Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: For the Honor of the Department!

TL: Etude

The day after the dinner party, the manipulation of public opinion began in full force.

Dong Wenhao’s ability to control content was indeed strong. With just five people, he completely mobilized the atmosphere of the entire forum. All registered users began to participate in the discussion about the “campus belle,” sparking widespread debate in a very short time.

“Liu Yiyi from the Literature Department is considered a campus belle? Nonsense, she’s just somewhat elegant at best!”

“Please, a campus belle of Linchuan University should be stunning, not this plain-Jane type!”

“The Literature Department is not up to par. The Law Department has two freshmen this year, one named Chu Siqi and another named Hong Yan. Their beauty is what qualifies as a campus belle!”

“Why are people from the Law and Literature Departments so confident? Our Media Department’s senior Fang Xuan is the real campus belle, okay? She’s even appeared on Linchuan TV!”

“Come on, our Engineering Department’s Wu Meng is the campus belle!”

“Hahaha, I’m laughing. A campus belle from the Engineering Department, which is like a monastery? What kind of dream can produce that?”

“Enough, enough, stop arguing. Our Computer Science Department’s unanimously recognized campus belle is senior sister Liu Tian, come and debate if you disagree!”

“The Computer Science Department is hardly any better than the Engineering Department. Just go to sleep.”

The number of forum posts surged with the popularity of the topic, quickly filling the entire confession wall and anonymous treehole.

This phenomenon wasn’t surprising. After all, in their student days, who didn’t have a dream goddess? If you say someone else is prettier than my goddess, I definitely can’t agree.

Among the girls, the competition was even more intense, even among dormitory roommates. They were ruthless in the battle for beauty.

“So what if you’re fair-skinned? I have a bigger bust, doesn’t that count for something?”

“What does a big bust matter? I have a curvier figure!”

Previously, there was no comparison, or perhaps it was embarrassing to compare, but the forum’s campaign ignited this fuse.

Moreover, since the forum allowed anonymous posting, even frenzied criticism of a roommate’s looks wouldn’t harm their friendship. It was simply delightful.

Additionally, the matter of who was the campus belle wasn’t just about looks; it also involved departmental honor and the clash of opinions between men and women.

“Why should the campus belle be from your department?”

“Why can’t the campus belle be from our department?”

Among all departments, the Engineering Department was the most fervent. They were determined to prove they had beauties too, as other departments would dismiss them as a monastery. They were adamant about proving themselves.

In those days, college students had few entertainments, so a topic that could spark widespread controversy easily became popular. With Dong Wenhao’s behind-the-scenes push and the spread through forums, the discussion about “who is the campus belle” swept across the campus in an instant.

“Engineering Department’s senior Wu Meng, the most beautiful in Linchuan University, high-resolution selfie attached!”

“Computer Science Department’s senior Liu Tian, ten student outfit photos, ready for battle!”

“Literature Department’s Liu Yiyi, a casual snapshot, stunningly beautiful!”

“Law Department’s Chu Siqi in military training photos, time to raise your aesthetics, not everyone can be called a campus belle!”

“Law Department’s Hong Yan is a true beauty, alongside Chu Siqi as the double beauties, easily surpassing other departments!”

“Our campus forum has been a bit strange lately, why has it suddenly started discussing the campus belle issue?”

“Director, that’s not our official forum. It’s a newly emerged one that suddenly popped up these past few days.”

“Oh, I was wondering when our old forum became so fashionable.”

The head of the Literature Department’s academic office, with reading glasses on, clicked the mouse to like the post claiming Liu Yiyi from their department was the campus belle, and simultaneously downvoted posts from other departments.

“This forum is quite interesting, much more fun than the old one.”

The Literature Department’s head wandered to other sections and stumbled upon a post titled “My Unpretentious Life as a Rich Second Generation.”


Intrigued by the peculiar name, he couldn’t resist reading a few entries. The more he read, the deeper his frown became, eventually turning to outright fury. He furiously tapped the keyboard with two fingers.


“Blatantly promoting materialism and hedonism, taking pride in laziness, vulgar through and through. Did you feed your books to a dog?!”

“And you call yourself a Linchuan University student? Which department are you from?”

Cao Guangyu: “?”

Cao Guangyu: “Blocked, hehe!”


The Literature Department head, now in his fifties, felt an impulse to grab a kitchen knife and chop down the internet cable. He lamented the declining admission standards of Linchuan University over the years, wondering why they were admitting such ostentatious individuals.

Meanwhile, similar scenes were unfolding in other department offices.

Everyone found this mysterious forum and the sudden campus belle competition quite entertaining, each having their own opinions on who was attractive and who wasn’t.

It’s not that teachers are inherently stubborn; those in professions involving young people are often more susceptible to popular culture.

Some teachers were well aware of which female students were beautiful, which male students were handsome, which girls were into dating, and which “playboys” were juggling multiple relationships. They too would gossip in the office, especially the middle-aged female teachers, whose interest in such matters often exceeded that of the young female students.

However, they maintained a professional demeanor in front of students. After all, who among us isn’t a spectator in the world?josei

But when this matter reached the Engineering Department, the reaction was slightly different.

In recent years, recruiting for the Engineering Department had been challenging due to a lack of interest from female students. Knowing the department wasn’t popular among women, male students were also reluctant to enroll.

Fresh high school graduates rarely insist on becoming architects. Even academic achievers consider the male-to-female ratio when choosing a major.


Why should I live in a monastery when learning anything is still learning, and there are plenty of popular professions? So, the entire Engineering Department was rallying behind Wu Meng as the campus belle, with even the student council subtly encouraging likes. If the campus belle were from the Engineering Department, it would be a huge boost for next year’s recruitment.

Recruitment highlights: The department has a campus belle, and the dormitories have air conditioning.

Simultaneously, the University Committee’s office also noticed this new forum called “Zhihu.” They found it odd, especially as they already had an official, albeit barely alive, forum. The emergence of this new forum, particularly with people from the old forum recommending it, was causing quite a stir.

“I heard this forum was created by a student from our school?”

“Seems like it.”

“Which department? Is it registered?”

“Not sure about that.”

“The website is well thought out, just a bit too entertainment-focused. Adding some educational material would be good, perhaps lectures from professors across departments. That would make it a true campus network.”

“Principal Wang, if I’m not mistaken, we have a forum like that, but I hear even dogs don’t use it.”


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