What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 914

Chapter 914: Lian Lis New Game+

Chapter 914: Lian Li's New Game+

(Lian Li POV)

I awoke with a start, finding myself in an unfamiliar room wearing unfamiliar clothes.

Did Lilith knock me out to bring me here? Why is there even a need for her to do that?

I sat up on the bed and inspected my surroundings. The room was relatively simple, even more simple than the room Master had given us to stay in His courtyard.

There was just a bed, a desk and a rickety old chair that looked like it was carved out with an axe or something similarly crude, it was the type of room that Master would most definitely not let me sleep in.

I swung my legs off the bed, intent in trying to find out where I was when the door to my room opened.

Instead of anyone I knew, a golden haired woman I did not recognise stood at the doorway.

"Oh my? My daughter is awake before I came in? It looks like it might rain today," The woman chuckled before beckoning to me. "Come now, breakfast is ready."

I watched her leave before it finally clicked to me that I had been looking at my mother.

Was I really sent to the past?

I reached out my hand and a spark of lightning that was electrum in colour appeared, proving that I had not been dreaming about my days with Master.

The fact that I was in full control of my actions also meant that I was not in a memory either…

Setting that aside for now, I wondered why Lilith had sent me here? She told me I had to relive my life again but do I just let things happen as they did?

That shouldn't be it, otherwise the memory potion would have been enough. Or is it? Ugh, why couldn't Lilith have given me more information before sending me here? What am I supposed to do? Even Master gave me clearer goals than this!

Deciding on the wait and see approach, I left my room, belatedly realising I was wearing a homespun gown. I wonder when was the last time I actually wore a simple dress like this?

Father was waiting at the table, already dressed for his work in the forest.

"Oh, there's my cute daughter! Is it just me or do you look especially beautiful today?"

I blinked at him before moving to sit down silently, not finding a need to respond to him.

"Oh? Looks like you're still asleep huh?" He laughed, not at all bothered by my lack of response.

Mother placed down a bowl of stew in front of me, "Oh stop bothering her dear, she's definitely nervous about her coming marriage."

Marriage? To whom? To Master? No wait… At this point in my life… Ah, that… Person.. What was his name again?

Hmm… I can't recall his name so he shouldn't be important, but I definitely have no interest in marrying someone other than Master.

Not considering the consequences, I quickly told them, "I do not wish to marry him."

Both of them stared at me for a few moments before they sighed. josei

Father rubbed his temples, "We've already talked about this, daughter."

Mother nodded, "We're doing this for you, my dear daughter… His family is much better off than ours and we do owe them a debt of gratitude. He is also quite smitten with you so what's wrong with him?"

"My heart already belongs to someone else," I answered easily.

That seemed to stun them for a moment.

Father leaned closer to me, the fact that his hand had gone to the axe he hung on his belt was not lost on me.

"Who? I don't remember seeing you close with any of the other boys… Don't tell me… That scoundrel Ying's son?! You deserve better than that! The boy may be honest but he isn't bright! You'll waste your life if you go with him!"

I don't even know who that is. Did we have someone like that in our village?

I shook my head, "No, it is Master Lin of Heaven Sect. I came from the future where He had taken me in as His disciple and we had fallen for each other."

There wasn't a reason for me to keep this a secret after all, so I simply told them the truth.

The two of them looked at each other before turning back to me.

"My dear… There is no need to say such an obvious lie… If you really don't want to marry him… Perhaps we can work something out?" Mother remarked.

Hmm? I was expecting the scepticism in my words but I didn't think Mother would even consider an alternative to my situation.

Back then, no matter how I pleaded, my parents never… Wait… That's not right… I do not remember that I had explicitly told them that I did not want to marry him… I merely tried to tell them how horrible of a person he was… Could it be that I had the choice to reject the marriage all along?

How interesting… But that's none of my concern for now, because I have also just realised that I could go and find the younger version of Master right now and there's no way I would pass up on that chance.

I stood up from the table, "I am telling the truth. Look."

Raising my palm up in front of me, I let several sparks of lightning appear around my arm, something I'm sure the daughter in their minds was incapable of doing.

They goggled at my arm and then back at me, doing it several times as though they did not understand what just happened.

I would have very much liked to conjure up my normal clothes to change into but I unfortunately do not know how to create things yet. And for whatever reason, it seems my storage ring had not been transported back with me either.

"Is… Is that true then? You came from the future?" Father asked in trepidation.

That is strange, did they really accept it just like that? I was prepared for them to call me an impostor or something as well before chasing me out. It wouldn't have made much difference to me since I would be leaving to find Master.

Since he asked, I shall answer too.

"That is correct Father."

"Did… Did you marry him?"

I knew he was asking whether I married that village trash so I shook my head.

Mother reached forward and clasped my hands in hers, "Were you… Were you happy?"

I nodded easily, "Yes I was. The days I spent being with Master were the best days of my life."

"Thank god… Thank god…" Mother cried suddenly, pulling me into a hug.

Even Father looked a little distressed at the moment, I wonder why?

Ah, they must have thought in the future I had ran away from home to escape this marriage, abandoning my home and everything I knew. I guess for them it would have been a pretty big deal.

That still doesn't explain why they are so trusting of me though. Actually, why are you even hugging me? I don't understand any of this… What are you two doing?

Eh? Wait… Why… Why am I crying? Why are tears spilling out of my eyes like that… I had even started hugging my mother back before I knew it.

This… What are these feelings? Why do I feel like this? Is… Is this what I've lost when I ascended to Godhood? Is this what Lilith was trying to show me?

Then what do I--

Our front door creaked open before I could finish my thoughts, revealing a figure that almost immediately made me flare up in rage.

"Lian Li~ Your future husband is here~" The little trash sang, inviting himself into our house without shame.

By all rights I should not have cared about him or his existence… But something had stirred in the very depths of my soul that was telling me to rip his fingers off one by one… And I was very inclined to listen to it.

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