What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 296 A Dreadful Summon

Chapter 296 A Dreadful Summon

I scanned a few of the zombies to see their stats.

[Name: Reanimated Zombie (Weak)


10 Strength

5 Dexterity

20 Endurance

10 Magic]

[Name: Reanimated Zombie (Intermediate)


15 Strength

10 Dexterity

20 Endurance

15 Magic]

[Name: Reanimated Zombie (Normal)


20 Strength

15 Dexterity

20 Endurance

20 Magic]

Hmm… I'm assuming their stats are different because they were made using different amounts of magic imbued within them. Which probably means that there might be even stronger zombies if that guy had used more magic to reanimate them.

I did try to check if a Mercenary type zombie had the same stats as a normal villager type one and it does look that their stats were dependent on the mana they had. That means I don't need to worry about these zombies possessing skills of any sort.

But even though they might be weak, there's a lot of them, there's probably six hundred or more zombies that were shambling towards us.

That's just a rough guess since most of them are still trying to crawl their way through the door I broke to get to us.

"No matter how strong your little maid is, she wouldn't be able to deal with this many enemies on her own as well, right?!"

I feel a little confused by his words, why does he assume that I would not be participating in the fight at all? Did he think I would completely rely on Katsuki to do all the fighting for me?

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ I'm guessing those people who had claimed they were from the Nilm Family also left all the fighting to their servants? How did he not figure out that there's something wrong when those supposedly strong members of the Nilm family could not even defend themselves?

Oh what am I talking about, we already established the fact that he's an idiot.

I moved to stand beside Katsuki, "I can burn all of them with my fire, should I?"

She paused for a moment, "That might not be a good idea, Mistress. We're currently in an enclosed space and those dead bodies must be filled with flammable gas. We might set off a huge explosion if we were to burn them."

Oh right… Forgot about that…

"Guess I'll just use my summons then."

Katsuki nodded before she turned back to watch the lich while I called up some of my [Shadow Summons] I had stored in my shadow.

I didn't need everyone since the zombies weren't that strong individually, so I simply called up about three hundred or so of them as a start.

"What?! What is that?!!!" I heard the lich scream out in surprise.

I didn't need to ask to know he was stunned by the fact I could call out so many summons instantaneously.

"Just to check, these zombies are a lost cause, right?" I asked my Inugami maid while ignoring the lich.

No, it's not that I have some misplaced compassion for these once-alive people, I just wanted to know if there was anything unethical about what I was about to do.

"That is correct, Mistress. They have obviously been dead for so long that even resurrection is not possible for them."

I see… In that case, I went ahead to order my summons to start wiping the zombies out.

Trusting my zombies to be able to handle some zombies, I directed my attention towards the lich who was still the biggest threat in the room despite him being a complete idiot.

"How are you able to control so many Summons?! This should be impossible!!" He roared at me.

I gave him a smile, "That's obvious, it's because I'm stronger than you~"

That's a bluff obviously, considering that his magic stat was higher than mine. Not that he knew about it of course.

He took a step back before starting to chant, ""Link the distance between the spaces as I decree, by my will a tunnel shall be--"

Katsuki dashed forward before he could finish his chant, her daggers flashing out in an arc to attack him.

The lich was forced to abandon his chant as he leapt back to avoid the attack, quickly switching to another spell instead.

"Frozen air shall form into spears, craft them straight and sharp to skewer my enemies! [Icicles]!"

Spears of ice appeared in the air and they were launched towards Katsuki's chest.

My Inugami maid did not hesitate to cast her [Fire Blast] spell, burning up the icicles and launching an attack of her own.

The lich blocked the flames with his ice wall and tried to chant his teleport spell again, only to turn his head at the last minute as he saw me appear above him.

While he had been distracted by Katsuki, I had cast [Shadow Wall] and [Shadow Glide] to move near him.

I was revealed only because the area around him was not covered in darkness but it allowed me to get close enough to use my spell.

[Body Current]

Infusing the spell into my right fist, I punched into the lich's abdomen and sent him crashing into his throne, breaking the thing into pieces and throwing up a smoke cloud.

Hey, it's a skeleton. They should be resistant to slashing damage but weak to blunt damage right? That's why I decided to punch it!josei

Unfortunately, it seems that wasn't enough as the smoke cloud was dispersed to reveal the lich still standing. That five hundred and fifteen endurance sure is something.

"You bitch!! How dare you hit me?!! I'll show you!!"

He raised his arms up and black miasma seemed to seep out of the ground around him to gather into an orb in front of him.

The orb then morphed itself into a Mahun shape before expanding to twice its size before its black surface melted away, leaving behind what looked like a giant skeleton wearing heavy plate armour. In its hands was an obsidian kite shield on one side and a scimitar in the other.

[Name: Reanimated Dread Knight


512 Strength

512 Dexterity

512 Endurance

512 Magic


Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Shield Proficiency (Tier 2)]

Eh? Did he just summon this guy without chanting? And what's with those stats? Did he use half of his mana to summon this guy?

Is this a special skill for Liches, or is this part of Necromancy?

I did not have time to think as the Dread Knight was now charging towards me with its sword swinging at my neck.

Katsuki appeared in front of me with her daggers crossed in front of her, catching the sword swing in between her daggers.

Unfortunately, the Dread Knight was far stronger than she was and my maid ended up getting flung to the side, her back slamming into the wall on the other side of the cavern.

I was not able to check if she was fine as the Dread Knight raised its arm to try and bash me with the edge of its shield.

Reacting on instinct, I ducked underneath the blow, only to have my wind knocked out of me as the Dread Knight's knee came up to smash into my abdomen.

I was flung back but I managed to spread my wings to right myself midair and land on my feet.

There was a dull ache in my chest but it was nothing serious so I was still alright.

But just in case, I decided to try and cast [Close Wounds] on myself before using it on Katsuki who was also getting up on her feet as well.

Right as the magic took its effects, I heard the whisper of wind and I frantically leapt back, letting the icicle pass through where my head had been moments ago.

Damnit, that stupid lich is still trying to kill me…

I wanted to try casting [Laser] at him but I was forced to side step the sword thrust from the Dread Knight that pierced through where my heart had been.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Katsuki brandishing her knives, looking dazed but still in fighting shape.

"Katsuki! Take care of the lich! I'll deal with this thing!" I ordered.

"Yes, Mistress!"

She immediately leapt towards the lich, trying to engage him in close combat while he tried to keep his distance from her, turning it into a game of cat and mouse.

Trusting Katsuki to be able to at least keep him occupied, I focused all of my attention on the Dread Knight in front of me.

In terms of pure stats, this Dread Knight has me beat. But I'm quite sure that as an undead, it's acting purely on instinct and thus its adaptability should be low. Not to mention the fact that the amount of skills it has is limited so I actually have more of an advantage here.

I also have a whole lot of different magics at my disposal so my advantage is further increased, all I need to do is avoid being forced into a contest of strength with it.

It's been a while since I had to fight a monster stronger than myself so I'm getting a little fired up here, to be honest.

Perhaps this might even be the chance for me to level up another of my magic proficiencies?

Whoops, I shouldn't be too greedy, this is a life or death battle after all and Katsuki was risking her life to distract the lich for me so I have no time to fool around either.

Just as I was thinking of charging at the Dread Night…

[Happy Birthday!]

Oh… Oh right.

I got so caught up in this lich thing that I actually forgot about the birthday rewards I was supposed to receive tonight…

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