What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 297 Tenth Magic Skill

Chapter 297 Tenth Magic Skill

[Happy Birthday!]

[Boon obtained: Roses]

[Magic obtained: Astromancy tier one]

[Roses: Your BO is wonderful. Even if you're sweating like a pig, all those close enough to catch a whiff will be shocked at how nice it is. Like a bouquet of flowers, mixed with a subtle cologne and the smell of a Christmas dinner. Your smell shifts and changes to always be appealing to those around you.]

Very useful in my everyday life, not exactly that useful now but hey, I'll take it. Hey, not having the need to worry about smelling bad is really useful, ok?!

[Astromancy: You feel the air fold and warp around you. The stars clump together in the sky as the oceans become tendrils between your ears. You can place portals anywhere in your sight and they will connect to one another. To gain proficiency, understand the workings of portals and how to extend their effects outside of it. (Progress to tier 2: 0%]

Oh, I honestly forgot I picked Astromancy as one of the magics for the character creation! Guess I didn't need to wait until I enter the main Aerialla Academy to learn it after all~

Hey, it's been thirteen years, I can't remember all the things I've picked then!

Let's just take a look at my current stats~

[Name: Aster Nilm

Title: Young Mistress of Nilm Family, Dragonslayer, Most Adored Young Mistress, Lover of Sweets, Lisa's Soulmate, Delmare's Aural Lover


Race: Meslatar

Gender: Futanari


455 Strength

440 Dexterity

455 Endurance

490 Magic


Hunting (Tier 2), Cooking (Tier 2), Alchemy (Tier 1), Navigation (Tier 1), Sailing (Tier 1), Martial Skill-(Dagger Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 2), Bow Proficiency (Tier 2), Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Polearm Proficiency (Tier 1), Axe Proficiency (Tier 1))

Magic Skills:

Mana Management (Tier 2), Umbramancy (Tier 2), Electromancy (Tier 2), Lumenmancy (Tier 2), Pyromancy (Tier 2), Hydromancy (Tier 1), Aeromancy (Tier 1), Geomancy (Tier 1), Iatromancy (Tier 1), Somatomancy (Tier 1), Astromancy (Tier 1)

Unique Skill:

Mind Shield]

That's ten different magic skills in total, even I think that's standing out a bit too much…

Hold on, I see a title that was definitely not there before… "Delmare's Aural Lover"? Really? I mean I get why, but still… Who are the ones calling me that?

Ugh, nevermind… I should just be glad that I don't have a really embarrassing title like Lisa's, which I'm really sure that she was very proud of instead of being embarrassed about.

Once again, I heard the whisper of wind and I instinctively ducked my head, barely avoiding the sword thrust that went through where my head had been.

I was so preoccupied with my new stats that I almost forgot that I was in a life and death battle right now. That's not good…

The Dread Knight adjusted the angle of his sword and tried to slash at my neck.

It was difficult for me to avoid it at this angle so I made the split second decision to try to use my Astromancy to move away.

[Link Portal]

A portal materialised at where I was while its linked pair appeared in the area behind the Dread Knight.

I was teleported through the portal before I could be decapitated, leaving the Dread Knight to cleave his sword through empty air.

Of course, I closed the portal as soon as I entered it since the Dread Knight would be able to use it to teleport to me otherwise.

The Dread Knight looked confused by my sudden disappearance, giving me the chance to cast [Shadow Forge] to create a two handed warhammer that I swung at it from behind with all my might.

There was a loud 'crack' as the Dread Knight was launched to the side to smash into the wall.

Of course, that was not enough to kill it so I hurled the warhammer after it, the weapon smashing the Dread Knight back into the wall just as it tried to pry itself free of it.

I then started charging up my [Laser], hoping that this would be enough to kill it while it was distracted.

At the same time I also created a portal behind me that I could use to escape if I needed to.

Unfortunately for me, the Dread Knight freed itself faster than I expected it to and I could not charge the [Laser] as much as I wanted to.

I fired what I could charge and a beam of light shot out from my palm to impact against that Dread Knight's chest.

It was not enough to pierce through its armour but it did push it deeper into the cavern wall before I stepped through the portal to teleport myself further away.

I waited for it to start breaking free from the wall but other than a few metallic clangs of its armour rubbing against the rock wall, it did not seem to be able to get itself out of there.

Oh, that Dread Knight is stuck.

Great! I didn't even need to kill it! Now I can just focus on the lich!

I turned to where I could still hear the sound of fighting and found Katsuki still trying to chase after that lich who was doing his utmost to get away from her.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Icicles were being thrown all around the place while Katsuki dodged or deflected them with her daggers, making it appear like a deadly dance between the two of them.

My Inugami maid knew that she was not able to deal a decisive blow to him so she remained just close enough that he could only resort to using lower tiered spells as he did not have time to chant, but far enough that he could not easily hit her with any of his spells.

I decided to try and cast [Darkness Paranoia] on the lich but as I had thought, it was ineffective against him since I assumed he would be resistant to mental spells as an undead. I even tried [Madness Infusion] too but he just carried on like normal so I gave up on trying to use mental debuffs on him.

I used [Shadow Glide] to speed up my movement before flying above him and attempting to cast [Aqua Ball].

It seemed like he was not expecting my appearance at all as I managed to shoot the water ball into his back without him being able to react to my presence.

He was in the midst of turning around to see who attacked him when my follow up [Static Bolt] hit him.

The ball of electricity impacted him square in the chest causing him to freeze in place as the paralysis took effect.

Looks like physical debuffs still work on him at least.

Simultaneously casting [Lightning Clad] and [Body Current] on my right arm, I punched down on his head to send him crashing into the ground.

Looking down at where he had crashed, I realised that I managed to break off part of his skull to leave a small hole at the top of his head. I would have thought I killed him if he wasn't for the fact that the icicles in the air had suddenly redirected to point at me.

I took a page out of Katsuki's book and used [Fire Blast], melting the icicles while also using it to attack the lich at the same time.

Katsuki also joined me in shooting her own [Fire Blast], bathing the lich in a sea of crimson flames.

The lich let out a shriek of pain which I was quite surprised to hear since I thought an undead like him might have been unable to feel pain. Either that all undead like him could feel pain or this was only unique to him.

There was a sudden blast of frost and our fire was put out, revealing the lich had somehow fully recovered himself. Even the hole on his skull had closed up like it was never there to begin with.

"You! What happened to my Dread Knight?!" He demanded, pointing a finger at me.

I simply gestured to the hole in the wall where his Dread Knight was still struggling to get out of.

"How are you able to do that?! Aren't you just a weak noble?!!" He screamed.

What the heck? Did he totally forget about me punching him into the ground and summoning a few hundred shadow copies of myself? He can still call me weak even after all of that?

I mean… I already know he's an idiot but looks like we can add delusional to the list as well.

Oh well, there's no need to argue with him since our goal was to kill him here.

Hey, he tried to kill me multiple times didn't he? He even used his own [Shadow Summon] to shoot needles at me while I was in school… Eh?

Wait… Wait a minute…

I checked his stats with my [Screened] again, making sure that I was not seeing things.

Sure enough, I was not wrong…

This guy only has Necromancy, Kalomancy, Astromancy and Cryomancy… He does not know Umbramancy at all so it definitely wasn't him who summoned that shadow to assassinate me with the needle.

But… If not this guy, then who?! Don't tell me there's more than one person after my life right now?!

Arrgghhh! As if this guy wasn't already problematic enough!

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