
Chapter 162

Chapter 162: The Crowds Acceptance

Chapter 162: The Crowd's Acceptance

None of the Ascended disciples dared question Xiao Nanfeng on his understanding of scripture any longer. All of them were shaken; this candidate seemed to be even more impressive than Zhao Yuanjiao had been.

"Being able to memorize scripture is only evidence of a good memory. The seniormost Ascended disciple is responsible for leading expeditions and raids on spiritibeast lairs, requiring physical strength and combat ability," another disciple began.

Everyone turned to the disciple who had stepped forward from the crowd. Xiao Nanfeng recognized him from Zhao Yuanjiao's description as well. He too was another contender for the position of seniormost disciple.

"Then let's fight. You may begin," Xiao Nanfeng offered.

The disciple hesitated, not anticipating that Xiao Nanfeng would be so agreeable. He nodded and replied, "I'll test your strength, then."

The disciple leapt right up to Xiao Nanfeng and threw a punch. Xiao Nanfeng countered with one of his own. The two fists met in a burst of energy.

"What? He blocked Senior Brother Wu's fist? Senior Brother Wu's at late-stage Ascension!"

"Senior Brother Wu has an impeccable fist technique, one that allows him to trump countless disciples at the same level of cultivation. Xiao Nanfeng won't be a match for him."

"Even Elder Zhao Yuanjiao once remarked that Senior Brother Wu's fist technique isn't any inferior to his own. Xiao Nanfeng's going to lose."

The disciples murmured to each other in discussion as the fight progressed.

Senior Brother Wu launched an exacting flurry of punches at Xiao Nanfeng.

It would be trivial for Xiao Nanfeng to defeat him, but what he needed now wasn't a rapid victory. Rather, he needed to convince the disciples that he was suited for the position. He chose to take it slowly.

It looked as though Senior Brother Wu was an incredible fighter, forcing Xiao Nanfeng to repeatedly defend and dodge under his furious assault.

"As expected, Xiao Nanfeng's only been in the sect for a year. His fist technique can't compare to Senior Brother Wu's."

Zhao Tianheng and the gathered elders, on the other hand,narrowed their eyes. Given their advanced cultivation, they could tell that, even though Xiao Nanfeng only seemed to dodge, he was doing so with ease and grace. On the other hand, although Senior Brother Wu looked like he was overwhelming his opponent, he seemed to be burning with impatience.

"Something's off..." an elder murmured.

As they fought, Xiao Nanfeng suddenly took the initiative. He began to counterattack, beating Senior Brother Wu with his own technique.

"This has to be a coincidence!" Senior Brother Wu cried.

The disciples were confused by Senior Brother Wu's shout until he continued fighting with Xiao Nanfeng. Only then did they discover something amiss.

"Why does Xiao Nanfeng's fist technique look so much like Senior Brother Wu's?"

"It's not just mere similarity—their fist techniques are identical! How could this be?"

The disciples were in an uproar upon seeing the mirror match taking place. It was as though Senior Brother Wu were fighting against his mirror image.

"Impossible! I learned this fist technique during an expedition. It was created by a nameless master right before his downfall, and no other person would know of it. How could you be using it right now?!" Senior Brother Wu gasped.

"There's some intricacy to this fist technique, but it's not too difficult to learn," Xiao Nanfeng replied.


The spectators were equally surprised. "He learned Senior Brother Wu's fist technique while fighting against him? How could this be?"

Despite the disciples' disbelief, the evidence was right before their eyes.

"For this stance, don't use all your energy when punching forward. Conserve about a third of your strength, so that you can flexibly switch to a different stance depending on your opponent's actions, like this," Xiao Nanfeng stated.

Xiao Nanfeng sent Senior Brother Wu flying as his attack suddenly transformed. It seemed as though he understood the fist technique even better than Senior Brother Wu himself. josei

"How could you know about my technique? This is impossible!" Senior Brother Wu cried out again, leaping forward.

"As for this stance, its strength lies not in the power of your fists, but rather your lower body. Twist your waist in order to generate explosive strength—like this."

Xiao Nanfeng sent Senior Brother Wu flying once more. The exact same technique seemed far stronger in Xiao Nanfeng's hands.

"How could this be?!" Senior Brother Wu cried out again. He continued charging at Xiao Nanfeng.

"As for this stance, it's one of the more subtle ones. Its strength lies not in the fist, but rather in the wrist. Watch carefully."

The plaza was silent once more. Everyone stood dumbfounded as Xiao Nanfeng instructed Senior Brother Wu on his own technique.

Senior Brother Wu himself was outraged and despairing as Xiao Nanfeng defeated him time and time again with the exact same stances he was using, pointing out all his deficiencies.

Xiao Nanfeng was oppressively strong—not necessarily in terms of cultivation, but rather of psychology. He could instantly learn your fist technique, use it to defeat you, and even instruct you on your shortcomings. Was he truly only an Ascension-realm youth?

The elders seated by the plaza were themselves watching with disbelief. This was beyond even their capabilities; only division leaders and the sect master himself could accomplish such a display.

Zhao Yuanjiao's eyes were twitching. When he received Xiao Nanfeng's letter last night, he thought that Xiao Nanfeng had been attempting to claim the position of seniormost disciple through nepotism—but from the looks of this unbelievable talent, he would win it fair and square.

By then, Nalan Feng had arrived on Taiqing Island. He was standing in the middle of the crowd and observing the fight.

"How could this be? A grandmaster of the fist..." Nalan Feng murmured.

Once again, Senior Brother Wu was sent flying back. However, Xiao Nanfeng had reined in his strength, allowing Senior Brother Wu to stabilize himself after stumbling back just a few steps.

"I've taught you about your deficiencies in this fist technique. Where those stances are intrinsically flawed, you'll have to compensate for them with other fist techniques. Otherwise, you'll be at a stark disadvantage against an expert," Xiao Nanfeng lectured.

Senior Brother Wu's face flushed red. He felt shame well up from deep inside, as though he had been stripped bare. His opponent had even pointed out some unique physiological deficiencies that he bore, then suggested certain tonics and concoctions to make up for them. It was humiliating and embarrassing, but what could he say? Xiao Nanfeng was right on all counts! He had no choice but to scurry back into the crowd.

"Xiao Nanfeng, you must have learned Senior Brother Wu's fist technique from somewhere! I don't believe that you're so skilled as to be able to intuit it on the spot. I have a fist technique imparted by the division leader himself, and wish to test it against yours," another disciple called out.

A new fight began in earnest.

Xiao Nanfeng unhurriedly continued his didactic lecture. His intention was to make all the Ascended disciples recognize his expertise on all counts, rather than to have them accept him as the seniormost Ascended disciple on account of Zhao Yuanjiao. His fellow disciples' techniques were far simpler than Emperor Wei's Hegemon's Fist, and his comprehension was more than sufficient to analyze and dissect them.

Silence reigned as Xiao Nanfeng fought. Everyone watched on with bated breath, even Zhao Tianheng himself. He had come up with this fist technique, and there were minor details he had kept secret from his disciples. Even so, Xiao Nanfeng was able to point out and rectify them.

"Xiao Nanfeng's more than qualified to become the seniormost disciple."

"I have to agree. The seniormost disciple is responsible for advising us on our cultivation, and I feel like Xiao Nanfeng's advice would be even more detailed than the elders'."

"I would respect a seniormost disciple like Xiao Nanfeng."

As Xiao Nanfeng instructed a third cultivator on her fist technique, the majority of the Ascended disciples were convinced of his strength. Some had even begun addressing him by the title of seniormost disciple.

"Seniormost disciple of the Ascended division? I think not!" Nalan Feng's eyes flashed coldly.

If Xiao Nanfeng were to succeed in this gambit, he would demand an apology from him with the disciples of the Ascended division in tow. He could certainly refuse to see Xiao Nanfeng, but that would be akin to admitting defeat!

Nalan Feng glanced around himself before suddenly spotting a certain Ascended disciple. He stepped forward quickly.

"Junior Brother Qi, you're one of Division Leader Zhao's most prized disciples, and I recall that Division Leader Zhao has high expectations for you. Haven't you been wanting to become the seniormost disciple? Why not take on the challenge?" Nalan Feng asked.

The Ascended disciple, Junior Brother Qi, frowned. "I would like the position, but I'm afraid my fist technique is no match for Xiao Nanfeng's. I would only end up a laughingstock."

"I can help you win," Nalan Feng promised, smiling.


"You don't have to compete in terms of the fist. You can challenge him with a relic or treasure, too," Nalan Feng advised.

Junior Brother Qi's eyes widened fractionally. He glanced at Nalan Feng in anticipation.

"I'll lend you a treasure that guarantees your victory," Nalan Feng promised.

He retrieved a wooden box with runes carved on every inch of its surface. Nalan Feng whispered something to the box, as though giving it commands, before handing the box to Junior Brother Qi.

When Junior Brother Qi took hold of the box, he noted that it felt as though there were something living moving inside.

"What's inside this box?" he asked.

"Something that will let you win. As long as you open this box before your fight against Xiao Nanfeng, you'll be victorious. Don't worry, Xiao Nanfeng won't die—at worst, he'll be unconscious for a year or so," Nalan Feng whispered.

Junior Brother Qi stared at Nalan Feng for some time. He was aware of the enmity between Xiao Nanfeng and Nalan Feng, and he was confident that Nalan Feng wouldn't want Xiao Nanfeng to become the seniormost Ascended. In that case, this box really might be the key to his victory.

Junior Brother Qi's eyes narrowed viciously. If it did render Xiao Nanfeng unconscious for about a year, then by the time Xiao Nanfeng woke up, he would likely have become the seniormost disciple himself.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Nalan." Junior Brother Qi caressed the wooden box as though it were a treasure.

Not far away, Xiao Nanfeng sent another junior disciple flying.

"Is anyone else interested in challenging me?" Xiao Nanfeng asked, glancing all around.

However, no other Ascended disciple was willing to take the stage. They would only lose if they accepted his challenge, and be publicly shamed along with it.

The crowd was silent. Zhao Yuanjiao sucked in a deep breath. "With all challengers defeated, from now on, I declare Xiao Nanfeng—"

"Hold it!" A voice suddenly interrupted Zhao Yuanjiao.

Senior Brother Qi stepped toward the center of the plaza. "If you would do the honor of instructing me, Junior Brother Xiao."

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