Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Application for Major Transfer

TL: Etude

In the afternoon, the military training ended.

Jiang Qin returned to the dormitory from the training ground. Before he could even sit down, he received a call from Su Nai. She said they were dining at Nanshan Restaurant and asked if he wanted to join.

Jiang Qin agreed, thinking to himself that Su Nai was indeed considerate. She hadn’t forgotten about him, their boss, even while enjoying good food and drinks. She was truly advancing further along the right path.

However, the next moment, Su Nai’s words wiped the smile off his face.

“Boss, we’ve overspent the budget. Remember to bring your wallet to bail us out!”

“Su Nai, what kind of path are you walking on that’s so inconsistent?”


After changing his clothes and arriving at Nanshan Restaurant, Jiang Qin wandered around looking for Su Nai. He didn’t find her but unexpectedly ran into Si Huiying from the Law Department.

She was dining with three men and two women. Seeing Jiang Qin, she was startled, and her chopsticks hovered mid-air.

Jiang Qin, with an indifferent look and no extra expression, walked past as if he didn’t know her. But to his surprise, Si Huiying stopped him.

“Jiang Qin, long time no see.”


Si Huiying, seeing that he didn’t respond, started speaking on her own, “I’m really sorry about what happened before. I didn’t understand the situation properly. It was only after listening to Huiru that I realized how wrong I was. Can you forgive me?”

Jiang Qin nodded slightly, “Let’s forget about the past. I couldn’t be bothered to explain then, and it’s not worth holding a grudge now.”

“Okay, are you here alone? Our Law Class 2 committee members are having a gathering. Why don’t you join us?”

Jiang Qin held his breath after hearing this, but Si Huiying quickly added, “Don’t worry, Siqi didn’t come. She’s not a committee member. It’s just us at this table.”

“Oh, in that case, it’s fine.”

Jiang Qin sighed in relief. He was severely allergic to ‘little fairies’, especially phrases like “I won’t allow you to do this and that” or “What I say goes.” They sent shivers of fear straight to his skull.

However, while they were talking, the class leader of Law Class 2 suddenly stood up, “You’re Jiang Qin, right? Hello, my name is Liu Xi.”


Jiang Qin was slightly taken aback, thinking how enthusiastic this guy was to greet even strangers. But Liu Xi’s next words started to make his scalp tingle.

“I’m also pursuing our classmate Chu Siqi.”

“What do you mean by ‘also’? Please, not ‘also’. I’m really scared.”


Liu Xi was momentarily stunned, thinking to himself. Si Huiying had just mentioned Chu Siqi, and Jiang Qin had also glanced around the table as if looking for her. Wasn’t the implication clear?

Si Huiying coughed awkwardly and said, “Class leader, you misunderstood. Jiang Qin and Siqi are unrelated. They’re just classmates who graduated from the same high school.”

“Oh, high school classmates. I see, my apologies, I misunderstood.”

Liu Xi had intended to subtly declare his interest but ended up making a blunder, turning red-faced in an instant.

“It’s alright. Enjoy your meal. I have another gathering to attend, so I won’t disturb you any longer. I’ll be leaving now.”

Just as Jiang Qin was about to leave, Si Huiying called out to him again, “Jiang Qin, there’s something I think I should tell you.”

“If it’s about Chu Siqi, I’m not interested in hearing it.”

Jiang Qin’s blunt words left the Law Class 2 committee members baffled. Chu Siqi was a veritable goddess – beautiful, tall, and pursued by countless seniors in the Law Department. How did she seem so terrifying when mentioned by Jiang Qin?

Ignoring the others’ murmurs, Si Huiying took a moment to think before speaking, “What I want to discuss isn’t about Chu Siqi. It’s about Hong Yan. She has submitted an application to transfer from the Law Department to the International Trade Department.”

Jiang Qin wasn’t particularly surprised by this news, “At this stage, there are quite a few who want to change their majors.”

“Do people in your department also want to transfer?” Si Huiying was curious.

“Of course, many people’s choice of major is greatly influenced by their family’s opinion. Some enroll in a field their parents think is good, while others follow advice from elders. But after gaining some understanding, many develop new ideas, hence the desire to transfer. I’m happy she’s making a choice that follows her heart.”

“It’s not that with Hong Yan. She truly loves the Law major. I think she has other reasons for transferring, but she won’t tell me.”

After listening, Jiang Qin fell silent for a while, “She probably has her own considerations. I often have to do things I don’t like as well.”

Si Huiying pursed her lips, “Jiang Qin, can you try to persuade her?”


“You know, Hong Yan is very smart and has her own ideas. Although she calls me ‘sister’, I’m not as mature as her. She won’t listen to me, but she has always thought you’re more mature and capable than her. She will definitely listen to you.”

“Will my persuasion be useful?”

“Can you try, please? Even if it doesn’t work, at least find out the reason.”

Si Huiying felt the choice of university major was crucial for Hong Yan’s future. She worried about her good friend and didn’t want her to act rashly.

After a long thought, Jiang Qin nodded, “Don’t worry, I’ll find an opportunity to talk to her.”

“Thank you,” Si Huiying said sincerely.

“No need to thank me. You guys enjoy your meal. I’ll head over there now.”

As Jiang Qin left, the rest fell into silence, overwhelmed by the amount of information in the conversation, which involved both Chu Siqi and Hong Yan. They couldn’t help but recall the recent quarrel between Hong Yan and Chu Siqi in the corridor.

“Was the argument between Chu Siqi and Hong Yan because of this guy?” Liu Xi couldn’t help but ask after a long hesitation.

“Yes,” Si Huiying nodded.

Seeing her confirm, Liu Xi was utterly baffled, “He doesn’t look exceptionally handsome, so why?”

Si Huiying shook her head, “I don’t know why either, but there are many things in the world that don’t make sense.”

Hearing this, everyone at the table exchanged glances and frowned, unsure of what to feel. This disparity made them uncomfortable but also envious.

“Why can’t I be like that when we all have the same features?”

Meanwhile, Jiang Qin reached the private room booked by Su Nai and joined his startup team for dinner. The atmosphere was lively, reminiscent of a small company on a team-building outing.

Jiang Qin suggested they stop using first names and try addressing each other with surnames and the honorific ‘President,’ leading to a chorus of “President Su,” “President Dong,” “President Lu,” “President Pang,” and so on.

This shift indeed brought a subtle change, encouraging everyone to dream about the future.

“Old Dong, what’s your dream?” asked Jiang Qin.

Dong Wenhao put down his glass, “Boss, my biggest dream was to be a high school Chinese teacher, but after hearing you, I’ve changed my mind.”

Jiang Qin was pleased with this response, “What’s your dream now? Say it out loud.”

“I’m thinking of becoming a vice-principal.”

“You can’t even dream of being the principal?”

Dong Wenhao looked troubled, “The principals in high schools are mostly parachuted in. It’s difficult without connections.”

“So you can’t even brag a bit? With such a good atmosphere, your dream is too modest!” Jiang Qin said with a helpless expression.josei

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