What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 915

Chapter 915: Dealing With Past Pests

Chapter 915: Dealing With Past Pests

(Lian Li POV)

My parents naturally stood up to welcome him, still seeing him as the nice guy he pretends to be.

If I had been trying to avoid standing out, I would have just pretended to play along and let things progress how they had in the past.

Unfortunately for him, I was not trying to avoid standing out.

The moment mother had released me from her hug, I had moved in front of him faster than they could perceive my movements.

He let out a startled yelp when I grabbed him by the neck with a hand, lifting him off the ground easily.

"You know… If you had come here a few minutes earlier, I might not have cared about you… But right now, all I want to do is to tear you apart limb by limb…"

He tried to pry my hand away but of course he didn't have the strength to do so, the shock on his face turning into one of fear when he realised I had every intention of killing him.

I slammed him against the ground once, twice before lifting him up again, the trash moaning in pain pathetically.

I used enough force to cause pain but not enough to break anything since I did not want him to die just yet.

Naturally, my parents were appalled by my violent display and moved to stop me, since they were still unaware of this scum's true face after all.

I turned to them before they could reach me, "In the future, he tried to rape and kill me. He had been pretending to be a nice person to everyone just so that he could take advantage of me."

That made the two of them stop in their tracks though it was obvious they did not fully believe me yet.

Father turned to me, "Is that why… Is that why you left us, daughter?"

I found no reason to keep the truth from them so I told them about how our village would be attacked by a monster horde which led to their deaths and him taking me away to escape, only to attempt to rape me in the forest after that.

The scum son obviously thought I was spinning some kind of ridiculous story but my parents knew the truth that I came from the future, that's why it confounded him when he noticed my parents getting more and more enraged by the second.

My father had even pulled out the axe that hung on his waist, looking at the scum son like he was a tree he was about to chop down.

"Wai… Wait! That's not… That's not true!" He protested between gasps. "You can't seriously be thinking this ridiculous story of hers is real, right?!"

I tossed him onto the ground, looking at him with eyes of disdain, "You know very well what type of person you are. The only regret I had back then was not letting everyone else know of your true nature before you died." josei

"Wha… What are you talking about?"

I sneered at him, "You still don't understand? I came from the future and experienced every single bit of your despicable acts myself."

Thinking that I was crazy, he turned towards my parents instead, "Lis… Listen to her! She's clearly lost her mind! We need to get her help!"

Just when I was considering unleashing a bit of my power to show him that my words were true, several screams suddenly rang out from the outskirts of our village.

"Monsters!! Monsters are attacking!! Everyone run!!"

Oh? It seems I was sent back to the exact day of when the monsters attacked, I had forgotten that it happened the day before my marriage. Ah, because he had came here, my parents then immediately thrusted me into his protection, that's why I was left with him.

All doubts my parents had about my words instantly dissipated as we went out of the house to inspect the commotion, only to find hordes of monsters standing at the edge of the forest ready to attack our village.

Several men were already running towards the monsters, trying to form some kind of militia to fight against the horde. If I remember correctly, my father had joined them as well to buy time for mother and I to escape.

Unfortunately, my mother ended up needing to sacrifice herself to distract another group of monsters anyway, leaving me in the hands of that scum son.

My father hefted his axe and turned to us, "Dear! Take our daughter and run! I'll help them fend off the monsters!"

Mother was of course unwilling to do that so I chimed in, "Father… Did you forget that I have powers now?"

Father pointed to the horde of monsters that were at least several hundred strong, "Can you fight off such a big number of monsters by yourself?!"

"Of course."

"That's what I thought! Now take your mother and… Wait, what did you say?"

"Of course," I repeated, as though it was the most natural thing in the world.

Mother clasped my hands in hers, "My daughter… Don't be foolish, there's no need to take this risk and throw your life away for us! Just run and find your master! Live your life the way you want to this time! We will not hold you back!"

I tilted my head at her, "Mother… This group of monsters is really nothing to me. I've faced armies bigger than this before with even worse odds."

Father frowned at me, "Are you sure? With this many monsters, even several Practitioners will be needed to fight them off."

A slight bit of irritation welled up within me, an emotion I quickly squashed when I realised I was only feeling this way because I felt insulted that a mortal was doubting me.

I slipped my hands out from my mother's grasp and let a small smile materialise on my face, "When have I ever said I was a Practitioner, father?"

"Then that's even more reason for you to run! How can you even fight them off if you're not a Practitioner?!"

Instead of arguing further, I simply turned towards the direction of the monsters and waved my hand, causing a storm cloud to appear before giant pillars of lightning rained down upon the earth.

Screams and shouts of surprise came from the monsters' direction as the entire horde of them was disintegrated by my lightning, leaving not even ashes behind.

I was slightly amused by the fact that I have not faced any opponents this weak for a really long time, perhaps I should have gone easy on them?

Within seconds, the entire monster horde was decimated, as though they never existed to begin with.

I turned back around to see mother and father gaping at the spectacle, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

"Thanks to my Master's guidance and benevolence, I have ascended to become a Goddess. I am no longer just a Practitioner anymore."

Right then, I noticed that the scum son was trying to sneak away. I put a stop to that by shooting a spear of lightning that pierced his knee.

He screamed out in pain and collapsed onto the ground, clutching at his bleeding leg pathetically.

"No! Stop, please! I'm sorry! You won't ever see me again, I promise! Don't kill me!!"

"Alright," I agreed.

He had a look of surprised relief on his face before I picked him up by his arms and ripped both limbs off of him before making sure he won't die from it by cauterising his wounds.

Killing him was a mercy that I shall not give. Live as a cripple and the trash that you are.

I turned back to face my parents, "Please take care of yourself, mother, father. I'll be on my way to meet my Master now. If I could, I would be sure to introduce my Master to you when I get the chance."

Not waiting for them to respond, I shot up into the sky before flying towards the direction of Master's Sect.

I'm sure Master will be able to help me with this new Goddess thing~

Ahhhh~ I need to replenish my Masternium!!

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