan, Dreamwalkers guild, a couple of hidden organizations, etc… Every giant power became busy with collecting the gold coins after hearing that they can summon two battle companions at the same time.

Even One was no exception. He left the auction house and made a trip to his Treasury to take out another 300 thousand gold coins. To not ruin his kingdom management, One was only able to take out this much but he felt they were enough.

If they aren't, then, that's that…

Meanwhile, Wil glanced at his inventory. He wondered whether it is enough.

He stood up from his seat, all of a sudden.

"Hmm… What happened?" Akiko asked him.

Wil shook his head, "nothing. I'll back in a minute. Please update me on the situation, later."

Akiko nodded. "Sure." She wondered why was leaving the auction house at such a crucial time. Does he lack funds? Is he going to the bank to retrieve the? Can't he just ask her?

Her sister wouldn't say no to that. Even after purchasing the pouch, they still have a hundred thousand coins left to spend.josei

Wil appeared in the streets of the Vulture city. He saw the sun wasn't up yet but there was enough light for him to see the surroundings even without the help of night vision goggles.

There were no passersby either. The streets are empty and silent.

Wil looked at the time and sighed in relief as the banks are opened at 4:30 A.M. here which was an hour ago.

Without wasting any time, he dashed towards the bank.

As he entered the bank, Wil saw it was empty but the employees were sitting in their usual positions.

"Hmm?" They turned their heads in surprise as soon as they heard the sound of footsteps.

"Your… Your Majesty…" All of their eyes widened in shock to find their King at this time. Moreover, because of his purple name, they felt fear in their hearts just by looking at him.

They hurriedly left their counters and rushed forward to greet him.

Wil simply waves his hand and stopped them. "Don't bother… I'm here for an important transaction. Get back to your posts."

"Yes…" They quickly went back to the counters while Wil picked a random one.

He then took out a gold bar from the inventory. "I'm here to exchange gold bars for gold coins."

As the employee took it, she saw the winged lion symbol on it.

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