War Online

Chapter 275

Chapter 275: Day 1: Evelon vs hundred clones of Wil

"Time Traveler is here…" Envizor mumbled as he read the message sent by the scouts.

He relayed the message to the King who was ready for the battle.

As the hundred-member clone army appeared in their sight, the Supreme Commander ordered, "soldiers, get ready to battle."

On Evelon's side, the last line of defense comprised 65 thousand Elven citizens, 150 thousand players, thirty thousand Elven soldiers, 250 Royal knights, 15 Generals, 1 prince, and 1 King.

And on the other side, a hundred clones of Wil, which destroyed every NPC and player in their path, including thousands of players, two generals, 50 Royal knights, the guardian beast, and the crown prince.

By standing on 50 meters higher elevated area, not only the Supreme Commander, everyone in the front line was able to see the incoming enemy.

If it was before, they wouldn't have been serious but after reading the prince's last message, even the players were panicked, knowing that there is a strong possibility of every one of them are clones of the Fallen Prince, i.e. Time Traveler.

Because it is the war, to make it more fair to everyone, the system has turned everyone's HP into percentages. So, when one inspected someone, along with the name and level, they were only able to see how much percentage of health they were left with.

Right now, all the clones before their eyes have over 99% of their health. And it's not just 99%. Almost all of them have 99.9% while some of them have 99.8%.

It was another surprising thing considering so many people died. Can someone be this strong?

When such thought arose in their minds, everyone thought maybe only people like Time Traveler, One and Crimson sun can be that strong. So, at the very least, it cleared a little bit confusion regarding their identities. Everyone is indeed Time Traveler.

One Time Traveler is enough for them to run away. What about a hundred of them… Surely, it was nothing but a nightmare.

Tens of Thousands of players just logged out directly as they were sure there will be nothing for them to earn war points. In the end, only 150 thousand remained.

The Supreme Commander raised his sword towards the sky and hold it there. "Archers, get ready…"

As the clone army entered the 250-meter range, he pointed to the enemies, "go…"

More than ten thousand arrows rained down on the clones.

The clones didn't try to dodge as usual.

Even though the distance is larger, the defenders being in an elevated area helped them in long-distance attacks.

"-1" "-1" "-1"

However, they were only able to see nothing but thousands of 1s above their heads.

The clones continued without any expression as if nothing happened at all.

Once again, the arrows were rained down on them, getting the same result, making the players panic further.

By that time, the clones already closed the gap to 50 meters and running upwards on the slope.

Now, without even waiting for Supreme Commander's orders, the mages fired all kinds of spells, fireballs; energy spears; Emberblast that was a powerful level-200 explosive attack; firestorm that rains a dozen small flames onto the enemy… whatever they throw onto the clones, only "1" popped up on their heads.

Just that one number and nothing else…

'F***k' Envizor can't help but curse out, seeing how strong he clones really are… Right now, even he himself wished to escape but was forced to stay because he is a player representative.

He totally believed they were all Time Travelers after looking at such a high defense. One can disguise their looks, identity, or even level but not their stats…

"If I don't do anything, then, I'll only die. Even if I have to lose everything, I'll have to take out these clones with me." Making up his mind, Envizor took out a bomb-looking thing from his inventory.

Nuclear bomb (bound)

Grade: Legendary

Description: Upon touch with the ground, it explodes and impacts a 100-meter radius. Effect: The attack is equivalent to 100 times the user's attack.

Looking at them, Envizor grinned, "perhaps, I'll be treated as a hero after this."josei

As the impact range is 100 meters radius, he didn't throw at the enemies as they need to touch the ground to explode. That's what he read in the description.

So, he just dropped it near his feet. He won't die either way.

Meanwhile, the clone army almost reached the campsite and the melee warriors are ready to tackle them.


Just right then, a massive explosion occurred, scaring the hell out of everyone.

A huge crater has been formed, however, no one on the Evelon's side was harmed but just lost their footing because of the crater.

"Yes, I did it…" He shouted in exclamation while everyone is moving their hands to clear the dust.

Meanwhile, people were confused about who did the sudden ambush but feeling they weren't harmed, they felt it was their ally who tried to attack the enemy.

As the dust settles quickly and everyone's vision was restored, he saw the clones were standing there like a statue.

"No way… my attack is 25 million… It should have been a 2.5 Billion attack… How…" Envizor lost his strength in his legs and collapsed on his knees with shock. He lost his motivation to continue anymore as he saw all the clones' HP percentage was decreased by only 0.1.

He got scared, imagining how high Wil's HP is…

Forget about getting killed in the attack, not even one clone suffered huge damage. The bomb did cause a few millions of damage to HP, which is worth nothing when compared to their billions of HP.

"Attack…" No one knows who shouted but everyone throw spells, arrows, and melee players raised their weapons and dashed towards them more fiercely. The citizens followed them, showing bravery.

The clones let the spells and arrows hit them until they reached some kind of agreement between themselves through telepathy and they raised their staff at a time.

All of a sudden, the pillars in their hands grew larger.

A hundred pillars grew at least fifty meters in length and one meter wide, casting a huge shadow before the players who were in front of the clones.

While NPCs and lower-level players panicked, the first clone leaped towards the front and then swung their pillars in a circular motion.

As if the dust particles being swept by a broom, instantly, the first clone's 50-meter radius is cleared completely, killing more than two thousand players in one sweep.

Following by the first clone, not even giving time to react, the remaining clones suddenly leaped in different directions before sweeping their 50-meter surrounding radius before setting their eyes towards another pack.

A few players who belong to digital media were recording it from above. They felt this action video is more awesome compared to One's performance who depended on a huge monster to sweep out everything.

Sweeping, as usual, a clone reached the area where the Generals are stationed.

The King who was enraged, roared, "destroy it, now. Use everything you have…"

He went back to the tent and by the time, he returned with the Imperial bow, the King was taken aback to see the area was swept as well. All the Royal knights are swept and he didn't see a General standing guard.

The Generals divided themselves into five groups and each group went forward to face a clone while the remaining 95 are busy in their massacring.

Only the Supreme Commander and the Prince are left.

"What are you two, doing here for… Are you waiting for our doom…" The King scolded both of them and ordered them to join in the war.

Aiming the Imperial bow towards one of the clones, he pulled the string and conjured a wooden arrow before shooting towards the enemy.

The fifty-fourth clone was right now battling three generals.

As their swords landed on its right& left shoulder, chest, respectively.

"-3,532,241" "-3,522,135" "-3,416,543"

Similar damages appeared on its head successively while it swept the pillar towards them.

Being expert in fighting, the generals were able to dodge the attack, however, the pillar hit a few people on the way, killing them in the process.

Right then, a wooden arrow cut the air like a flash and pierced the clone.

Instead of damage on its head, vines emerged around the clone and tightly captured it.

The King smiled in satisfaction.

But, soon, his expression changed.

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