
Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Zhao Yuanjiaos Actions

Chapter 160: Zhao Yuanjiao's Actions

"Xiao Nanfeng, Zheng Qian—how well you cooperate with each other," Nalan Feng spat out.

He had never suffered such an ignominious defeat. Bitter cold flashed in his eyes; he wasn't intending to let matters drop so easily.

"Senior Brother Nalan Feng, don't you have more to say to me?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

"And what might that be?"

"An apology," Xiao Nanfeng replied seriously.

"You want me to apologize to you?" Nalan Feng scoffed in derision.

An apology would imply that he were bowing down to Xiao Nanfeng, and he had no intention of doing so.

"Your subordinates infiltrated my island and attacked those under my purview. Not only that, they deliberately targeted my friend, Zheng Qian. Mr. Qin kidnapped Zheng Qian and even Taiqing disciples to interrogate them. Don't claim that this has nothing to do with you, either—if you do that, I'll settle matters with them individually," Xiao Nanfeng continued, not giving in at all.

He had already made an enemy of Nalan Feng; there was no reason to hold back. Zhao Yuanjiao had given him a look that meant that he had settled things. In that case, Xiao Nanfeng intended to make Nalan Feng pay. An apology was only an excuse to try to get him angrier.

Nalan Feng glared at Xiao Nanfeng. "And if I refuse?"

"If you refuse, and in doing so refuse to correct the wrongs you have wrought, how could you serve as the seniormost disciple of a division of the Taiqing sect?" Nalan Feng replied coldly.

"Xiao Nanfeng, you've already destroyed the protective formation that shields the Isle of Nalan. Do you still intend to push things further? Do you claim no fault of your own?" Zhao Tianheng suddenly asked.

Xiao Nanfeng raised an eyebrow at Zhao Tianheng. What was going on? He was a disciple of the Ascended division. Why would Zhao Tianheng be siding with Nalan Feng? Could Zhao Yuanjiao not have convinced his uncle?

"Division Leader, I've been wronged, and my friends unfairly treated, disparaged, imprisoned, whipped, and violated. I seek only an apology in redress. Surely this is no outrageous request?"

"What grievances you have may be reported and addressed by the sect. You, on the other hand, chose to beat down the equivalent of Nalan Feng's door. He's the seniormost disciple of the Mortal division, and does possess the right to oversee and discipline ordinary disciples. His actions are within the scope of his purview, and while his inappropriate handling of affairs has been revealed, it remains that an ordinary disciple like you has no right to question him. Or do you think you can do whatever you please just because you have the moral high ground? Not only have you destroyed the formation surrounding the Isle of Nalan, you even add insult to injury by demanding an apology in submission. I shall not simply bear witness to such a ludicrous outcome. The name and reputation of the Taiqing sect might even suffer for such lawlessness!" Zhao Tianheng criticized.

The elders nodded. There was a strict division of rank within the sect, and it would be inappropriate for the seniormost disciples of a division to bow down to an ordinary one. If this were to become canonical, they elders might even have to apologize to ordinary disciples out of a moment's carelessness as well!

"Uncle, Xiao Nanfeng is no ordinary disciple," Zhao Yuanjiao suddenly stated.

"How so?"

"Xiao Nanfeng is the seniormost disciple of the Ascended division, matching Nalan Feng in status. It is only reasonable that Nalan Feng apologize to his equal for disrespect shown," Zhao Yuanjiao continued.

"What? Xiao Nanfeng is the seniormost disciple of the Ascended division?" The elders gaped.

The position of seniormost disciple was no ordinary title. It granted the disciple the ability to command the disciples of the division in place of the division leader of the sect, with commensurate authority to boot.

"Not only does such a position require the approval and acknowledgement of the majority of the disciples in the division, it must also be accepted by the associated division leader. How could his position be valid without my knowledge as the leader of the Ascended division?" Zhao Tianheng asked coldly.

"By the Ascended token," Zhao Yuanjiao replied.

Zhao Tianheng raised an eyebrow. "Senior Brother Ku handed you the Ascended token, and instructed for Xiao Nanfeng to be made the seniormost disciple of the division?"

"Yes, Elder! Such a token possesses authority equivalent to the division leader's in your absence. Elder Ku designated Xiao Nanfeng as the seniormost disciple with the Ascended token while you were coincidentally away on business. I vouch that this is true on the basis of this token that I wield," Zhao Yuanjiao replied, holding up a token for all to see.

The elders stared at each other, knowing of the politics in play. Elder Ku, who bore the Ascended token, had no less authority than Zhao Tianheng despite not being a division leader.

"Why are you only telling me this now?" Zhao Tianheng asked coldly.

"I've been in secluded cultivation to recuperate from my injuries, and was unfortunately forced to delay news of the matter. At this point, the majority of the disciples of the Ascended division have gathered by the plaza outside the Hall of Immortal Recruitment. Any who wish to do so may voice concerns or allegations regarding Xiao Nanfeng's candidacy, and they may challenge him in public," Zhao Yuanjiao reported.

Xiao Nanfeng was rather shaken himself, not expecting that Zhao Yuanjiao had promised to make him the seniormost disciple of the Ascended division without reporting the matter to Zhao Tianheng. Were the two of them at odds with one another?

Zhao Tianheng narrowed his eyes at Zhao Yuanjiao and said coldly, "Then we'll head to the plaza by the Hall of Immortal Recruitment. I'd like to see just how many Ascended disciples will support Xiao Nanfeng's appointment."

Zhao Tianheng flicked his sleeves in annoyance, then flew through the air back to Taiqing Island.

Behind Zhao Tianheng, two more elders of the Ascended division soared into the air after him.

The remaining elders glanced at each other with complicated expressions on their faces. This had been a fight between Xiao Nanfeng and Nalan Feng. How did this uncle and nephew pair end up getting involved? What was going on?

"Nalan Feng, will you apologize now or later?" Xiao Nanfeng continued to provoke Nalan Feng.

Nalan Feng narrowed his eyes as he stared at Xiao Nanfeng, having guessed what was going on. All this nonsense about Elder Ku's orders before he left—Elder Ku hadn't even known about the stupendous growth in Xiao Nanfeng's strength by then! All this had to be a ploy that Xiao Nanfeng and Zhao Yuanjiao had devised starting last night.

"Apologize? Ask me again once you've become the seniormost disciple of the Ascended division," Nalan Feng scoffed.

"My master has long since appointed me the seniormost disciple of the division. What's there to question? This will be just for show. Would you like to participate, too?" Xiao Nanfeng offered with a smile.

Nalan Feng's face turned dark. He refused to speak.

"Senior Brother, since Nalan Feng refuses to admit guilt, I'll wait a little while longer. Let's head to the plaza of the Hall of Immortal Recruitment and explain everything to the junior disciples, then lead them back here to witness Nalan Feng's apology." Xiao Nanfeng smiled, continuing to fan the flames of conflict.

Zhao Yuanjiao nodded.

"Ye Sanshui, please help escort Mr. Zheng and Ye Dafu back to the Isle of Xiao for treatment. I'll return shortly."

Ye Sanshui nodded gingerly, as though he were seated on a carpet of nails. The fact that he was standing with Xiao Nanfeng meant that he had completely offended Nalan Feng.

"Elders, in case you're free later, I'll invite you all to watch a spectacle right here."

The elders traded glances with each other. Just how brash could this young disciple get?

As Xiao Nanfeng and his retinue departed, the elders of the Heaven and Earth divisions flew back to the Taiqing Island. Only four Mortal elders remained, frowning at Nalan Feng.

"Nalan Feng, Xiao Nanfeng won't be an easy opponent."

"He's the son of Elder Xiao Hongye, and it would be improper for us to show you too much favoritism. We apologize."

The four elders bowed.

Nalan Feng shook his head. "No matter. I didn't expect him to be such a tough opponent, either. If you wouldn't mind, could you help Mr. Qin restore some of his spiritual power?"

"Of course." The four elders nodded at this simple request.

The four elders immediately transferred some of their spiritual power to Mr. Qin, gradually restoring some color to his face.

"Thank you, Elders. Please, head toward the plaza of the Hall of Immortal Recruitment to keep an eye on Xiao Nanfeng. I'm worried that Zhao Yuanjiao will help him cheat through this process. I'll arrive shortly after," Nalan Feng stated.

The four elders nodded again as they flew off toward Taiqing Island.

Once everyone was gone, Nalan Feng's face turned dark.

"Your Highness, I didn't reveal any hint about the location of the underground cellar at all, but Xiao Nanfeng was able to pinpoint its location immediately. Something's wrong," Mr. Qin reported.

"Could someone have informed him?" Nalan Feng asked, frowning.

"That's unlikely. We only began hiding the prisoners when he started attacking the array, and we were keeping tabs on him all along. How could anyone have informed him of anything in the meantime?" Mr. Qin asked, frowning.

Nalan Feng hesitated. "Could he have determined where the prisoners were kept from the gaze of my other subordinates, then deliberately pinned it on you?"

"It's very likely. Your Highness, this Xiao Nanfeng isn't a trifling foe!" Mr. Qin warned.

"To have laid out a plan like this in just one night—I do have to admit that he's capable. If not for my giving in to him just now, I might have lost significant reputation. Alright. Reset the array," Nalan Feng commanded.

"Yes, Your Highness!" the cultivators in purple all around them replied.

Once again, mists filled the Isle of Nalan. The formation that Xiao Nanfeng had broken reformed once again. Despite the damage to the formation, its core had been unaffected, and the formation could be restored at any time. The reason Nalan Feng hadn't done it earlier was to use it to feign weakness.

"Your Highness, I don't know how Xiao Nanfeng managed to destroy my spiritual crane. If he can do this, he might not have trouble dealing with the appointment ceremony and challenges from any Ascended disciples. He really may become the seniormost disciple of the Ascended division, and matters will become far more challenging to deal with then," Mr. Qin stated in worry.

"I won't let him become the seniormost Ascended disciple. Now that he's headed toward Taiqing Island, the Isle of Xiao must be undefended.

"You mean to have me head to the Isle of Xiao right away?" Mr. Qin asked.

"Indeed. Otherwise, why would I have had the elders restore your stamina? While he's gone, retrieve the Immortal's Destruction and kill Zheng Qian," Nalan Feng commanded.

"It's a trivial matter, but would it be too obvious? You might be the subject of suspicion then, Your Highness."

"This is clearly an attack perpetrated by Xiao Nanfeng's enemies; it has nothing to do with me. And once Xiao Nanfeng loses possession of the Immortal's Destruction, he won't have the power to do anything," Nalan Feng opined disdainfully.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Mr. Qin replied.

At sea, Xiao Nanfeng and Zheng Qian split up. Zheng Qian and his retinue sailed back to the Isle of Xiao, whereas Xiao Nanfeng and Zhao Yuanjiao joined Ye Sanshui's small boat toward Taiqing Island.

"Why did you taunt Nalan Feng and anger him by demanding an apology?" Zhao Yuanjiao asked as they sailed.

"It's easy for an enraged person to make mistakes. I intend to counterattack at Nalan Feng," Xiao Nanfeng replied, smiling.

"How?" Zhao Yuanjiao asked.

"You'll see. It's too early to reveal that just yet."

Zhao Yuanjiao frowned at Xiao Nanfeng, feeling as though he was up to something big, but he couldn't quite figure out what.

"Senior Brother, I asked if you would help me smooth the transition to become the seniormost Ascended disciple. Why didn't you report to Division Leader Zhao Tianheng?" Xiao Nanfeng asked curiously.

"He's had someone in mind for this position. If I didn't declare this publicly, it would never have been your turn," Zhao Yuanjiao replied, smiling coldly.


This uncle-nephew pair seemed to be scheming against each other...

As though sensing Xiao Nanfeng's curiosity, Zhao Yuanjiao sucked in a deep breath and explained, "Who do you think would take over my blackguards if I were to die?"

Xiao Nanfeng's eyes widened. Was Zhao Yuanjiao wondering if his two recent assassination attempts had been orchestrated by his uncle, Zhao Tianheng?josei

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