What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 431 We Have Some Royal Visitors

Chapter 431 We Have Some Royal Visitors


Chapter 431 We Have Some Royal Visitors

No, we did not have another foursome. I just dropped them off at their place before I returned back home.

What did happen was Lisa staying over with me that night and… Well…

One thing led to another and she ended up in my bed… With Delmare… And we ended up having a threesome anyway…

At least Lisa held back this time so we didn't get stuff on the ceiling like the last time…

In the morning, I got the news that a few of the demons were subdued with the combined efforts of the Royal Knights and Guild members. Unfortunately, quite a few nobles still ended up being taken away and the family of those kidnapped nobles were scrambling to find them.

"The Guild has issued an emergency quest to search for the missing nobles and to subjugate demons as well," Mary reported to Mother.

Just a note, this was our Head Maid Mary, not the girl I had sex… Oh wait, I also slept with our Head Maid before… Oh you know who I'm talking about.

Right now it was just Mother, Mary, Katsuki and myself in Mother's study room.

Mother listened to the report without comment, though I wasn't sure what face she was making since I was seated on her lap with my back facing her.

I wasn't really sure if she was even listening to the report in the first place given that she was also fawning over me from behind while Mary was talking.

"Ahhh~ My little one is so cute~ So, so cute~ Let Mama pamper you~"

"Mo… Mommy… Shouldn't you be paying attention to what's going on?"

"Hmmm? Mama already knew about it though? In fact, there were a few silly little demons who thought they could mess up our front yard last night so Mama dealt with them personally~"

"Ehh? What happened?!"

"Ufufufu~ A few nobles were also passing by our gates last night and some demons appeared to try and take them away~ They were making a lot of noise and Mama thought it would disturb my little one if you were to come home to such a mess so I just made them go away~"

The way she said it, I kind of imagined her just going up to the demons and waving her hands like she was chasing some bugs away…

With how Mother is like, I suspect that might actually be what happened too… With the demons being wiped out of existence with that action.

"I see… Umm… What are we going to do though?" I asked.

Mother rubbed her cheek on the top of my head, "Ara, ara? What is my little one asking about? What are you thinking of doing?"

"Shouldn't we do something about the demons? They just kidnapped a whole bunch of nobles didn't they?"

"Ara, ara? What does that have to do with us though? If it was my little one getting kidnapped, Mama would of course come to your rescue~ But these nobles aren't related to Mama at all~ And the ones who have hired our maids were protected from being kidnapped so our House name and reliability is not only kept intact but also bolstered from this event~ There is no reason to go save them ourselves right?"

I actually have nothing to say to that…

I guess I was treating this like some kind of quest or something where I have to get myself involved because no one else can solve it without my help. But in reality, there's the existence of strong individuals who could help solve this problem without my help.

Not only were there Royal Knights, there's also the existence of high class Mercenaries who can be hired to take down these demons too.

I guess it's ok to just ignore it?

Right as I thought of that, a knock came from the door and Katsuki went to open it. She peeked from behind to see who it was before turning back to us.

"Madam, Mistress, it's Sebastian."

"Mmm~ Let him in~" Mother instructed.

She opened the door the rest of the way and allowed Sebastian to enter the room, the Wrunch butler seemed to be in a little hurry.

"Mistress, the King and Queen are here and they are requesting a meeting with you."

"Ara? Whatever could little Justi and Levia want from me?" Mother mused.

Err… Are those the names of the King and Queen? For Mother to call them so casually like that… I don't even want to know…

Sebastian inclined his head, "I believe they wish to ask for our help in regards to the demons, Mistress."

"Ara, ara? Really now? I wonder what I should do?"

I turned back to look at her, "Is Mother not going to meet them? Wouldn't that be rude?"

"Ufufufu~ Does my little one want Mama to meet them? Or does my little one want to meet them yourself?"

I realised she was intentionally not answering the second part of my question but whatever…

Right now, the fact that the literal monarchs of the Kingdom we're in had actually taken the initiative to come and meet Mother instead of summoning her to the palace was enough to show the real power dynamics in this country.

The only question was how Mother got to this position in the first place? Is it really just because our servants are being deployed in multiple noble houses that could threaten the Kingdom's stability?

While I think that's a possibility, I don't think that's the real reason…

Seeing that I was supposed to meet them for the ceremony anyway… I figured maybe this was a good chance to just meet them earlier first.

"I want to meet them, Mommy… But I don't want to be alone…" I pleaded.

"Ara, ara~ In that case, please guide them to the waiting room, Sebastian~ We'll be there shortly~"

The butler bowed before leaving the room with the rest of us also leaving a short while later, the delay due to Mother wanting to pat me for a while more before she let me go.

But that's when she made another absurd request…

"Come now, my little one! Let Mama carry you there~"

I looked at her outstretched hands, then to her smiling face, then back at her outstretched hands before realising she was serious.

"Mommy… I'm not small anymore…"

"Nonsense, you'll always be Mama's little one~ Now come to Mama~"

"I… I don't wanna… that's embarrassing…"

"Ara, ara~ It seems like my dearest child is going through your rebellious phase~"

I pouted, "This isn't a phase, Mommy… Don't you think it's weird for you to carry me like that when I've already grown up like this?"

"Ufufufu~ Of course not~ Isn't it normal for a mother to dote on her child? Especially when the child is the cutest and best child in the Universe?"

Motherrrrr… Stoooop…

"Even… Even if you say it like that, I won't let you…"

"Ara, ara~ Oh well~ I suppose Mama will give up for now. That's a shame though… Little Livia and Justi used to show off their own little ones to me while carrying them here in their arms… But my little one grew up so fast~"

In other words… Mother just wants to show me off huh…

I mean… I've read and heard about how parents would show off their children to relatives but… I've never really experienced it myself… Is it supposed to feel embarrassing?

Also… Seems like Mother is close enough with the King and Queen that they would visit her with their children to show them off huh… Not sure what I should make of that.

Well, in the end, I just let Mother wrap her arm in mine while we walked towards the waiting room side by side. It was still embarrassing but at least less than if she had picked me up and carried me there…

When we entered, I noticed two women were seated on the couch who immediately stood up the moment they saw Mother.

The one on the left had wavy brown hair that was tied up in a princess braid hanging over her left shoulder. She was slender and had a prominent bust that I estimate to be about the same size as mine. The white dress she was wearing coupled with the tiara on her head showed off her status as Royalty and I immediately pegged her as the Queen.

Beside her was a woman with striking blonde hair that was tied in a high ponytail that stretched all the way past her lower back. Her outfit was closer to a knight's since she had a chestplate with a sword belted on her waist, but the crown she was wearing on her head showed that she was indeed Royalty.

"Justi~ Lilia~ It's been a while~" Mother waved at them casually.

The two of them inclined their heads with the knight looking woman speaking for them, "Madam Nilm, it has indeed been a while. I apologise for the intrusion."

Mother giggled, "Ufufufu~ Nonsense, Justi~ I already said that you're welcome to visit me whenever you want, didn't I? In fact, I'm a little disappointed you only came here after my little one has grown up~"

The one named 'Justi' bowed her head a little lower, "Forgive us… We should have came to visit the moment we knew about your child…"

"Oh I'm just joking, Justi~ It was me who told the both of you not to disturb my little one after all~ Ufufufu~ Now, my little one~ They are the King and Queen of Lehcarouc Kingdom~ Say hello~"

King? Queen? But… They're both women??

Erm… Errr… Hi?

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