What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 432 The King And Queen Of Lehcarouc

Chapter 432 The King And Queen Of Lehcarouc

Chapter 432 The King And Queen Of Lehcarouc

Ok, so… Seated across from me was the King and Queen of Lehcarouc Kingdom, both of them looking like they were here for a job interview with how they were seated.

I, on the other hand, was placed back on Mother's lap once again.

Seeing that neither the King nor Queen even batted an eye at this arrangement… I'm guessing they did this with their own children when they brought them over to visit Mother.

"Allow me to introduce myself, Aster," The woman with the blonde hair spoke with a hand on her chest. "I am Justinia Lehcarouc, but you may call me sister Justi if you wish."

Sister? Not aunty? Err… I guess I shouldn't ask…

Not noticing my inner thoughts, Justinia continued, "As you might have guessed, I am the King of Lehcarouc Kingdom. The Royal Family has depended on the Nilm Family for generations so you need not stand on ceremony when it's in a private setting like this."

So she really is the King huh…

I peeked at the area in between her legs, only to hear a giggle coming from the woman herself.

"It is as you guessed, Aster. I am a futa like you. I understand that you might have expected me to be a man based on your other world's knowledge though."

Her words would have made me stand up in a panic but I couldn't move since Mother was currently busy cuddling me at the moment.

The King raised her hand regally, "Forgive me, I do not mean to startle you like that. I just thought that it might be better to show that I know so we may speak freely. As the King of this Kingdom, it would have been quite negligent of me if I wasn't even aware of such a thing going on around the World. Though I suppose it's not that difficult to find out if you know what to look out for, coupled with the fact that there are some Off-Worlders who blatantly advertise their identities around."

That… That makes sense… Although I'm wondering what kind of idiot would go around telling people such nonsense like that… Ugh… I guess you can't expect several thousands of people to want to keep their mouths shut about this…

The woman beside Justinia spoke up, "I suppose it's my turn? Hello Aster, I am Levianne Lehcarouc, but you can just call me Mama~"

Mother, who was stroking my head earlier, froze.

I felt the air around the room stop and I think the creaking sound coming from the walls were not just from my imagination.

"Ara, ara? What's this? Is little Levia suggesting something… Rude?"

Levianne, whom I assume to be the Queen by process of elimination, simply gave Mother a ditzy looking smile, "Ehhh? I don't know what Madam Nilm is talking about though? Isn't Aster cute?"

The tension coming from Mother lessened a bit but I could still feel the coldness in the air, "Ara, ara? At least you have good eyes~ My dearest little one is indeed the cutest~"

"Fufu~ That's why I also want to be Aster's Mama~ So Aster, feel free to call me Mama, ok?"

I felt Mother's arms tighten around me as she pulled me in for a hug, "Ufufufu~ I'm afraid that's not possible~ My little one only has one Mama and that is me~"

"Eehhh… There's nothing wrong with little Aster having two Mamas is there? Come on Aster~ Don't you want another Mama?"

Wow… I actually didn't know that Mother was of the jealous type…

Hmm… I'm actually feeling a little mischievous since Mother always was the one who played these tricks on me…

I looked up at her and did my best pouty face look, "Mommy… I can't have another Mama?"

I was expecting her to become flustered over me but she let out a loud gasp before hugging me even tighter, "Ara? My little one wants more than just one Mama? Why didn't you say so earlier!" josei

The air shifted and then something pushed itself against my face and I turned to see another Mother hugging me from my front.

"Ufufufu~ There, there~ Now you can have two Mamas all to yourself~"

Eh?! Wait… Mother knows how to clone herself?!

Ugh, of course she does… Why am I even surprised?

"Ummm… I'm ok… You don't need to do that, Mommy…" I gasped, trying to breathe from in between the clone's bosoms.

"Ufufufu~ Nonsense~ My little one deserves two Mamas~ Namely, two of me! So there's no need for you to step in, little Levia~"

I peeked over Mother's clone's shoulder to see the Queen making a pouty face that I would not have expected to see on a Royalty. Beside her, the King merely just gave me a look that said that 'it can't be helped'.

"Now~ With the little introductions out of the way, why are you here?" Mother asked, going back to patting my head, this time with her clone doing it as well.

Justinia cleared her throat, "I think Madam Nilm is already aware of the reason… It's about the demon attack yesterday."

As I thought… They really came here for that reason… But what do they want Mother to do?

Mother giggled, "Ufufufu~ I see~ But aren't your little knights handling the situation easily enough? I believe some of my servants also helped suppress a few of the demons as well, so what else do you want from us?"

Justinia nodded, "I know that I am not in a position to request this from you, Madam Nilm but… I suppose there's no reason to hide this… Little Tiara has been taken."

Eh? Tiara was taken?

I pushed myself out from Mother's embrace, "Wait! How did she get taken? Wasn't she supposed to be in the palace yesterday? Did she get taken from there?"

The King shook her head, "We had grown complacent… We thought that the demon cult had been eradicated thanks to Aster's efforts. We assumed that it was now safe for Tiara to leave the palace but… It seems like we either did not completely eradicate them or this was another cult altogether…"

"Then… Why did they attack all the other nobles?"

"I suspect it's because they do not know or are unable to tell which carriage our little Tiara was using," Levianne sighed, her earlier cheeriness gone. "Thus they decided to attack all the possible carriages they found last night…"

"Ara, ara? I see… So there's some little nobles who have chosen to side with them?" Mother mused.

Eh? Really? Oh… I guess the news that Tiara was going out to the city must have been supplied by someone within the circle itself…

Justinia sighed, "I already know that some of them thirst for such power so it's within my calculations… But I expected them to only limit themselves to doing backdoor dealings or even just trying to incite a civil war… Not consort with demons… Someone must have fed the information of our little Tiara going out into the city and arranged the attacks…"

"Ufufufu~ If little Justi wants my servants to do a little bit of house cleaning, all you need to do is ask~" Mother giggled.

"I shall keep that in mind, Madam Nilm… To think my subjects would even stoop that low…"

I raised my hand slightly, "Umm… Do you all know about the Demonic Core?"

All eyes turned to me.

"We know of their existence, they act as a demon's heart, isn't it? But what about it?" The King asked.

"I only found this out yesterday but… I believe they exhibit some kind of minor mind control or something… They will try to make you indulge in your deepest desire or something…"

Mother did not seem that surprised but this information seemed to be news to the King and Queen as they sat forward in their seats.

"Wait! Is that really true?!"

I nodded, "Apparently they would whisper in your ear or something… I don't really know since I seem to be immune to it, but umm… My friend and my maid said they experienced it…"

The King leaned back, "This is… Troubling… While demons are already rare… I remember that there was an event in the past where some demons managed to cross over and were defeated… Thankfully they were only weak demons so it was handled quite easily. A few of the Demonic Cores ended up being sold in the black market to collectors but I did not think that was a big deal back then… If this is true… Then the Demonic Cores are manipulating the nobles into summoning more demons?"

I shrugged, "I would think so… But only if the people near the Demonic Core actually wished for it?"

"Could we see one? Aster has the Demonic Cores, right?" Levianne requested.

"Umm… Of course, I kept it stored in my bag so…"

"Ufufufu~ No need to get it yourself, my little one. Mary~"

The Trasif maid appeared out of the portal and deposited my Pack of Folding on the tea table in front of us. She then bowed before leaving through the same portal without another word.

I'm… Not going to say anything…

Mother released her grip on me enough so that I could rummage through my Pack of Folding until I found the Demonic Cores, choosing only one to place it on the table in between us.

I looked up to see what the reaction of the King and Queen were and…

Well… Their eyes basically glazed over before the King practically pounced on the Queen, kissing her with all her might.

… Ok then…

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