Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 128

Chapter 128: Very Obedient and Clingy

TL: Etude

Driving from the East Campus to the main campus, Jiang Qin steered the car single-handedly, ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride.

In the back seat, Dong Min, the photographer, and Chu Siqi sat in silence, creating a somewhat quiet and eventually awkward atmosphere, particularly in the confined space of the car. This made everyone feel uneasy.

To break the silence, Dong Min started asking Chu Siqi about her hometown and if she had a boyfriend.

Chu Siqi responded that she was single and from Jizhou. While speaking, she glanced at Jiang Qin in the driver’s seat, noticing him rolling down the window to greet a security guard at the main campus and casually snatching two jujubes from the guard’s hand.

“Jiang Qin, where is your girlfriend from?” Dong Min asked.

After wiping the jujubes on his clothes and taking a bite, Jiang Qin replied, “I wouldn’t dare share such details with a big reporter like Dong Min. If I become successful in business in the future, my past relationships could become scandalous material.”

Dong Min laughed at his remark, “I am a professional journalist, not a paparazzo for a gossip magazine. I won’t affect your reputation.”

“I have never been afraid of impacting my own reputation,” Jiang Qin said, his smile fading as he slowed the car down to enter a pedestrian lane.

Dong Min was momentarily puzzled but then understood his meaning. He wasn’t afraid of his own reputation being affected; he was worried about his girlfriend being impacted.

Heh, he’s quite protective.

Despite being a journalist for the serious and formal Linchuan Youth Daily, Dong Min, who interviewed hundreds or even thousands of people annually, rarely got to hear any juicy gossip. Also, Jiang Qin’s mature yet not dull demeanor, his steadiness combined with humor, and his ability to charm others easily made him a likely candidate for having many romantic encounters. Such individuals often turn out to be womanizers.

Even if he wasn’t a womanizer, he would definitely not allow a girl to leave her belongings in his car, as it would be akin to marking territory and declaring ownership.

Unless he truly liked her and indulged her.

This made Dong Min even more curious about what kind of girl could captivate such a versatile man.

“Jiang, let’s not discuss details, just tell me where she’s from. That wouldn’t reveal who she is, right?”

Jiang Qin, avoiding a stray cat by gently pressing the brakes, replied, “She’s from our area as well.”

Dong Min was surprised, “High school classmates? Continuing a relationship from high school to university is indeed rare.”

Jiang Qin inwardly thought, why is the whole world so interested in whether I’m in a relationship or not? Are they all matchmakers trying to meet their quotas? “We were at the same high school but didn’t talk much then. We got to know each other properly during the summer break.”

“What’s her personality like?”

“Very obedient, very clingy, and as pretty as a little fairy.”

Hearing their conversation, Chu Siqi, sitting on the right side, leaned back in her seat, her gaze drifting out of the window. Everything seemed unreal to her.

She realized that relationships lasting from high school to university were enviable in the eyes of others.

She had never known this before, always believing that being admired and pursued by many was more prideful.

But then…

Very obedient and clingy?

No matter how she thought about it, Chu Siqi couldn’t associate these words with the cold and distant Feng Nanshu, bathed in moonlight.

How could such a girl be very obedient and clingy?

However, Huiru had witnessed it herself, leaving Chu Siqi no choice but to believe it. Moreover, the expression on Jiang Qin’s face when he spoke of his girlfriend was one of genuine happiness.

After a while, Jiang Qin parked the car in the front plaza and let the three passengers out. After exchanging a few pleasantries, he drove away. As he exited the university gates, he glanced at the bow tie placed in front of the passenger seat, hesitating whether to put it in the storage box.

He found it somewhat distressing to be constantly asked about his girlfriend.

But after pondering for a moment, he smiled slightly, thinking it was best to just leave it there. Hiding it deliberately would only make things more conspicuous, as if he were too caught up in the act.

What do I have to fear?

I am fearless in front of both heaven and earth!

Meanwhile, Dong Min, accompanied by the photographer and Chu Siqi, met with the student who had exemplified honesty and integrity for their next interview.

This senior student was facing a formal journalist for the first time and was visibly nervous, constantly fiddling with the folds of his jeans, especially disoriented by the sound of the SLR camera’s shutter.

In such cases, a journalist needs to guide the interview with probing questions.

The original question was: What made you think of returning the wallet?

But now it needed to be reframed: Did you return the wallet because you possess an inner sense of integrity and kindness?

With the question modified, the interviewee simply had to agree, making the process much simpler.

Half an hour later, Dong Min and her team left the teaching building and arrived at the rest area in the front plaza. She unconsciously rubbed her face.

The two interviews had left her with completely different impressions.

Despite being just a freshman, Jiang Qin was calm and collected throughout the interview, with every answer well-crafted. The interview about the act of honesty was exhausting, mostly led by Dong Min’s guiding questions, requiring her to maintain a smile, leaving her face somewhat stiff.

“Do you feel the difference between the interviewees?” Dong Min asked.

Chu Siqi nodded in response: “The more I think about it, the more impressive Jiang Qin’s interview seems. You hardly had to say anything, Ms. Dong. He controlled the entire pace.”

Dong Min smiled slightly: “But people who can control the pace like Jiang Qin are rare, especially in university. Most are nervous, and even if they’re not, their responses aren’t straightforward enough for reporting. Jiang Qin is an exception, not the norm. That’s why I brought you here.”

“He really is outstanding, isn’t he?” Chu Siqi looked up.

Dong Min nodded: “From that interview alone, I can’t think of any better way to respond than how Jiang Qin did. Although he wasn’t speaking from the heart, purely aiming for a higher tone, the ability to do so comfortably is quite formidable.”

“I see,” Chu Siqi felt an even greater contrast in her heart.

While they were speaking, the photographer received a call and came back muttering, “The editor said we can’t use solo photos, the focus should be on the Entrepreneurship Center.”

“Why didn’t he say so earlier?” Dong Min was somewhat exasperated.

“Anyway, we haven’t left yet. Let’s go take some more photos.”

With the mood of a weary worker, Dong Min opened her phone to call Director Gu.

Director Gu happily agreed to the additional coverage, as showcasing Linchuan University’s support for entrepreneurial students along with promoting Jiang Qin would be ideal.

Thus, the address of Room 208 of the Entrepreneurship Center and Cao Xinyue’s phone number were sent to Dong Min’s phone.

At the same time, in the main office of the Entrepreneurship Center, Tang Lin and the Vice Chairman of the International Trade Department, Xue Gang, were having a serious conversation in the corridor.

“Senior, if you don’t start making your presence felt, Hong Yan might end up with someone else,” Tang Lin warned.

Xue Gang didn’t believe it: “Who?”

Tang Lin pointed in the direction of Room 208: “The same Jiang Qin I told you about last time. They’ve already progressed to the point of going out for meals together!”

“I’ve had meals with Hong Yan too, so what?” Xue Gang retorted.

“But what if I told you that it was Hong Yan who took the initiative to ask Jiang Qin out for a meal? What then?” Tang Lin challenged.

Hearing this, Xue Gang’s expression turned serious: “Hong Yan took the initiative to ask him out? Are you sure?”josei

Tang Lin nodded affirmatively: “I was there when it happened. But don’t worry, according to my precise calculations, your chances of success are 41%, while Jiang Qin’s are 40%. For now, you still have the upper hand.”

“Doesn’t that mean he could surpass me with just a little effort? What kind of advantage is that?”

“He’s been quite busy lately, often not around. That’s why I called you here, to make your presence felt and widen the gap. Did you think I’d just have your milk tea for nothing?”

After hearing this, Xue Gang felt a surge of urgency: “Tell me more about this Jiang Qin.”

Tang Lin was surprised: “Didn’t I already send you a document with all his information?”

“I was too confident last time and didn’t take it seriously, just skimmed through it.”

Reluctantly, Tang Lin summarized Jiang Qin’s profile for Xue Gang, who laughed upon hearing it.

Is that all?

A freshman from the Finance Department, an entrepreneur in school, what of it?

No matter how influential he is on campus, it’s not like he can make much of a splash in the real world.

Besides, as the Vice Chairman of the International Trade Department, he wasn’t lesser than an entrepreneurial student in status.

And as for earning half a million a month, Xue Gang, whose family owned a coal company, wasn’t impressed by such a figure.

While they were talking, the door of the main office opened, and Cao Xinyue came out with Hong Yan, waving at Tang Lin before heading towards the entrance of the Entrepreneurship Center.

Dong Min and her team soon arrived and, after exchanging brief pleasantries, were led by Cao Xinyue to Room 208.

Now, only Chu Siqi, Hong Yan, Tang Lin, and Xue Gang were left in the corridor.

Linchuan University’s campus was so vast that without a prior appointment, it was unlikely for people to bump into each other by chance. Yet, the world is full of such inexplicable coincidences.

Coincidences that cause those who wish to meet to miss each other and those who wish to avoid each other to meet again.

So, when Chu Siqi saw Hong Yan, her expression instantly changed.

Jiang Qin’s office was here, and so was Hong Yan. She wasn’t a fool not to sense something amiss.

“Hong Yan, are you still chasing after Jiang Qin?”



Tang Lin’s expression changed, wondering why such a question was posed. She looked at her friend, who was staring coldly at Hong Yan, her eyes indifferent, showing no intention of rebutting.

Xue Gang, standing beside them, was equally puzzled, thinking to himself how direct this girl was.

“So what if I am? What’s it to you?” Hong Yan retorted coldly, not bewildering Chu Siqi, but rather leaving Tang Lin and Xue Gang dumbfounded.

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