What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 107 The Enrollment Test

Chapter 107 The Enrollment Test

It's the day!!

It's finally the day!! It's the start of my school arc!!

"It's finally the day my little one goes to school!!" Mother squealed.

Can you tell? Both Mother and I are absolutely excited about this event!

"Mistress, please hold still…" Katsuki requested while styling my hair.

For my first day at school, Katsuki was also going all out for me by making sure my image was as pristine as it could be.

Wearing my favourite dress, stockings, heeled boots and the school blazer, I was ready for my first day of school!

Since I still have an admissions test, I needed to go to school earlier than the normal students too. That's why the school grounds were still empty when I arrived with Mother fawning over me the entire way.

The only person there was a rather good looking young man with swept back black hair wearing the school's blazer with a pair of stylish glasses adorning his face. I did notice that his blazer had gold trim along the edges which was different from the normal one.

He took one look at me and asked, "You are the new student that will be joining the special class, Aster, correct?"

I nodded while grinning at him, "That's right~ Is this the place where I start my highschool arc?!"

He gave me a look of confusion before clearing his throat, "I am Terrence of house Bayer, the vice president of the student council here and I shall be the one guiding you for today."

There it is! The student council trope! I bet they have more governing power than the principal herself does! Or they have some kind of voting power to outvote her or something, I dunno. That's the standard in these kinds of scenarios right?

I was just about to step in when he raised a hand to stop me, "I'm afraid your mother and maid will not be able to enter school grounds with you."

Looks like he doesn't know who Mother is which is a good thing since I did specifically request that my family name be kept secret.

Although… Would Mother accept this request of his?

"Ufufufu~ That's alright, my little one~ Mama is already satisfied with seeing you off here~ Have a nice day at school! Mama will make something nice for dinner tonight!"

Ohhhhh! Usually that means a really, really tasty dessert! I already can't wait!!

Terrence nodded and turned to lead the way, letting me follow behind him.

"So… What does the student council do here?" I asked, aiming to strike up a conversation.

If you were going to ask if I wanted to be part of the student council then the answer is 'not really'.

Back in my old World, I didn't join any clubs in my school either since I had to go home to write my novels.

But since I don't have that obligation here, if the student council group actually looks interesting, then I might be tempted to join them. But if it's just going to be administrative work all day long then there's no way I'm doing that.

Hey, this is a magic school, I want to do magic stuff! Even some magic dodgeball or something would be way more interesting than that!

"The student council takes care of the student administration of the school. That is to say, most of the student affairs are handled by us including student clubs, student organised festivals and also student organised excursions."

Yeah, sounds boring, no thanks.

Unfortunately, it seemed like the World was conspiring against me with Terrence's next words.

"Don't worry, as a student of the special class, you are automatically admitted as one of the honorary members of the student council."

"Honorary member? What do I need to do then?"

"Nothing if you aren't interested in it, but you do get a say in some things if you wish."

Ah, so I basically become one of the voices of the school then? I can live with that.

The two of us soon arrived at a field at the back of the school, which I assumed should be used for sports and other physical activities.

There, a group of ten students were already assembled there as though waiting for my arrival, all of them being male Mahuns as far as I could see.

Four of the males stood out as their blazers had gold trims on them which matched Terrence's, clueing me in on who they were.

Everyone else was standing save for one of them who was seated on an elaborately decorated chair, who I'm going to guess is the president.

The other six were most likely going to be my classmates in the special class, which is going to be a little weird considering they all look twelve while I look as old as those guys who are our seniors.

Terrence gestured to the four males in front of us, "Miss Aster, may I present to you the student council of Crown Capital's Aerialla Academy."

Yep, called it.

The vice president continued, "From the left, you have Adam, our Treasurer; Leonard, our Secretary; Fabian, our Disciplinary Officer; and finally Daniel of house Seatre, our President."

As you would have expected of a student council, all of them were pretty much the pretty boys. Too bad I'm not interested in them so this isn't going to turn into a romcom anytime soon.josei

Daniel, the president, nodded at me, "Welcome, Miss Aster. We are just waiting for one more person who has gone to the washroom."

As soon as those words left his lips, someone shouted from behind me, "I'm here!"

Eh? Wait a minute… That voice sounds familiar…

I turned around to look and… A girl who was half a head taller than me with tanned skin and wearing clothes that covered minimal amounts of said skin came running towards us. I feel the need to say this but… She's ripped.

"Ah!! Sister Aster!!" She gasped before rushing up to pull me into a bear hug.

There's only one person who would call me that in this World.

"Odeta?" I asked, looking at the girl who wasn't even up to my chest in height the last time I saw her. Yet here she was, the same age as me but already surpassing me in height.

"That's right! Sister Aster remembered me!" She chuckled, her voice sounding deeper and more husky.

"What are you doing here?"

"Ah… I knew sister Aster was going to enrol here so I begged my elder sister to let me study here when I got older to surprise you! Were you surprised?"

Well I certainly wasn't expecting to reunite with her here. I thought I would meet them again when I'm out doing Mercenary world or something.

​ Daniel chuckled, "It seems like you two know each other. Anyway, we're on a schedule here so let's proceed for now. Welcome to Crown Capital City's Ariella Academy! I am Daniel, the president of this school's student council! Do you know why you're all here?"

One of the boys raised his hand, "For our test to see if we are suitable to be part of the special class!"

Daniel nodded, "That's right! But there's no need to be nervous, we are just testing you on what you have written in your enrollment form! So we'll just have you do a small demonstration of your skills if you would."

I suppose this is just to check if anyone wrote down things that they couldn't do just to be admitted to the special class.

I can understand why someone would do it since it pretty much guarantees you a spot at the actual Aerialla Academy as well, so if you can fake through this, you wouldn't need to worry about your future anymore.

Though in my opinion, it's better to just be honest about things like this.

The reason I'm saying this is because I noticed one of the boys actually got a tad bit paler when he heard Daniel announce that.

I bet they must have noticed it as well since Terrence immediately called him out on it.

"Francis, was it? You can start by demonstrating your Pyromancy magic on the target we have prepared in the middle of the field."

He pointed to the distance and sure enough, there was a dummy sitting there.

The boy poked his fingers together, "Ummm… Is this necessary? I mean… Pyromancy is quite dangerous after all… What if I set the field on fire?"

Terrence smiled at him, "There's no need to worry as I'm a Rain tier in Hydromancy. I'll be able to put out any fire you might start so there's no need to hold back."

A bead of sweat started to roll down the boy's temple, "Ah… Erm… Maybe someone else should go first? I'm a little shy…"

"Oh? There's no need to be shy here, Francis. After all, you're going to be part of the special class and everyone in school is going to look up to you as their motivation to excel. You can't be part of the special class if you aren't able to do this in front of us."

"I… I see… Umm… Let me… Let me try…"

He took a few steps forward before pointing his palm towards the dummy, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself before starting to chant.

"By my name as Francis the Great, I call upon the power of the cosmos and the blazing glory of the Gods themselves! The flames of immolation, the fires of damnation! Grant me the power as I become destruction incarnate! Destroy all that goes against me as I embody the power of the stars! Return them all to ashes! Explosion!!"

And then a gigantic explosion ripped through the fields that decimated half the city with more than thousands of casualties and… I'm kidding. Nothing happened.

A few people snorted while Terrence made a show of ripping his enrollment form in half.

I got to watch Fabian, the Disciplinary officer of the student council, drag that guy off the field towards the school building, presumably to look for the principal to deal with him.

How sad of that boy…

Anyway! Let's continue!

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