What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 108 Special Class

Chapter 108 Special Class

Unfazed by that performance earlier, Terrence simply picked up the enrollment form of the next person as though this was something they had expected to happen.

He turned to the rest of us, "If there is anyone else who has tried the same thing, please don't waste everyone's time and admit it right now. We may even be a little more forgiving if you are to admit your wrongdoings because the principal most certainly won't be."

Unlike the rest of the students who shared nervous glances, Odeta kept her attention on me.

"Sister! In order to keep up with you, I trained, really, really hard you know? I did your exercises everyday on top of the training big sister Ardi put me through. I'm even a full-fledged Mercenary now!"

Oh? Yeah, I probably should take a look at her stats.

[Name: Odeta

Title: Dragonslayer, Prodigal Sister, Saviour of the Village

Race: Amrap

Gender: Female

Current mood: Excitement


490 Strength

234 Dexterity

225 Endurance

100 Magic


Hunting (Tier 2), Tracking (Tier 1), Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 2), Bow Proficiency (Tier 1)

Magic Skills:

Electromancy (Tier 2)]

Woah… Ok, she has multiple titles as well…

And Also… Holy crap! She's buff now! She's even stronger than I am!

I mean… I suppose that's obvious since those small strips of cloth that covered only her chest and waist basically placed her muscles on full display. Even the school blazer she had draped around her shoulders was not enough to cover up those really impressive guns of hers.

Damn, those abs of hers sure look tight as hell. I want to touch them so bad…

As if reading my mind, she smirked and flexed her muscles and I immediately went to start touching her arms.

Oh mah gawd! They are so firm yet also so squishy! It's like I'm touching roasted marshmallows! They feel so niceeeee~

Also, the stats screen has extra stuff now… Is it because I was made aware of these things that I can now see them? Or is there something else that triggered this change? Or perhaps it's specific to Odeta?

Let me just check mine to be sure.

[Name: Aster Nilm

Title: Young Mistress of Nilm Family, Dragonslayer, Most Adored Young Mistress, Lover of Sweets

Race: Meslatar

Gender: Futanari


451 Strength

436 Dexterity

450 Endurance

470 Magic


Hunting (Tier 2), Cooking (Tier 2), Martial Skill-(Dagger Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 2), Bow Proficiency (Tier 2), Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Polearm Proficiency (Tier 1), Axe Proficiency (Tier 1))

Magic Skills:

Mana Management (Tier 2), Umbramancy (Tier 2), Electromancy (Tier 2), Lumenmancy (Tier 2), Pyromancy (Tier 1), Hydromancy (Tier 1), Aeromancy (Tier 1), Geomancy (Tier 1), Iatromancy (Tier 1)]

Ok… So I see more titles on me though I definitely remember there were more according to that stupid Andrew guy. Now I'm a little confused as to how this boon works.

Odeta's also shows her current mood which I guess is absent from mine since I know what I'm feeling at the moment so I don't need to know that.

,m "Next, Lucas," Terrence announced while I was still distracted with my thoughts.

"Yes!" One of the boys called out and stepped forward.

This boy in particular had hazelnut brown hair and fringe long enough to cover his eyes giving him that look you would find in those kinds of animes. You know the kind that I'm talking about.

I checked his stats as well, just to see if it's also different.

[Name: Lucas

Title: Beloved Son, Closet Pervert

Race: Mahun

Gender: Male

Current Mood: Anticipation


17 Strength

15 Dexterity

17 Endurance

42 Magic


Cooking (Tier 1), Cleaning (Tier 1)

Magic Skills:

Pyromancy (Tier 2)]

Ok, so the information screen can show really changed… But what is with those stats? They look really bad… Like even Odeta's way better than he is.

Is being a tier two in a single magic enough to get you into the special class?

Wait a minute, no, no… If you compare that to the normal people around, then it's actually really good for someone his age. I've spent so much time with abnormal people I've already forgotten what  normal stats look like…josei

Yeah, normal kids might not even have a tier one skill in anything yet… So having a tier two in something is already considered exceptional.

Terrence looked at his folder and nodded, "Another pyromancy specialist I see. Let's see your best magic then."

The boy took a deep breath before pointing his hand towards the target in the centre of the field.

"Heat and flames burn my enemies, render them all to ashes and witness my burning passion! [Fire Blast]!"

A gout of flame shot out from his palm and engulfed the dummy, burning it to cinders.

True to his word, Terrence immediately summoned a water ball in his hands to douse the flames before it got out of hand.

Daniel applauded, "Exceptional. Welcome to the special class, Lucas, we are expecting great things from you."

The boy scratched his head at the praise and looked in my direction before giving me a smile.

Why is he smiling at me? Do I know him from somewhere or something?

Speaking of which… I'm still busy touching Odeta's muscles and she seems more than happy to let me touch them. She's even making purring noises.

Ehehe~ Now it's making me hungry for marshmallows…

The four other kids took their turns and fortunately, they all managed to pass as well.

There was Charles who was a specialist in Aeromancy; Henri of house Heres who specialised in Geomancy; Jules who just happens to be Henri's brother and also specialises in Geomancy; and Paul who specialise in Hydromancy.

For some reason, all of them turned to smile at me when they finished their turn, as if they were expecting me to do something?

Unfortunately for them, I don't know what they wanted though.

I also noticed that they were sending not so friendly gazes at Odeta for some reason, is it because they don't like Amraps? Or maybe because they're jealous of her muscles?

Well, I don't blame them, she does look pretty ripped.

Oh, it's Odeta's turn. Looks like I'm going last.

Terrence took a look at her file and he gave an approving nod.

"It's quite rare that an Amrap attends our school, even rarer for one to study magic as well. It says here you are both proficient in martial combat and also Electromancy so could you showcase both of these talents?"

Odeta grinned and separated herself from me.

Nooo… My marshmallows…

With her hands on her hips and her chest thrust outwards proudly, she exclaimed in a loud voice, "I shall demonstrate my martial might then! Bring me a sword!"

Oh damn, she's giving off this territorial feeling all of a sudden… Was she trying to intimidate them or something?

Daniel turned to Fabian, the Disciplinary officer who had returned a while earlier.

The young man nodded before bringing out a simple iron sword and passed it to her. He then gestured to the target nearby which I assume was meant for her to show her prowess on.

Odeta narrowed her eyes at the target and began chanting, "Let energy flow through my veins and give me strength. I ask for the strength to surpass limits and go beyond boundaries, may those that stand before me tremble from my might! [Body Current]!"

With a downward slash, the sword cut through the dummy easily and crashed onto the ground, creating a shockwave that shook the ground we were standing on.

Unsurprisingly, the sword shattered from the impact, leaving her with just the handle.

She turned back and scowled, "What's with this weak ass sword?! Is this the best you've got? Some kind of top tier academy this place is!"

No, no… I think it's not a matter of the sword, Odeta… Your base strength enhanced with that magic was already something no normal weapon can stand against…

Daniel didn't seem to take offence at her accusation but instead, bowed his head slightly, "My apologies, we did not think you would be that strong, Miss Odeta."

She snorted at his answer and passed the handle back to Fabian with a huff, walking past them without a second glance to stop in front of me.

"How was it, sister Aster? I got stronger didn't I?!"

"Yes, you have indeed," I giggled, giving her a pat on the head.

"Ehehe~ I worked really hard! Now it's all worth it!"

Even though she was bigger in size compared to everyone else around here, I suppose I should remember that she's currently still a twelve year old girl.

"Now… Miss Aster?" Terrence called out, pulling up my enrollment form.

I took a step forward and waited for him to tell me what I should do.

It took him a while to read through the entire thing, during which he had to pause and look at me for a moment before looking back down.

A full minute of silence passed before he closed the folder, sighed deeply, then looked at me with serious eyes.

"Miss Aster… Please allow yourself to be escorted to the principal's office."

I knew it, he doesn't believe what I've written there huh.

Well, I definitely have to prove it to them, otherwise Mother would be burning this school to the ground…

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