
Chapter 161

Chapter 161: Oppression by Five Thousand Scriptures

Chapter 161: Oppression by Five Thousand Scriptures

Within a hall on Taiqing Island, Zhao Tianheng looked at the Taiqing disciples gathered before him, his face dark.

"Master, in the middle of the night yesterday, Zhao Yuanjiao arranged for the majority of the junior Ascended disciples to wait by the plaza of the Hall of Immortal Recruitment in the morning, claiming that there would be a big announcement. I didn't expect that this announcement would be the designation of a new seniormost disciple," one disciple began, frowning.

"That's right. We weren't aware of what was going on, so we didn't dare disturb you in the middle of the night, Master. We were intending on reporting the disturbance to you today, but were delayed because of the incident at the Isle of Nalan," another disciple reported.

Zhao Tianheng frowned. "I returned from the Eastern Sea Draconic Palace because I heard that he had become an elder and that the seniormost Ascended disciple position was now vacant. I had intended to fill that position with one of you, but it looks like Xiao Nanfeng has taken advantage already."

"Master, Elder Ku left Taiqing Island over a month ago, and he couldn't have been aware that Xiao Nanfeng had already reached Ascension by then. Zhao Yuanjiao has to be feigning Elder Ku's command, surely?" one disciple asked.

"So what? When Senior Brother Ku returns, he'll surely enforce it," Zhao Tianheng replied coldly.

"Master, not all is lost just yet. The seniormost Ascended disciple needs both the confirmation of the division leader as well as of the ordinary disciples of the division. If Xiao Nanfeng is rejected by the majority of disciples, he won't be able to fill the position," one disciple reported.

"Rejected?" Zhao Tianheng narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

"Don't worry, Master. We won't let Xiao Nanfeng become the seniormost Ascended disciple. He won't be able to gain the disciples' approval!" the disciples promised.

Zhao Tianheng was silent for long moments before he eventually nodded.

By the time Zhao Yuanjiao and Xiao Nanfeng arrived at the plaza by the Hall of Immortal Recruitment, thousands had gathered—disciples of the Ascended division, along with curious onlookers from those of the other three divisions.

Before Xiao Nanfeng arrived, word of what had happened at the Isle of Nalan had spread throughout the island, and the vast majority of the disciples were curious about him.

"Senior Brother Nanfeng's actual name is Xiao Nanfeng?"

"His father's Xiao Hongye, of the Mortal division? Allegedly, Xiao Hongye was among the strongest cultivators of the Taiqing Immortal Sect."

"Xiao Nanfeng attacked the Isle of Nalan and survived unscathed? I can't believe it!"

As rumors continued to spread and discussion grew, Zhao Yuanjiao and Xiao Nanfeng walked up to the scene.

Not far away, Zhao Tianheng and the other elders had gathered. They were now observing Xiao Nanfeng.

"I announce that Xiao Nanfeng has been recognized by the Ascended token and appointed to the position of the seniormost disciple of the Ascended division. I have invited all Ascended disciples to witness this occasion," Zhao Yuanjiao began, raising the Ascended token high up into the air.

Everyone quieted down and turned toward Zhao Tianheng, overseeing this event from the very front.

He sipped a cup of tea and said calmly, "Let's get started, then."

"Yes, Division Leader!" Zhao Yuanjiao replied.

He turned toward the thousands of disciples gathered on the plaza.

"Disciples of the Ascended division, my master, Elder Ku, has appointed Xiao Nanfeng as the seniormost Ascended disciple. I hereby reiterate that nomination. All those who dissent may challenge him now!" Zhao Yuanjiao announced, then headed toward a seat that had been prepared for him by the side of the plaza.

Everyone's attention turned to Xiao Nanfeng.

Standing in the heart of the plaza, Xiao Nanfeng looked toward the countless Taiqing disciples that had gathered around him. He took a deep breath. "I am Xiao Nanfeng, appointee to the position of seniormost Ascended disciple. I intend on treading the same path as Elder Zhao Yuanjiao, protecting the Ascended division of the sect and amply demonstrating its strength. I stand before you ready to answer any doubts regarding my qualifications."

Zhao Yuanjiao was respected, if not quite popular. Although many of the Ascended disciples harbored doubts, they didn't express them outright on this occasion so that Zhao Yuanjiao didn't lose face.

Xiao Nanfeng had also rescued a large number of Taiqing disciples, all of whom spoke well of Xiao Nanfeng and who had encouraged their friends to do so as well.

Even so, there were always going to be naysayers.

"I'm a regular disciple of the Ascended division. You've only been in the Taiqing Immortal Sect for a year or so. On what grounds are you qualified to become the seniormost Ascended disciple?" One disciple stepped forward, drawing everyone's attention.

Xiao Nanfeng recognized the disciple at once. Zhao Yuanjiao had described the faces of several disciples who intended to contend for his position, and he was one such. He had an incredible memory, essentially eidetic in nature.

"Do you imply that this position is not one of merit, but of how long ago you've joined the sect?" Xiao Nanfeng asked, smiling.

"No. The seniormost Ascended disciple must at least have the ability to critique the cultivation of junior disciples, and must possess outstanding intuition in understanding of scripture," the disciple replied.

"You've only been in the sect for a year. How can you advise us? How can you prove your abilities?"

"How many scriptures have you memorized in just a year? Not very many, I imagine!"

A group of Ascended disciples suddenly began to criticize Xiao Nanfeng.

"Scriptures, you say?" Xiao Nanfeng smiled.

"What are you smiling for?" the initial naysayer asked, frowning.

"Do you think memorizing scriptures is a necessary qualification for being the seniormost Ascended disciple, then?"

None of the disciples spoke of understanding such scriptures, because understanding could very well differ between cultivators on different paths. As a result, the standard metric was the number of memorized scriptures.

"You must know at least five hundred scriptures by heart to have a basis for advising your juniors, surely. How do you intend to take on this position otherwise?" the naysayer demanded.

"Five hundred?" The disciples in the plaza were stunned.

That was a ridiculous requirement! Even disciples who had been in the sect for three whole decades might not have memorized that many.

"You're right, but I feel like you're setting the bar too low," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

"Hmm?" The naysayer was surprised by Xiao Nanfeng's response.

"Five hundred is hardly sufficient. I believe the position requires an understanding of five thousand scriptures, at the very least."

"Five thousand?" The disciples all around goggled at Xiao Nanfeng.

Was he joking? Memorizing five thousand scriptures, rather than just having read through them?

"Are you mocking me?" the naysayer asked coldly.

Xiao Nanfeng's words were clearly unrealistic. Who would be able to memorize five thousand scriptures? Even the gathered elders could hardly make such a lofty claim!

"Here are five jade tablets, lent to me by the Lady Arclight of the Earth division, with a total of five thousand scriptures within. Any of you may pick a scripture from within these tablets and ask that I recite or analyze its contents." Xiao Nanfeng smiled as he proffered five jade tablets to one and all.

"That—" The naysayer was starting to panic.

He thought that Xiao Nanfeng had said something ridiculous in an attempt to bypass his challenge, but what was going on? Was Xiao Nanfeng really offering up five thousand scriptures to be tested on?

"You've memorized all five thousand scriptures here?" one elder asked in disbelief.

Xiao Nanfeng's claim was so astounding that even the elders couldn't help but doubt his word.

"Scriptures might not be cultivation techniques, but they represent the crystallization of the thoughts of countless Taoist masters. I consider them no less precious than cultivation techniques, and the sect itself holds the forty-eight thousand scriptures of the Vault of Scriptures as its foundation. My master, Elder Ku, has long since claimed that the existence of these scriptures alone would sustain the sect. With deed and action, I have demonstrated my adherence to this principle. I was fortunate to have started my studies from childhood, and the Lady Arclight has kindly allowed me access to her collection of scriptures. With this in mind, I am confident that I can advise the various disciples of the Ascended division. I shall hand these tablets to the elders that they may verify my claims." Xiao Nanfeng passed the five tablets to five elders.

Silence befell the plaza after Xiao Nanfeng's pronouncement. The five elders had been chosen at random, and not all of them were part of the Ascended division. Many had met Xiao Nanfeng for the first time today, and would hardly aid in helping him cheat. Unless Xiao Nanfeng were absolutely confident in his abilities, he could hardly hope to succeed in this gambit. Could he really have memorized five thousand scriptures?

The five elders were astounded. To confirm that Xiao Nanfeng hadn't been bragging about his abilities, however, they nodded and began to pick out scriptures with which to test him. josei

"Are you familiar with the Recollections of the Vast Sea?" one elder began.

Xiao Nanfeng nodded. "Among the five tablets are five such scriptures written by Martial Sage Wei, Sage Mingyue Xin, Sage Zhulong, Sage Tan Hai, and Sage Hao Yu. These are respectively the thirteenth scripture of the first tablet, the 892nd scripture of the second tablet, the 426th scripture of the third tablet, the 235th scripture of the fourth tablet, and the 724th scripture of the fifth tablet. Though these sages discuss the same natural phenomenon, the insight they glean from it are considerably different. Allow me to compare their perspectives..."

Xiao Nanfeng began to declaim from the five distinct scriptures, causing even the arrayed elders to goggle at him. Was he trying to embarrass them for their lack of knowledge?

As Xiao Nanfeng recited, the elders interrupted and stopped him, because it was almost immediately evident that he did possess understanding of all five scriptures that he had discussed.

The elders continued picking out scriptures with which to challenge him, only to have Xiao Nanfeng point out that there were multiple sharing the same name across the five thousand scriptures he had studied. Precise to a fault, Xiao Nanfeng recited and analyzed the scriptures comparatively.

As the elders continued their questioning, they began to hesitate. The more they asked Xiao Nanfeng questions, the more they seemed to reveal their own ignorance.

The plaza was entirely silent. The Taiqing disciples, who had initially been unimpressed by Xiao Nanfeng's lack of experience, reputation, and age, had no choice but to change their perception of him completely. Five thousand scriptures—was he really a mortal?

Even Zhao Yuanjiao's eyes were twitching. He had asked trusted juniors of his to help Xiao Nanfeng out, but it didn't seem as though that would be necessary...

Zhao Tianheng himself was frowning deeply. His disciple with the strongest memory had been crushed in an instant.

What Xiao Nanfeng didn't reveal was that he had memorized and comprehended ten thousand scriptures.

As the silence dragged on, Xiao Nanfeng smiled and addressed the naysayer who had sparked this examination. "I remain far from memorizing all forty-eight thousand scriptures of the Vault of Scriptures. I shall continue reading and memorizing these scriptures in the days ahead that I might prove myself worthy of the position of the seniormost Ascended disciple."

The naysayer pursed his lips and stared at Xiao Nanfeng, wondering if that was meant to be a veiled insult. He sucked in a deep breath, quelling his panic, and scurried back into the crowd without saying another word.

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