War Online

Chapter 326

Chapter 326: Wil's treat part-2

As A-squad Elite, Xia Fu claimed that she was going to ask Wil regarding his identity, B-squad's leader, Elyssa, quickly objected. "Miss Xia… Don't cause trouble. You keep saying that Mr. Ravens is the one behind Time Traveler without any proof. What if he gets angry. You won't be the only one to bear the brunt."

Elyssa got annoyed with this girl who has high self-esteem and at the same time, look down on the B-squad and lower grade teams.

"Hmpf… looks like you are watching too many dramas these days." Xia Fu snorted, "this is why you are still in B-squad."

"You…" Elyssa stopped eating and clenched the chopsticks.

Xia Fu continued, "Not all rich young masters are arrogant and narrowminded in reality. Moreover, I have seen his Archery skills with my own eyes. I even have witnesses."

Turning her head towards the male section where the guys were watching the both of them. "Brother Shen, Brother Jin… the two of you are with me, back when the chairman visited the headquarters." 

Two months ago;

Scarlet Group Headquarters, Ares City;

At an Archery training room, Xia Fu and the other two trainees, along with their trainer stopped their activity and watched Wil, who seemed to be in agony as he fired the arrows at a rapid pace.josei

Every time he drew the bow and release the arrow, the sound made by the string struck her heart.

Adding his handsome looks to his skill, unknown to her, this genius archer was drawn towards him. 

She kept on watching him until Wil injured his hand while breaking the string with raw force.

As he asked everyone to leave him alone to gather his thoughts, everyone else exited the training room.

She then asked her trainer, "what happened to him?"

In place of her trainer, Maria, an executive director at the Headquarters replied, "someone closed to him has died."

Xia Fu became curious, "close? His friend? girlfriend?"

Maria shook her head and said, "his father. And yet, he's here to play the game so that he can finish the tournament."

She looked at the three of them, "Not because he doesn't care about his father's death or something. That's how much the young master was determined to establish supremacy in War Online and he expects the same level of seriousness from you.

For the company, our priority is always the happiness of the young master. If you want to do a half-hearted job thinking that you were just playing a game, then, you might have to think about your career once again."

The three of them firmly nodded in response.


While Xia Fu and Elyssa were in a heated argument, suddenly, Long Jing stood up and clapped to get attention from everyone before announcing the arrival of Wil and the others.

By the time Wil entered the restaurant, he saw everyone is just silently eating by themselves.

On spotting him, all of them stood up silently. They saw Wil was accompanied by strikingly beautiful twins who attracted the attention of everyone.

While the male gamers are appreciating their beauty, a few female gamers misunderstood that the twins were escorts and felt disgusted.

For good or for worse, Elyssa is one of them. She immediately developed a bad impression of him.

Aside from those two, there are two more people who are obviously in their late thirties. While one of them is unfamiliar to everyone, the other was familiar to almost everyone.

Meanwhile, Long Jing welcomed Wil. Even though it's her first time meeting him, as a director, she, atleast knew his face.

"Mr. Chairman, thank you for inviting us…" She put forth her hand forward for a handshake while keeping a smile on her face.

Accepting the handshake, Wil interrupted her, "pleasure is mine, Director Long. By the way, is there something wrong?"

"Eh?" She was taken aback. "What do you mean?"

Wil pointed his finger towards the people who stood up silently. "No one seems to be enjoying the treat. Perhaps, they don't like BBQ places?"

"Ah, it's not like that…" She quickly waved her hands, "it's just that it was too noisy earlier."

Wil immediately understood the situation and looked at everyone, "hello. Thank you for accepting my invitation. You can say, yesterday, our company made its first stamp in War Online."


Everyone clapped for a while.

Wil continued, "Too bad that Time Traveler isn't with us now. However, today, another top expert of the guild is going to join us, shortly. Before that, let me introduce my friends. This is Silver. He is a director of SGC and also the current guild leader of Silvershapers."

Wil then pointed to the twins, "this is Lee Hyunjoo and she's Lee Jiwon. They are my friend and we kinda live in the same neighborhood. They don't play War Online, by the way, so, don't talk them about gaming stuff."

He then looked at Long Jing, "Director Long, they are still 17. So, alcohol is prohibited for them. I trust you will make sure they don't touch the alcohol."

Long Jing nodded with a smile while Jiwon's face darkened. After all, she likes to moderately drink with her friends, although secretly.

Only did the female gamers realized that they misunderstood Wil. They further felt that this young boss of theirs doesn't seem like the other typical young masters. Elyssa felt apologetic towards Wil. 

"And I guess most of you have recognized him." Wil then, pointed at Aster, "He is Shadow Blade, the Vice guild leader of Vulture." 

He then looked at both of them and gestured with the hand to join the ladies section as it would be inappropriate for them to tag with him, now that he saw there's a gender separation.

While Hyunjoo felt nervous and stood behind Jiwon, the latter dragged her towards the ladies and sit between them.

Meanwhile, he and the other two joined the men's table. They cleared the space to make sure the three of them get to sit in the middle.

Soon, the meat and a lot of side dishes along with the restaurant's handmade special liquor were served at the table. However, to the restaurant staff's disappointment, Wil didn't even touch it.

Silver wondered whether Wil inherited his father's little drinking capacity. As someone who was very close with Philip, he knew that the Mafia lord will be down with just one peg.


Judson and Berley General Hospital, Arlington city, Eastern Continent;

At a general ward, a man was lying on the bed without any consciousness. Half of his face and several of his body parts had burn scars.

Meanwhile, a nurse stopped before the bed. As usual, she changed the feeding tube and saline.

Right then, he suddenly opened his eyes, startling the nurse.

An hour later;

A man and a woman in casual clothes arrived at the hospital.

"I don't understand why the higher-ups are making a fuss about this guy. Even if he is a diamond level, it doesn't make sense that both of us are deployed for his safety." The woman complained as both of them stepped inside the hospital. "I mean, this is our home turf. Who would be daring to abduct him without us knowing…"

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