What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 109 I'm A Student Now

Chapter 109 I'm A Student Now

I was about to tell him to give me the test when Odeta stood protectively in front of me.

"What are you talking about? You didn't even test sister Aster yet?! You better have a good reason for this!"

To his credit, Terrence did not seem intimidated in the slightest and merely gestured to the records he was holding, "There is absolutely no way that this is true. You are twelve years old, correct, Miss Aster?

I nodded, "Yes, but everything there is indeed true."

He looked down at my enrollment form again, "Are you telling me that you are actually proficient in using daggers, swords, bows and unarmed combat as well as being proficient in Umbramancy, Electromancy, Lumenmancy, Pyromancy, Hydromancy, Aeromancy, Geomancy and Iatromancy?"

Everyone turned to look at me, the boys with eyes of exasperation while Odeta was clearly admiring me, believing I was totally capable of that completely.

Well, she did witness a part of my capabilities after all so I think it wasn't that difficult for her to accept it.

Instead of answering him, I stretched out my arms to the side and started to chant.

"I command the flame to form under my direction. [Ember]."

A small flame formed above my right palm.

"I command the water to form under my direction. [Aqua Ball]."

A small ball of water formed above my left palm.

I tossed the flame onto the ground before dousing it with the water ball.

Looking at him in the eye, I chanted the next spell, "Let energy flow through my veins and give me strength. I ask for the strength to surpass limits and go beyond boundaries, may those that stand before me tremble from my might. [Body Current]."

With my arm enhanced, I punched one of the dummies with my fist, blasting it apart with impunity.

I then picked up one of the broken blades off the ground and sliced a small cut on my arm.

"Flesh to flesh, knit and repair, heal the incisions and the bruises. [Close Wounds]."

The injury slowly mended together to erase the injury like it was never there to begin with.

I then turned back and smiled at him innocently, "Do you require me to show the others as well?"

Everyone was visibly stunned by what happened and a few of them even had their mouths agape in shock.

Daniel, however, started clapping enthusiastically.

"Ahahaha! To think I get to see Terrence get embarrassed for once! This is perfect! I, for one, fully support Miss Aster as a student of the special class!"

Terrence coughed and pushed up his glasses while trying to hide his embarrassment, "Ahem… My apologies, there is no need, Miss Aster, this is enough."

Odeta crossed her arms, "Hmph! That will teach you to look down on sister Aster!"

Terrence's jaw clenched but he couldn't say anything since he really was looking down on me before this, not that I blame him since they already had someone who tried to trick their way into the school.

Daniel stood up from his seat, "In that case, allow me to welcome all of you as students of Crown Capital City's Aerialla Academy's special class! All of you will also be admitted as honorary members of the student council as well! If you are interested in being a full fledged member, do come to the student council room at the end of today!"

Terrence adjusted his glasses again, "Now, I will show you to your classes. Since you are all part of the special class, you are allowed some freedom in your studies where you are free to attend any classes you want as well as do your own self-study. But do know that if you neglect to improve yourselves, your position in this class may be challenged."

Leonard, the secretary, also added in, "One important thing that you should know is that students are allowed to challenge you for your position as well. But as the one being challenged, you are allowed to pick the contest. Most special class students would choose the skill they are best at to defend their position, thus I would suggest that you establish yourselves quickly in your own discipline."

Huh… I guess this system drives both us and the other students in improving ourselves as much as possible in our respective areas of expertise.

My classmates clearly already have their own magic that they excel at and I'm pretty sure Odeta is the strongest student in this school in terms of physical strength too.

That brings the question of what I should be specialising in considering I'm pretty much a jack of a lot of trades.

I raised my hand and Daniel nodded at me, "What is it, student Aster?"

"Is it possible for me to, let's say, set a challenge of using spells from eight different studies of magic as my challenge?"

Leonard chuckled, "You can indeed. The only requirement for setting a challenge is that you are able to complete the challenge as well. Otherwise, anything goes. Heck, you can even set it as winning a chess match or even an eating contest if you want to."

The Treasurer, Adam, looked at Daniel contemplatively, "I think this would be the first time a challenge is set to eight different types of magics though... The last time the highest number was three."

The president nodded, "That year, we had a special student who had come in with knowledge on three different studies of magics but was only proficient up to the first tier for each of them. After he set that as the challenge, other students saw it as an opportunity to get the seat and started learning more types of magic instead of specialising into one."

I tilted my head, "Oh… Does that mean that once a challenge has been set, you can't change it?"

"Ah… The teacher in charge of your class is supposed to tell you this as well as introducing you to the academy itself, so I'll leave it to them instead. You can also ask them if you have any questions as well. Terrence will show you to your class."

I would have been surprised that they're letting the vice president himself guide us around, until I realised that this also served as a way for them to scout out potential members for their student council.

Thus, the seven of us followed Terrence towards the school's main building, myself and Odeta taking up the rear while the other boys crowded around Terrence, presumably to ask him about the student council.

After my demonstration earlier the boys were now looking at me with weird expressions for some reason.

Odeta hugged my shoulder with an arm, "Sister Aster! I missed you so much!!"

I giggled, "Ehehe~ I missed you too, I really didn't think we'll meet here of all places! How have you been?"

"Ah! After we left that day, I told big sister Ardi that I wanted to follow you to school as well, so she started to train me even harder than before! When she told me that I had a higher chance of meeting you if I were to learn magic, I also asked a teacher to teach me electromancy as well!"

Still, to think she had such a big jump in stats in just these few years, not to mention that massive growth spurt too. Is that normal for Amraps?josei

Oh right, one thing that I wanted to ask her though… She has the title of 'Dragonslayer' and also 'Saviour of the Village' as well, what did she do to get those titles?

"Did anything interesting happen for you?" I asked.

"Unn… I suppose there was that one dragon that attacked our village last year?"

I turned to stare at her, "A dragon attacked your village last year? But… Your village is nowhere near Dragon Sanctuary isn't it?"

She nodded, "It was a monster that appeared nearby, so it was quite a big deal. Luckily we spotted it before it reached our village so we managed to intercept it. We fought that thing for three days but I managed to land the final blow on it~ For some reason, the others started calling me the saviour though."

"Eh? But you did save the village didn't you? You killed a dragon!"

"Bah, it's nothing much! Both big sister Ardi and sister Aster could have killed the dragon yourselves~"

No, no… I could kill a fledgling dragon myself but definitely not a fully grown one. From what she's saying, she definitely fought an adult dragon. Even I would need to make use of all my summons to kill something like that and success wouldn't even be guaranteed…

Well, she did say they fought it for three days… I don't think I've ever fought a single battle that took longer than half an hour or even an hour at most.

Odeta then sighed, "I thought I had become stronger in these few years, but sister Aster got even stronger and more out of reach…"

"But you're physically stronger than me though?"

"Really? Is sister Aster just saying that?"

Ah… That's right, she can't see our stats…

"Well… Just look at your muscles and compare them to mine! I barely have any! I'm only strong in magic!"

The Amrap got excited, "Ooh~ Does that mean that I can act as sister Aster's vanguard in a fight?"

"Eh? Umm… I guess so?"

She did a guts pose, "Yes!! Please take care of me, sister Aster! I'll defend you as your vanguard!"

I'm guessing she must be talking about being in a party for Mercenary or Dungeoneer work. I most definitely wouldn't mind her being my party member for sure!

I nodded, "I'll be in your care then."

"Yes! That's a promise!"

I wanna pat her head so bad…

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