Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 129

Chapter 129: Dominating the Scene Without a Word

TL: Etude

The war between women can be terrifying.

Especially when one of the participants is a woman named Chu Siqi – that makes it even more frightening…

At that time, Hong Yan was in the corridor, glaring angrily at her. Within a few sentences, they had already started arguing fiercely.

Tang Lin and Xue Gang were completely dumbfounded, leaning against the cold wall tiles, watching in disbelief as the two beauties quarreled over a man, unable to recover their senses for a long time.

However, during their quarrel, they began to understand the true nature of the situation.

Chu Siqi and Hong Yan used to be dormitory sisters, truly a rare combination as both were considered the beauties of the campus. Such a pairing should have become a delightful tale.

But for the sake of competing for Jiang Qin’s affections, the two could no longer maintain their sisterly bond, almost turning into enemies.

After the end of the National Day holiday, following her family’s advice, Hong Yan transferred to the International Trade Department, cutting off all contact with Chu Siqi, even deleting her from QQ.

But today, they coincidentally met again and started their rivalry over Jiang Qin anew.

Same dormitory, beautiful sisters, turning against each other for love, angrily switching departments, an unexpected reunion, jealousy, unresolved feelings, and the reignition of conflict.josei

Tang Lin and Xue Gang, piecing together the story through speculation and imagination, were completely astonished.

What kind of charm did Jiang Qin possess to make two campus beauties from Linchuan University fight over him to such an extent?

It seemed unbelievable. Not even the kin of the god of matchmaking could pull off such a feat.

Xue Gang couldn’t comprehend it. No matter how handsome, how much more could one be? Especially since Hong Yan was not someone who only looked at appearances. So, how immense must Jiang Qin’s personal charm be?

However, Tang Lin didn’t ponder much on this. Seeing her close friend being bullied, she decisively suppressed her doubts and joined her friend in targeting Chu Siqi.

This was not only supporting a friend but also standing on the side of justice.

“Chu Siqi, aren’t you going too far? You keep him hanging and won’t allow others to like him. What kind of reasoning is that? Even I find it absurd!” she exclaimed.

“What’s it to you?” Chu Siqi retorted sharply, biting her lip.

Tang Lin boldly disagreed, “How can it not concern me? I’m Hong Yan’s sister. Do you think it doesn’t involve me?”

“We can resolve the issues between me and Hong Yan on our own. Can you not talk so much? Okay?” Chu Siqi responded.

Ignoring her, Tang Lin turned to her friend, “Hong Yan, I support you. If you want to pursue Jiang Qin, I’ll help you!”

Xue Gang, listening on the side, was baffled, thinking, wasn’t she supposed to be on my side? How did she suddenly switch allegiances?

What on earth was happening?

But to his surprise, Hong Yan shook her head, a hint of helplessness in her smile, “Actually, I didn’t plan on pursuing him anymore. I just said that in the heat of the argument.”

Tang Lin couldn’t understand her friend’s thoughts, “Are you willing to let Jiang Qin go to her? Are you okay with that?”

“He’s not an object to be given away, is he?”

“Exactly! Pursue, pursue, pursue. We absolutely can’t let this Chu woman continue her arrogance!” Tang Lin emphasized her determination by repeating ‘pursue’ three times.

Hong Yan couldn’t help but glance at Chu Siqi, “Even if I give up, it won’t be possible for her either.”

“Why not?”

Tang Lin asked, immediately gasping in shock, her eyes wide with fear, looking at Hong Yan, “Don’t tell me Jiang Qin doesn’t like women?”

Xue Gang, also listening, was utterly confused.

The goddess I’m desperately chasing is herself chasing another, and there’s another goddess competing with her.

Both goddesses are competing, and yet the man in question doesn’t love either. What kind of aloof male god script is this? Can someone write one for me?

“What nonsense are you talking? What do you mean he doesn’t like women?” Chu Siqi, infuriated, retorted.

Tang Lin glanced back at her, “Although I dislike you, I have to admit you are very attractive. Of course, Hong Yan is definitely better looking. How could Jiang Qin possibly not like either of you?”

As soon as she finished speaking, the sound of small, tapping footsteps echoed through the empty corridor.

Tap, tap, tap…

In the silence that followed Tang Lin’s question, the crisp sound of footsteps became especially clear.

Hong Yan and Chu Siqi couldn’t help but look over, seeing a pair of slender, fair hands pushing open the door of the Entrepreneurship Center. Under the gentle sunlight, an elegant figure entered their sight.

The girl was wearing a long black dress that accentuated her snow-white skin, with a red belt at the waist and a shopping bag from a fruit store in her hand.

Her lips were rosy, her nose high, and her beautiful eyes deep and cool. Her delicate features were flawless.

She walked over, expressionless, and the mere sound of her footsteps created a sense of oppression.

Chu Siqi felt a slight suffocation, her confidence and arrogance disappearing in an instant.

She knew this person.

It was Feng Nanshu, the aloof moonlight who had overshadowed her throughout high school, also known as the heavenly beauty and genius student of the first class.

Wang Huiru had mentioned that Jiang Qin had been with her since the summer vacation.

But honestly, although she wanted to believe her best friend, Chu Siqi had always found it hard to fully believe it.

Mentioning Feng Nanshu’s name could even make someone as proud as Chu Siqi feel a sense of self-inflicted shame, unable to muster any thoughts of comparison.

She admitted that Jiang Qin was outstanding, but deep down, she always felt he and Feng Nanshu were not from the same world.

And now, Feng Nanshu was walking towards her, making her feelings of palpitations and powerlessness more pronounced.

She was incredibly beautiful, with an indescribable nobility, especially that cool demeanor, which really exerted a great psychological pressure.


So many people, kind of scary. Maybe I should leave.

Because she wasn’t led by Jiang Qin, the little rich lady felt panicked seeing so many people and wanted to leave. But the fruits in her bag were heavy, and she really didn’t want to carry them back.

After thinking for a while, Feng Nanshu decided to continue with an expressionless face, pretending not to see anyone, and just walked past.

Tang Lin, who had been ready to continue the argument and encourage Hong Yan, paused in confusion upon seeing the sudden change in expression of the two.

She turned to look in the direction from where Feng Nanshu was coming.

The little rich lady walked past, expressionless and seemingly indifferent to everyone, but actually very nervous inside, pretending not to notice anyone.

Tang Lin was surprised, finding the girl before her exceptionally beautiful, wondering why someone could have such an attractive face.

Xue Gang shared her expression of curiosity, wondering who this girl was. Hong Yan and Chu Siqi were there, supposedly the highest standard of beauty at Linchuan University, but the radiance of the girl before them seemed to overshadow both.

So, who really was the campus beauty?

“Sister Feng, long time no see.”

Hong Yan suddenly spoke, her tone much gentler than before, no longer as cold and irritable.

The little rich lady stopped, recognizing Hong Yan as the person she had dined with that day, and opened her bag to hand her a banana.

This was the greatest gesture of kindness she could muster under such scrutiny.

But speaking was out of the question; she was too nervous to talk.

Hong Yan took the banana, thinking that Feng sister was really cool and imposing. Without saying a word, she had silenced everyone. If she had half the confidence and dominance of Feng sister, she wouldn’t have been so exhausted arguing with Chu Siqi. Such a way of dominating others with one’s presence was something she feared she would never learn.

Meanwhile, Feng Nanshu suddenly seemed to sense something and turned her head to glance at Chu Siqi.

Chu Siqi, not knowing why Feng Nanshu was staring at her, could only pretend to look away nonchalantly, but her heart had already crumbled.

Some things, once witnessed, left no room for disbelief.

She had to accept that Jiang Qin’s indifference that summer was not a mere spat with her. He had Feng Nanshu’s affection; all the speculations and rumors now became a shadow looming over her heart.

So well-behaved and clingy, beautiful like a little fairy…

Chu Siqi couldn’t help but recall the conversation in the car and Jiang Qin’s face, beaming with indulgent joy.

Then, the little rich lady left the scene of the argument without expression, her light footsteps quickly disappearing around the corner of the corridor. There, she quietly peeled an orange to eat, calming herself down, and took out her phone to ask Jiang Qin when he would come back to walk with her.

“Come on, let’s continue arguing, this isn’t over yet!”

Tang Lin treated the little rich lady’s passing as just an interlude in the argument.

“Never mind, let’s not argue anymore.”

Chu Siqi suddenly felt tired, her eyelashes trembling, devoid of her earlier arrogance.

“What’s the matter? Scared? If you’re scared, then don’t come back and act all high and mighty again!”

Chu Siqi turned her head away, feeling dejected, “I’m not scared, I just feel that arguing is pointless now.”

Tang Lin chuckled, her mouth curling up like the waist of a cotton trouser, “You were the one arguing the most fiercely just now. Why is it pointless all of a sudden?”

After hearing this, Chu Siqi pursed her lips, feeling the surrealness of the day.

Hong Yan couldn’t help but speak up, “That’s because she finally realized she never had a chance from the beginning.”


Hong Yan’s words were filled with irony. In the past, Chu Siqi would have retorted, but now she just stared blankly out the window, feeling a huge emptiness inside.

Tang Lin couldn’t help but be curious, “Why, how did she suddenly come to this realization?”

“Didn’t you see Sister Feng who just passed by?”

Tang Lin nodded, unable to forget such a face, “I saw her. So aloof and beautiful. Why didn’t she participate in the campus beauty contest? If she had, who would dare claim they’re the campus beauty!”

Hong Yan sighed, “What if I told you she’s likely the owner of room 208?”


Tang Lin’s eyes widened in disbelief, feeling like she was witnessing a series of unbelievable tales unfold.

The competition between Hong Yan and Chu Siqi for Jiang Qin was strange enough, but the revelation that the girl who overshadowed them in beauty was the owner of room 208 was even more astonishing!

Xue Gang, who had been quietly observing from the corner, was speechless.

Well, there you have it. The campus beauties of Linchuan University all belonged to Jiang Qin.

And now, someone even more stunning than the campus beauties was also his.

Heh, what exactly was I here for today?

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