War Online

Chapter 325

Chapter 325: Wil's treat part-1

Hours passed away; 


"Yes, Aster…" Wil asked how's the reservation went.

"Just like you wished, I've managed to reserve a popular BBQ restaurant until the morning. It's called BBQ Jeong. Located in the downtown, 16 kilometers away from here." Aster reported him with the good news.

Wil then asked, "what about our employees?"

"I relayed the news. They said they will come to the place. It is only a kilometer away from our office, either way. So, by the time we arrive at the place, everyone will be here."

"Good." Wil nodded to himself in satisfaction. He then asked his whereabouts.

As Aster replied that he just left his house, Wil called him to the apartment to leave together.

He then dialed another number.

"Hello?" A sweet voice was heard from the other side. However, it felt a bit different.

"Ms. Jiwon?" Wil asked whether it was her who lifted the phone.

"Mr. Ravens, sister is busy, helping out mom with the dishes." Her twin sister replied.

"Oh! So, it's Ms. Hyunjoo. I wondered what's wrong with your voice… Anyway, are the two of you free, this evening? I'm organizing a dinner party. Employees of our company will also be there." Wil didn't explain the matter completely and just said they can return home before midnight.

In response, she replied that she will ask her sister and then, ask their father's permission.

If it is Hyori, he would have said that he will take the permission personally from their dad but since he wasn't that much acquainted with her, Wil just said Okay and disconnected the call.

30 minutes later, he received a call from the same number. This time, it was Jiwon.josei

Unlike Hyori who was cold and Hyunjoo who was too reserved, Jiwon is someone who has an easygoing personality. She didn't even hesitate to request him to take to their father about it.

Wil didn't ask him directly as he thought it would inappropriate. After all, their ages weren't that apart.

So, he let Aster ask him about it and made him promise to their father about the protection of the girls. Since Aster worked as the manager of the Apartments for the past five years, Wil thought their father would trust Aster more than him.

And as he expected, their father agreed on the condition that they have to return before 11 p.m.

After informing Jiwon, Wil then called another number. He felt that this is the time to hold his promise to a certain someone.

"Hello" The other side picked up while heavily breathing.

Of course, Wil didn't misunderstand the situation as he further heard the roar and the sounds of metal collisions. "Mr. Chu, are you in the game?" He asked him.

"Yes. A guild hired me for clearing out a legendary grade dungeon of level-250." Min (Death King) answered honestly without hiding anything.

"When I hired you, I promised that I will give you the freedom to continue being a mercenary. However, I hope you won't help out the enemies of our guild." Wil calmly reminded him of their agreement.

"Of course, I know that much, at least. Anyway, what did you call me, for?" He asked to come to the point directly.

"You must have known about the news of Time Traveler acquiring three kingdoms in a row," Wil spoke about it as if it has nothing to do with him.

"Yes, so?"

"I'm organizing a party for the success, this evening. Some of the top guild members are also arriving. You are invited."

However, Min rejected it immediately saying that he was busy. Wil at least expected for him to ask whether Time Traveler is also coming or not.

But, his invitation was rejected flatly. Wil didn't give up and took out his trump card as he had planned before, "Jiwon was also invited."

"Eh?" Min was taken aback. "Jiwon. You mean, Lee Jiwon? She's coming to the party?" He asked in a hurried tone.

"Of course. If you want to miss this chance, then, don't blame me, later." Wil quickly disconnected the call after sending him the address and the time.

If he won't willing to come, even after that, Wil wouldn't care about it the next time. Sure, he recognized his potential but that doesn't mean Wil is desperate for Min's help that he needs to put up with his behavior.

Half an hour later, Aster arrived at the apartment, and later, with the two girls joining, the five of them set out to the restaurant.

As usual, the bodyguards followed them from behind. But unknown to them, a person in a suit was watching the scene from a rooftop of the same apartment building that Wil lives in.

He was wearing a similar suit and shades as the bodyguards.

This suspicious bodyguard then called someone and reported the scene he was watching.

"Who are those twins? Are they close with Wil?" The other person asked him.

"Not really, Ma'am. According to the rumors, I heard the young master was close to their eldest sister." He replied what he gathered so far.

The woman from the other side then asked, "Two days ago, you reported about a girl who was accompanied by Wil, all the way to Wular city. Is she the same girl?"

"Yes, Ma'am." The bodyguard confirmed it.

"So, Wil not only helps this friend to Wular and now, give a treat to her younger sisters. Hmm…" The woman mumbled to herself and then, gave an order, "Ethan, I want all the details of the girl. And also, I need confirmation about their exact relationship. Oh! And tell Silver to increase the guards around Wil. They are nowhere enough."

"Yes, Ma'am."

After disconnecting the phone, the woman sighed as she looked at the city from the 24th floor's balcony, "Phil, you promised that you'll take care of our son… You incompetent fool. Why promise when you don't even have the ability to keep it from the start.

Perhaps, you knew that if I knew about your injury, I would have taken my son away with me. Had I done that, he would be brought up in a safe environment and today, there won't be any threat to his life…" She let out a deep sigh once again and returned to the house.

There she saw her kids were playing some racing game on play station. She took a deep breath and walked towards them.


At the restaurant, the gamers that were invited were waiting for their boss.

As Wil was late due to the traffic, he told them to start without him and will join them in the middle.

Long Jing who received the orders from Silver, relayed the same to everyone.

If it were the employees of the Scarlet group, they would have insisted to wait until their young master arrives. However, they were just young gamers who didn't even see Wil, for once.

The only exceptions are Elyssa and a few others who saw him briefly when he came to the headquarters after his father's death.

"Today, I'm gonna confirm with our young boss whether he's none other than Time Traveler." As the girls sat together and chatting about Time Traveler, Xia Fu, who is an Elite Archer in the guild, voiced her opinion. 

"Eh?" Maybe, her voice was too loud, even the boys stopped talking and turned their heads.

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