War Online

Chapter 307

Chapter 307: Aria wants to take back the skill?

"Limit the damage of NPCs?" Aria was puzzled by Wil's suggestion/demand.

She felt it was useless to do it.

After all, it wasn't the attack that was getting nerfed, it was the overall damage.

And who would be able to do that kind of damage to Wil?josei

His damage reduction was capped at 99%.

If he needs to receive 1 trillion of damage, the attack power itself has to be 100 trillion. Not even Ascended have that kind of damage.

Only two-star Ascended such as Aerona Marten can deal that much.

Moreover, this attack damage cap isn't permanent either. She plans to slowly increase it during the next major update.

But, Wil didn't know that.

Aria didn't explain to him either and simply agreed with his statement, thinking that the matter was solved smoothly.

"Okay, the final attack damages of NPCs and the monsters will also be limited to 1 trillion."

Wil smiled in satisfaction, "thanks. Now that we are done here, can I log out?"

"No, there's one more thing…" This time, Wil saw the hesitation on her face.

'Was she going to ask what I'm thinking?' He wondered whether she was going to talk about Leon.

However, unlike what he expected, she asked another thing that he almost forgot its existence. "Can I take back the Soul-link skill? I'll compensate with something else. If you have something in your mind, please feel free to say it."

"Soul-link skill?" Only after she mentioned the skill, Wil remembered it. After the update, he never used it even once.

More like, he never fell into a circumstance that he might need this skill that lets Leon's stats decreased to half and his stats increased to double.

Since she was already limiting the damage, is there a reason for her to take the skill away? With his current stats, most of his skills can do the maximum damage anyway. So, why?

He can't help but wonder.

Meanwhile, Aria was worried that Wil won't accept her offer. After all, unlike last time, he's now stronger than Leon.

In her view, there's a high chance that he might use the skill that doesn't have either mana cost or cool down.

Once he activates the skill, everything would be doubled. His attack stat in angel form will reach 15 Billion, his HP crossed 300 Billion. His defense crossed 1 Billion and the speed, movement, flying as well as attack speed would hit the limit.

With his usual arrows containing double the attack power, would he even need to depend on skills?

Just buying a set of arrows for a gold coin will earn him victory over everyone. As for the numbers, he just needs to use all of his mana on his clone army.

What's worse, if he summons his unique golem or the twin-headed Kagyre, just their HP alone will scare away everyone.

Eventually, with their HP will cross the limit damage, he will just simply focus on healing them.

With 200% heal and a definite critical rate, he can endlessly heal them to full. And that will create another abnormality, which is something she never wanted to see.

However, Wil wasn't Aria. His brain didn't think of all of this. His thoughts were pretty much simple.

He was just being pleased for making the super A.I. limit the Ascended NPCs' strength so that he can go and hunt down the Angel of War.

As for the defense, he just needs to maximize the enhancement of the accessories and the equipment to level-30. Just that alone will make his HP cross the 1 trillion mark.

He was confident to stay unharmed by the attack of an Ascended as long as he gets to achieve that.

So, when Aria asked for soul link skill, which he doesn't use, he didn't take it seriously. Wil thought maybe the company forced her to take back the skill she gave him.

He then started to think about how to receive maximum benefit from this deal.

After a while, he made a decision about the compensation.

"I won't ask much." Wil directly said what was on his mind. "I need the citizenship of Dragon Island and also need T-rex egg to be hatched instantly. If it's too much, you can…"

"Deal…" Aria interrupted Wil, almost immediately, with a smile. Her previous serious expression completely disappeared. She appeared delighted.

She didn't even waste any time snapping her fingers, worrying he would change his mind.

*Ding! You receive a quest, Find Dragon Island.

Description: Find the whereabouts of the Dragon Island and meet the King.

Reward: Citizenship at Dragon Island without losing citizenship at Llyne and Searvale.

*Ding! You accepted the quest.

The system directly forced the quest onto him. Followed by the quest, he received another notification. 

*Ding! T-Rex has been hatched. 

In the meantime, the soul link skill was disappeared from his skill list.

Wil was taken aback by the sudden events. He didn't expect Aria would be so decisive in proposing the deal.

It led him to wonder whether he received the short end of the stick in this deal.

"Mr. Ravens… my job is done here. I'm leaving." She then said to him while maintaining her smile. 

"Excuse me…" Saying goodbye with a bow, she disappeared, leaving Wil in a stupor for a couple of seconds before he too disappeared and found himself in the capsule.

Getting out of the capsule, Wil clenched his fist, "Now it is the time for the dinosaur to go rampant. 

Meanwhile, at the city of Wular;

As the competition was only two days away, the archers from various colleges and high schools are practicing on the university grounds.

On the other hand, Hyori was resting in the dorm while spending her entire time watching the professional archery games.

As for the practice, due to completely focusing on wrist and hand exercises to make sure her not injure her arm, she wasn't able to join her fellow competitors.

So, all she can have is visual training in place of an actual one. It lifted her spirits a little bit.

Meanwhile, on the grounds, Sakura became the center of attention as she was shooting the arrows at a rapid pace of 30-50 arrows per minute, yet hitting the moving targets precisely.

Everyone can't help but think she would be the winner and as a result, half of the senior division lost their motivation. As for the junior division who are all high school students, they too stopped their practice and placed their entire attention on her.

"That show off b***h…" the current reigning champion, Miura Kazushi gritted her teeth in anger.

A day ago, during the morning practice, as the petite princess was showing off her skills, she challenged her to a match of fifty arrows.

The result was an absolute defeat.

Sakura completely crushed her by shooting 50 consecutive ten-pointers.

Miura lost her face before everyone and stayed on the sidelines, not intending to compete with her again.

Finishing her practice, Sakura returned to the dorm.

As she opens her door, she found Hyori was busy with meditation.

It turns out Hyori ended up as her roommate.

"Are you sure that visual training is going to help you in the competition?" She asked in a flat tone.

"Well, you will find out after two days…" Hyori calmly replied.

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