Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Love Can Hardly Be Hidden

TL: Etude

Every word from Cao Xingyue seemed like a veiled hint, suffocating Jiang Qin a little.

Indeed, you’re innocent, you have no ulterior motives, but why would you give a gift? For a birthday or the New Year?

Jiang Qin agreed with her words but not entirely. Not all gifts had a purpose. What’s wrong with wanting to cheer up a friend? Could all the gifts in the world stem from affection? It didn’t make sense, not at all.

These darn university students, all their minds occupied with love and romance.josei

He was a man in his thirties, having tasted more salt than the roads she had traveled. Listening to her babble and take her advice would be like asking for trouble. After returning to the dormitory, it was already late. Only Old Zhou was there, eating a hand-grabbed pancake while reading a on his phone, the crunching and clicking sounds unceasing.

The first crunch was from biting the pancake, the second click from pressing the page-turn button. The two sounds intertwined, creating a distinct rhythm.

“How come you’re the only one here? Where are the others?” Jiang Qin asked, puzzled by the dim and empty dormitory.

Zhou Chao chuckled: “Ren Ziqiang went to see his god-sister.”

“And Old Cao isn’t here either?”

“Old Cao went out. He was acting weird when he left, even sprayed himself with perfume. Brother Jiang, I remember after you doused him during the military training, he hasn’t used perfume since.”

“Could he be in love?” Jiang Qin thought of a possibility.

Zhou Chao abruptly sat up from the bed: “Impossible, aside from you, I’m definitely the first one in this dorm to get a girlfriend!”

“Don’t exclude me, I’m single too!” Jiang Qin felt both Zhou Chao and Cao Xingyue, and everyone else in the world, were blind.

“Being single, what’s there to be agitated about…”

Jiang Qin glanced at him: “So, do you have someone in mind?”

“Yeah, I recently met a senior, a sophomore. She’s gentle and cute, speaks very softly,” Zhou Chao said animatedly.

“What’s her name? Do I know her?”

“I definitely can’t tell her name. I’m not like Old Ren. It’d be embarrassing if I can’t win her over, but I can tell you her nickname, Yanzi.”

Upon hearing this name, Jiang Qin immediately laughed: “Then you’re doomed. No one in this world can catch up with a ‘swallow’.” (Yanzi means swallow)


Jiang Qin climbed onto his bed and started a casual chat with Zhou Chao. Shortly after, Cao Guangyu walked in, radiating happiness and excitement, obviously in love.

No need to ask, it was evident. His face beaming, anyone could see it.

It was hilarious. People, can you really believe someone in love can remain calm without showing it?

But Jiang Qin wasn’t overly curious. After all, they were dorm mates who saw each other every day. If Cao’s relationship was stable, he would surely share it eventually.

That guy couldn’t keep secrets and was quite showy. If he had a girlfriend, he would have already been shouting about it in the dormitory. For now, it seemed like they were still in the ambiguous stage.

Before long, Wednesday arrived.

Today, Financial Class 3 only had two afternoon classes, so Jiang Qin took Fang Xiaoxuan to the University of Science and Technology.

Guo Zihang was already waiting at the school gate early in the morning and then guided Jiang Qin to the small square in front of the male dormitories.

Well, the location was quite secluded, situated behind the eight dormitory buildings, with a small basketball court in between. It was a place rarely visited by students apart from the boys.

Jiang Qin specifically asked a few passing girls about it, and seven out of ten didn’t even know there was a small square there.

“Business is indeed not great.”

“This is only during the daytime. At night, there are still a lot of people here,” Guo Zihang struggled to argue.

Jiang Qin shook his head. It was evident whether the business was good or not. Besides, that place was too remote to recreate the atmosphere of a bustling square: “Let’s go and check out the female dormitory area.”

“Should we drive there?”

“You’re always trying to show off!”

Jiang Qin spat in jest but still drove to the female dormitory of Linchuan University of Science and Technology.

This area was obviously busier than the male dormitory. Though lacking proper seating areas, the ground floor was crowded with numerous small stools and tables, with people chatting and playing cards, both men and women, in countless numbers.

“What do you think, Xiaoxuan?”

“Boss, I think this place is more suitable for a bubble tea shop. The previous spot was too secluded. No one would go that far just for a bubble tea, even if it’s the best in the world,” Fang Xiaoxuan opined, her education may not be high, but her years of experience had honed her business acumen.

Jiang Qin nodded, agreeing with her.

Bubble tea isn’t a basic necessity of life. Relying solely on hype, even if it initially attracts customers, wouldn’t sustain the business in the long run.

“Have you tried Xi Tian bubble tea? It’s really popular.”

“Really? Let’s go try it.”

“How about we go get Xi Tian bubble tea?”

“No, it’s too far. I tried it once before; let’s skip it this time.”

So, if Xi Tian opened near the male dormitory, it would likely face initial popularity followed by a rapid decline.

Jiang Qin mentally crossed off the idea of opening near the male dormitory but was still indecisive about whether to open the shop here.

A location already doing good business has lower advertising needs.

“Why would I advertise to attract more customers when I’m already too busy to meet current demand? If I have a thousand customers a day but can only make eight hundred cups of bubble tea, even with two thousand customers, I can only earn from those eight hundred cups. Isn’t spending on advertising then a waste?”

However, the lack of a seating area in the female dormitory could be an angle to work with.

Just then, a short-haired girl approached from the dormitory, and Guo Zihang quickly went to meet her. After a brief conversation, they walked over to Jiang Qin.

“Old Jiang, let me introduce you. This is our senior, Cui Yating.”


“Hello, I’m Jiang Qin.” Jiang Qin’s self-introduction was always brief.

Cui Yating was curious: “What are you guys doing?”

“We’re exploring the University of Science and Technology, seeing what’s different from our university,” Jiang Qin replied with a slight smile.

“Our University of Science and Technology isn’t as beautiful as yours. We have half the area, and even our infrastructure can’t compare.”

Guo Zihang didn’t understand why Jiang Qin didn’t mention the bubble tea shop, thinking it would be more impressive to talk about it.

Jiang Qin knew his thoughts but couldn’t help but internally curse at the foolishness.

Boasting in front of a girl about your friend having an Audi, owning a bubble tea shop, being handsome, and exuding an elite aura would only make the girl ask for your friend’s QQ number, not yours.

So, if it wasn’t your achievement, better not to boast about it.

Afterwards, Jiang Qin concluded his inspection and went to have a meal at the University of Science and Technology’s cafeteria with Old Guo and others.

As the host, Guo Zihang was naturally supposed to treat them to the meal. The cafeteria wasn’t expensive, so he went ahead energetically.

Fang Xiaoxuan, thinking of serving her boss, asked Jiang Qin what he wanted to eat and followed Guo Zihang, leaving Jiang Qin and Cui Yating alone.

“Your girlfriend isn’t very pretty, not a good match for you,” Cui Yating suddenly spoke after the two left.

Jiang Qin smiled faintly: “Liking each other is what matters.”

“Of course liking each other matters in a relationship, but for a long-lasting relationship, being well-matched is important. You can afford an Audi, which shows your family is well-off. But that girl, she’s all in knock-offs, her family background must not be good, right?”

“I’m also in knock-offs.”

Cui Yating pouted: “People who drive Audis and wear knock-offs are being down-to-earth, you know?”

“You make a good point, senior, but there are always special cases.”

“Like what?”

Jiang Qin lowered his voice: “For instance, my Audi is rented, just to impress girls at your university.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Guo Zihang came over eagerly. He didn’t have much for living expenses but liked to show off, ordering a lavish meal with four meat dishes, three vegetarian, plus chicken soup.

Jiang Qin wasn’t picky about food and would eat whatever was available, but Cui Yating left carrots, green peppers, and celery sticks untouched on her plate, only picking out the meat.

Seeing this, Jiang Qin laughed to himself, thinking if Old Guo ended up with her, he might turn into a rabbit in the long run.

In the afternoon, Cui Yating returned to her dormitory, and Guo Zihang escorted Jiang Qin and the others to the school gate.

“Old Jiang, what do you think of Cui Yating?”

“It’s hard to say with such a short interaction. I shouldn’t jump to conclusions, but she’s definitely more cunning than you and cares a lot about being well-matched. I think you should first understand her family background. If the gap is too big, it’s better to let it go.”

After listening, Guo Zihang nodded, taking Jiang Qin’s advice to heart. He respected his ‘godfather,’ who could easily spend tens of thousands and even won over Feng Nanshu. His advice was worth considering. But speaking of family background, Old Guo had his doubts.

“Your family doesn’t match Feng Nanshu’s either. It might be tough after marriage.”


“I have a cousin who married into a wealthier family. He was happy at first, saying the house and car were gifts from his father-in-law. But after a few years, it went downhill, with his wife frequently running back to her parents’ home.”

“Get lost, do I need your advice?”

Jiang Qin’s smile vanished, his face turning cold. He stepped on the gas and drove out of Linchuan University of Science and Technology.

AN: I woke up late today…

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