War Online

Chapter 276

Chapter 276: Day 1: The Queen is a healer?


With vines tightly grabbing it from top to bottom, tying its legs and hands, the clone fell on the ground.

Due to the massive difference in level when compared to the king, the clone wasn't able to get out.

Getting the opportunity, the generals started to stab it while the king turned his attention to the other clone while waiting for the cooldown.

It's ironic that despite being telepathically connected, none of the clones came to save it.josei

For the past hour, from the moment the clone started running from the Eldershore region, this is the first time, a clone has been soundly defeated. At least that was what it seemed from the outer surface.

But, in reality, the three generals combined can only do damage over 10 million. To kill it completely, they have to deal 144 billion damage, which is going to take hours for sure.

Three minutes later, another clone was down.

Another three minutes later, another was down.

For every three minutes, the King kept on shooting the wooden arrows towards the clones and capturing them one by one, and between these times, he tried to kill them with normal arrows but because the clones are moving randomly, the king had a trouble of keeping his accuracy.

Every time, an arrow pierced the clone, it was able to take 0.1% of the clones, which in no way satisfied the King but nevertheless, he kept on trying.

By the time, five of the hundred clones are captured by vines, more than half of the player and NPC were wiped out.

"Hmm… based on their actions, it doesn't seem like the original person isn't here. So, I have to destroy all these puppets but by the time I do that, my citizens and probably, everyone around me will disappear." After thinking for a while, the king made a decision.

"Everyone, fall back to the safe zone. This is my order as the King." He shouted all of a sudden.

*Ding! King's order has been issued. Every player has to leave the battlefield and get into safe zones.

To let NPCs or the players rest and heal themselves, the system created safe zones all over the kingdom, each one in one region, where soldiers make a campsite.

However, due to the fewer number in Elven kingdoms, all of them gathered in the main base camp while leaving the remaining empty. The citizens who wished to protect their cities right now, stationed there.

As for the safe zone exact placement, it was usually placed right behind the campsite, where one can see a dome-like barrier.

Enemies cannot get into the barrier. So, it is a perfect place to hide also.

However, there's a catch. 

Any member of the royal family, be it a player or the NPC cannot get into the safe zone. And if they get inside, the barrier will be dissolved and will be prone to attacks.

This is done so to make sure the players not taking advantage of the loopholes.

Back to the battle at Ai Themor, upon the king's order, all the citizens and the soldiers quickly fell back and ran towards the safe zone while the clones are busy with the players.

Within a few minutes, the area was cleared with only half of them made it to the safe zone.

Only the 14 generals, the Prince, and the King remained. One of the generals died in the meantime while some of the fourteen generals only have half of their health left.

Some of the clones that chased after people continuously hit the barrier but it didn't budge.

Five clones are on the ground, still struggling with removing the bind.

The King looked at the first one that he captured and shot a fire arrow towards it.

It pierced the clone's chest.


It was the first time with a big number on the clone. The players are half a kilometer away. So, they weren't able to see exact damage but they thought it wasn't huge damage as the clone was kicking alive.

The King frowned, seeing that its life force was decreased by only a small amount. 

If he was a player, he would have been shocked to death, considering his attack was around 50 Billion and have a 500% critical rate.

With no target to attack, the remaining clones set their target the ones before them.


Searvale Kingdom;

A thousand meters above the ground, an important battle was going on. 

Of course, it's mostly the Reverie's King attacking the spherical barrier that surrounded the cloud and the two people riding on it.


The King slashed the barrier once again, chipping off last of its health. But then, in the next second, the Queen's staff glowed and the barrier appeared once again.

The situation made Wil frown, 'So far, she was only unleashing barrier spells. After one gets destroyed, the Cooldown gets reset and she once again unleashing another.

She wanted to separate the King and the players, so, everything was going her way but why isn't she attacking in return? Not to mention, killing a few hundred thousand soldiers wouldn't solve anything… Then, why?'

Then, something clicked in his mind, 'does she want to enrage the King further and let him unleash his most powerful strike and use my gourd to steal it?'

He wondered.

And just as he suspected, as the battle progressed for more than an hour without any results, the King started to lose temper. Meanwhile, the Queen patiently created the barrier once again as soon as it was destroyed.

"Enough is enough…You dragged the battle for too long." The King growled as he raised his sword. A red aura surrounded his body and his sword. "I won't let you hide behind that turtle shell any longer."

As he raised the sword and continuously gathered the magic energy, Wil saw a huge image of some guy behind the king.

Wil then, heard the Queen speak to herself, "Yes… this is it… Reverie Royal family's ancient skill, Ancestor's aura, which would raise their power by ten times for a few minutes."

Then, she suddenly turned her head and said, "Mr. Lupin, get ready to use the gourd. I'm going to trust you and remove the barrier as soon as the skill was unleashed.

But, don't worry, even if this doesn't work, I will keep you alive." She tried to reassure him to make sure he doesn't get scared. 

Meanwhile, Wil wondered whether he would be able to absorb the damage completely. He still doesn't know how strong the King is. So, how would he know about how his new attacks that are ten times stronger will be…

What if he dies? Then, everything will be for naught. Once he dies, not only will he fail to accomplish his mission, even his clones at the Llyne will be destroyed.

Through Telepathy, Wil was able to see what the clones are doing. He was indeed satisfied with how they are doing a great job despite making him spent more than 15000 mana points.

As his main body is currently in the battle against the King, he didn't want to die and let them disappear. He can't lose that hundred thousand War point target…

So, Wil hesitated a bit.

But then, he saw the King's damage on the clone. It made him remember something he had forgotten. Until now, he only cared about stats like attack, HP, critical rate, critical damage, etc… But he forgot that his defense is over 600 million and he also has over 255% damage reduction, although it is 99% in reality because of the limit.

To kill him in one strike, the king's attack should be at least 14 Trillion, which is impossible as far as he thinks.

After all, he faced the attack of Whale. Even with critical rate, it was only able to deal 2.5 Trillion back then…

And even if his attack is higher than the whale, not only there's a heal skill, which can heal his HP by more than 5 Billion per every second, he still has over ninety-five 100% recovery scrolls. So, theoretically, he is invincible.

Such simple thought made Wil open his eyes and quickly he exchanged his place with the Queen to face the King's attack directly.

Meanwhile, the image of the man behind the king slowly faded away while the aura around the sword becoming thicker as each second passed.

"You wish to use a shield, now?" The King sneered while looking at both of them. "Too bad… it won't be enough."

"Secret skill: Attack of the Reverie."

As he slashed the air from far away, a huge arc was created and it was coming towards them.


The Queen used the staff and cleared the barrier.

The King was taken aback by her action.

Following the plan, Wil grabbed the gourd in his two hands and placed it before him. "Crimson gourd, Absorb."

Suddenly, an enormous amount of suction force erupted from the gourd. As if it's a black hole, swallowing all the light and mass around, the gourd completely swallowed the energy.

At the same time, the Queen didn't sit still. She raised the staff and spoke, "Secret skill: Divine Protection."

*Ding! Queen Cremia Searvale casts divine protection on you. For the next ten minutes, your recovery rate increases by 10000%, and your health won't fall below 1.

Wil's started to release a thin golden aura that covered all over his body.

"What the…" Wil was taken aback to see the sudden notification. He was shocked, not because he became invincible but it's because of the skill itself.

'She's a f**k**g healer…' While his body is still absorbing all the energy, he screamed in his mind. 'No wonder she didn't attack him. Because she doesn't know how to...'

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