War Online

Chapter 306

Chapter 306: Damage cap

*Ding! You killed Aqualian Liawreck Evelon. You received 100000 War points as a reward.

He opened the data. A king was added to the list.

Then, he clicked on War shop and appeared before the store.

"Hmm… I have enough mana scrolls and the equipment is also set… So, I won't need them.

Limit break stone costs 25 thousand war points. I can only buy four of them. But I have four of legendary-grade-equipment to enhance. It would be best if I wait for another battle tournament.

Should I buy skill fragments, then? Hmm… Let's see…"

Wil then scrolls down until he reached the skill section.


Random Intermediate-grade skill book (max 25): 1000 War points

Class related Intermediate-grade skill book (max 25): 2000 War points

Random High-grade skill book (max 9): 5000 War points

Class related High-grade skill book (max 9): 10000 War points

Random Peak-grade skill book (max 2): 25000 War points

Class related Peak-grade skill book (max 1): 50000 War points

Unique-grade skill book (max 1): 100000 War points

Skill fragments (max 9999): 500 War points

"Hmm… skill fragments are indeed pricey… It is useless to buy them at the current stage. I can buy them later if I have any points left after the second phase.

Should I go for unique skill or those two?"

Wil went into a dilemma. He had but a hundred thousand points and he cannot buy the two of them.

"Doesn't matter… after claiming the independence, I can kill the king and gain another hundred thousand."

Wil talked to himself about killing the Zuweth's king as if he was killing a chicken for the lunch. 

Probably, only he dared to spout such words.

After deciding on the item, he clicked it.

*Ding! You bought a Random peak-grade skill book. 25,000 War points have been deducted.

*Ding! You bought a Random peak-grade skill book. 25,000 War points have been deducted.

*Ding! You bought a class-related peak-grade skill book. 50,000 War points have been deducted.

Returning from the War shop, Wil checked the skill books.

Mine Field

Description: Counterattack your enemies by turning the area around you into a minefield for 1 hour. Use a missile launcher to launch ten hidden mine bombs in the minefield. Those who will be hit will receive heavy damage equivalent to a 200% attack. Range: 50 meters radius. Cost: 200 mana. CD: 6 hours.

"Missile launcher?" Wil's face turned dark as read the description of the skill book. "Even if I bought one, I won't be able to equip it. Let's just place it in the guild vault."

Wil then looked at the second random skill book. He was taken aback as soon as he saw the title. "Another field skill?"

Divine field

Description: Create a divine field around you for 15 minutes by stabbing the heavy sword into the ground. All the allies that stay in the field will receive a 20% stats buff and recover their health by 1% every 3 seconds. The debuffs on them will also disappear. Range: 50-meter radius. Cost: 300 mana. CD: 2 hours.

"Oh Boy! Another dud…" Wil felt the urge to curse the system. All this while, he enjoyed the luck but suddenly he felt like he became bad luck.

Wil wondered whether killing kings will give him bad luck or something… He quickly threw his thoughts away and focused on the last one that is class-related, which means, it will be a useful one for him.

With continuous disappointments, his anticipation towards the third one increased. 

However, as soon as he clicked on the book to take it out, he received a surprising system prompt.

*Ding! Detected two classes within the user. Choose a class.

"Ah! I almost forgot about Seer…" Wil didn't even hesitate to choose Seer over Elementalist for he has many powerful skills to use.


Description: The user can gain the visual information of an object, monster, or a person in their sight. The user can also see the past of the things or people they touched. The skill can't affect Ascended NPCs or players and mythic- or higher-grade beasts. Cost: 200 mana. CD: 0 seconds

"Uhh…" Wil went into a daze. "This skill can be considered a peak grade skill?" He doesn't know how to react after spending a hundred thousand War points only to receive useless ones.

With players possessing Inspection Skills, he felt the so-called visual information was practically useless.

Perhaps, the only useful thing is that he can see the past of the people just like Ascended NPCs as long as he touched them.

Suddenly something clicked in his mind and he read the description once again. "I can identify a person with the mask of tranquility, right?"

His eyes lit up as a theory formed in his mind. "It just said that they have to be in my sight. God's eye can help me out with seeing my surroundings. If I use both of them as a combo, then, I can find out their identities.

Hmm, maybe, the visual information isn't also useless. Who knows, it might be some sort of upgraded version? Let's test it, later."

Wil used the skill book.

*Ding! Clairvoyance skill has been added to the skill list. Please check the Seer tab for details.

"Okay. Let's return."

Wil then mounted Leon and flew towards the capital city to teleport back to Llyne. 

Just as he reached the outskirts of the city and about to land, suddenly, his path was blocked by a teenager who bore striking resemblance to Aria.

Leon stopped flying and didn't attack her.

"Miss Aria?" He called out in a calm tone.

In reality, he already expected a meeting with her. The only thing he was wondering what might be the reason.

Is it related to the killing of the kings of Reverie and Evelon? Or maybe, it's because he got the three Sage weapons? Or maybe, it's because Leon is a mythic grade.

Wil has several reasons in his head.

"What do you need, Miss Aria," Wil asked her.

In response to his question, Aria spoke, "let's change the place."

Her tone and her expression appeared serious. 

Wil nodded.

She snapped her fingers and the Wil found their surroundings were changed to that of the white space.

At the same time, everyone else received a system notification.

*Ding! System announcement: Due to underlying circumstances, War Online will be under maintenance for an hour. You will be logged out in 60 seconds. 

An abrupt system announcement threw off everyone who is in the middle of the battle. There was no warning or advance notification in either forums or the official website.

But, what can they do other than accepting it?

Whenever the system announces maintenance, it won't be just fixing small bugs. Either there's a powerful bug or they might be adding a feature, probably for the ones that were eliminated.

"Hmm? System Maintenance?" Like others, Wil was also taken aback.

He just killed the king and was returning to the Llyne to free Llyne from Zuweth's control.

His original plan was to wait until the full moon night and attack Rikilda with his forces but now that the three-way is over, Wil felt he doesn't need to wait.

The damage number of Evelon king's head further boosted his confidence. He felt he can kill both of them and occupy all three kingdoms.

But, suddenly, there's now system maintenance and he was brought to this space. He felt like both of these are linked.

"So, what is it, Miss Aria? Spill out the beans…" Wil probed her once again.

"You created an abnormality, Mr. Ravens." Instead of speaking his in-game name, she addressed him with his real name.

Wil wasn't surprised about it. He knew that this super A.I. was even capable of hacking a satellite…

"Is it related to killing the kings?" Wil voiced out his suspicion.

"No, it's more related to your maximum attack damage that caused the abnormality."

Wil remembered the 15 digit number on Evelon's king's head. He cursed himself inside for recklessly showing his power.

He became worried whether Aria intends to nerf his strongest skill. Last time, she did the same with his Leon too.

Aria continued, "I'll come to the point directly. We are going to limit the damage of all the players.

No matter how high is your skill damage, one trillion will be the maximum amount of damage that you can instill on the enemy. So, yes, you can still kill a king in one move.

Currently, you are the only person who will be affected by the changes. So, I'm informing you in person."

"Okay, I get it." Wil nodded in understanding. Although he felt a little bit wronged to get such a huge nerf, he convinced himself that it isn't limited to him but everyone else also.

At such a moment, a thought emerged in his mind.

Wil realized that Aria wasn't worried about the kings getting killed in one move. Then, what was she aiming for, when she was limiting the damage.

If one can kill a level-500 king… that means, except for the Ascended and the mythic whale, no player, NPC, or monster can be spared.

So, where is this abnormality come from?josei

Wil concluded that it might be the Ascended level guardians. He then remembered the quest to kill Gadriel.

He quickly formed a plan and said, "It would be unfair if it only applied for the players."

"Eh?" Aria was taken aback by Wil's response. She didn't expect Wil to point out something that she hadn't thought of it.

"Are you referring to NPC or the monsters?" She asked him.

"Both. If you are going to limit our damage, wouldn't it be fair that their damage is also limited? If not 1 trillion, then ten trillion… "

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