Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 112

Chapter 112: The Spendthrift Boss Lady!

TL: Etude

On a sunny, clear Friday afternoon, Jiang Qin arrived at the Entrepreneurship Center. As soon as he entered, he encountered a girl with straight bangs in the corridor. Wearing an orange turtleneck sweater and black-framed glasses, she cheerfully greeted him as “senior” before entering the main office.

Jiang Qin was familiar with most people in the building but had never seen this girl. After pondering, he realized she must be one of those who had replaced the senior known for watching TV.

Newcomers were coming in twos and threes, mostly juniors. It seemed like Senior Cao had finally made it through and was probably freeing up time for her love life.

Passing by the main office without disturbing the three figures engaged in conversation inside, Jiang Qin pushed open the door to Room 208.

Inside, along with Pang Hai, were Su Nai, Dong Wenhao, Lu Xuemei, Shi Miaomiao, Lu Feiyu, Dong Miaomiao, and ten others. They had received Jiang Qin’s message about a meeting and were waiting for his return.

In Room 208, Jiang Qin wasted no time and got straight to the point.

“The traffic from Linchuan University has reached saturation, and the retention rate is good. The number of advertisers is steadily increasing, so we can ease off a bit and don’t need to monitor it daily.”

“We’re about to start promoting at the University of Science and Technology. We’ve discussed this before, and I believe everyone is prepared.”

“I’m still scouting locations for Xi Tian, and while there’s no rush, you should be ready to avoid any last-minute chaos.”

“The University of Science and Technology isn’t far from Linchuan University, so for the preliminary work, I’ve decided to use our own team. You’re already familiar with the competition’s routines and can adapt quickly.”

“If anyone has issues with time or transportation, let me know in advance, and I’ll make a note of it.”

“This initial phase might take about a week, possibly requiring several trips. Transportation and meal allowances will be included in your salaries.”

“Additionally, Su Nai, choose someone from your tech team to temporarily lead it. Dong Wenhao will be in overall charge, coordinating with the promotion plan at the University of Science and Technology.”

“Eh, what about me? What will I do?” Su Nai was alarmed at suddenly being stripped of her authority.

Jiang Qin frowned at her. “What’s the matter, scared? That’s for watching movies in the office every day!”

Lu Xuemei immediately raised her hand, wanting to defend Su Nai: “Boss, I can vouch for Senior Su Nai. She never watched movies in the office. I’ve never heard any sound from her computer!”

“She watches movies that don’t let others hear the sound.”


Jiang Qin coughed and brought the conversation back on track: “Su Nai, don’t worry. You’re stepping down from the tech group because there’s something else you need to do.”

Relieved yet curious, Su Nai asked, “What is it, boss?”

“You’ll be working with me on researching another project.”

“Why suddenly start another project?”

“Our forum’s monetization capability is weak. Our only revenue stream is advertising, which has its limits. We’re booked until next year, and squeezing more out is tough. We need to develop a new revenue model. We can’t just sit and deplete our resources.”

Jiang Qin didn’t elaborate, mainly because he didn’t have a concrete plan yet. Not being tech-savvy, his first task was for Su Nai to assess the difficulty. They would then formulate a feasible plan.

“Boss, what’s the direction of the new project?”

“Group buying website.”

Su Nai was momentarily taken aback. “Isn’t that the previous project of Room 208? Didn’t it fail?”

“We definitely can’t follow the old path of the previous group buying website. I’m thinking of something similar but different,” Jiang Qin replied.

“Oh, I see,” Su Nai nodded, only half-understanding but not asking further. She was used to just doing as Jiang Qin said.

“Next, let’s talk about the specific promotional steps for the Zhihu Forum’s project at the University of Science and Technology,” Jiang Qin said, tapping his pen on the table. “Take notes if you need to, and don’t interrupt me until I’m finished.”

Hearing this, everyone sat up straight, ready to take notes. After their experience with the Campus Beauty Contest, they had a good understanding of their boss’s methods.

The boss’s mind was like a machine, perfectly outlining all directions and possibilities, then offering the optimal path and details. They just needed to follow his plan, and they would hit the target.

“Boss, I need to use the restroom first!” Lu Feiyu suddenly stood up.

Jiang Qin looked annoyed, “Hurry up, there won’t be any breaks later!”

“Got it.”

Lu Feiyu rushed out to the restroom and returned, looking relieved, “Okay, I’m ready. Go ahead!”

“Am I the boss or are you? You really have no sense of boundaries,” Jiang Qin grumbled, then began to assign tasks.

“Lanlan, collect information on merchants near the University of Science and Technology and summarize it for me.”

“Old Dong, your main task is to contact the Literature Club at the University of Science and Technology, similar to how you were discovered. Find a group of content creators familiar with their environment.”

“Also, the content team’s recent topics have been too limited to Linchuan University. Stop that for now and look for topics that all university students would be interested in.”

“As for the tech department, find a way to optimize the registration system. The current method is too complicated.”

Su Nai couldn’t help but speak up, “Boss, phone numbers and emails are essential. If we simplify it further, one person could create countless accounts, making management impossible.”josei

“Your registration system doesn’t need to require a phone number initially. Just add a rule later that without a phone number, users can’t post or comment. First, get the registration rate up; retaining users will be the content team’s concern!”

“Oh,” Su Nai responded, a bit disheartened.

Dong Wenhao felt overwhelmed, thinking, ‘Why am I suddenly responsible for so much without prior notice?’

“Don’t interrupt me again. I have one last point to make…”

As Jiang Qin was speaking, the door to Room 208 creaked open.

A delicate hand gently pushed the wooden door, causing Jiang Qin’s expression to instantly darken, his brows furrowed tightly.

He disliked being interrupted because it also interrupted his own thought process. It was troublesome to pick up where he left off, and he was already irritable from being interrupted once.

“Jiang Qin.” Feng Nanshu peeked in with her delicate face.

Jiang Qin paused for a moment, “Why are you here?”

“I bought some fruit,” Feng Nanshu stepped in, carrying two bags of fruit.

Hearing this, the employees, still in the meeting, couldn’t sit still anymore. They eagerly approached, calling her “boss lady” and taking the bags from her hands.

Who would fear the boss when the boss lady was around?

As they hurriedly opened the bags, they found premium-quality green grapes, mangosteens, strawberries, and pomegranates, all seemingly expensive.

Feng Nanshu’s hands, slightly reddened and marked from carrying the bags, clenched into fists, hidden from view.

“Feng Nanshu, you’re such a spendth…”

Jiang Qin halted mid-sentence, quickly retracting the word ‘family’ back into his mouth, his face showing a mixture of relief and panic as he patted his chest. (TL 败 + 家 (family) = spendthrift)

Meanwhile, Feng Nanshu blinked her clear eyes in confusion, her pretty face filled with bewilderment and inquiry.

“Didn’t I tell you not to follow Gao Wenhui’s bad example?” Jiang Qin diverted the topic.

Feng Nanshu looked at him coolly, “I’ve learned how to give fruit, and that’s all I’ve learned from her.”

“Boss Lady, these green grapes are so sweet!” Shi Miaomiao cheered from the side.

Enjoying a strawberry, Su Nai felt blissful, “Boss Lady, you should be in charge from now on. The boss never thinks of buying us fruit.”

“Pah, I’m the one who pays your salaries. Eat your fruit and keep quiet. Isn’t your mouth busy enough?”

“Just eating, no talking!” Su Nai defiantly cracked open a pomegranate.

Jiang Qin looked up at Feng Nanshu, noticing she was slightly sweaty, “Did you carry these here yourself?”

“Yes,” Feng Nanshu nodded obediently.

“Hand over your living expenses. From now on, I’ll manage them to prevent you from spending recklessly!”

Feng Nanshu opened her small handbag, took out a pretty pink wallet, and handed it to him, “Here.”


Jiang Qin chuckled, quickly adding that he was joking, “Buy if you want to buy. It’s not my money, so I don’t mind at all.”

Then, Jiang Qin called Xiao Xuandu and his two lieutenants to join the meeting and discuss the weekend team-building plan.

A week had passed since the Campus Beauty Contest, and it was time to fulfill some of the promises made. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be enough motivation to put in the effort at the University of Science and Technology. As the saying goes, to make the horse run, you must feed it first.

Eventually, everyone unanimously decided to have the team-building session at a rural retreat in the southern suburbs.

This wasn’t because Jiang Qin was reluctant to spend money; it was simply that everyone felt it was impractical to spend the entire weekend traveling for a short team-building activity.

“Feng Nanshu, we’re going out this weekend. You can wander around the campus. If you’re hungry, go eat with Gao Wenhui,” Jiang Qin said.

Feng Nanshu’s face fell, “Can’t I go?”

“This is a team-building event, and you’re not an employee of Room 208, so you can’t go,” Jiang Qin said seriously.

“But I’m the boss lady,” Feng Nanshu stated solemnly.

“Really? Do you have an ID? Please show your ID then.”


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