Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: You Have High Standards, Don’t You?

TL: Etude

“Feng Nanshu, come out, your certificate is ready!”

Jiang Qin called into the room, and immediately, a brisk set of footsteps echoed from the office.

The little rich lady was dressed in a light yellow dress with white floral prints, cinched at the waist, revealing a small, delicate section of her fair collarbone. She looked ethereal, as if she had stepped out of a painting, fresh and pure, yet not lacking in cold elegance.

She walked to the door, casting a clear glance at Jiang Qin.

In Jiang Qin’s eyes, her look seemed somewhat naive, but to Cao Xinyue, it felt chillingly cold, reminiscent of a powerful female protagonist in s, possessing both beauty and intelligence, both innocence and desire.

Moreover, this aloof gaze, though directed at Jiang Qin, seemed to affect her as well, despite her merely standing nearby.

Such beauty, she thought, could make even a military coat look stunning. This face was flawless, unless she spoke in a Shandong dialect.

“No wonder he’s not into dating,” mused Cao Xinyue thoughtfully.

Jiang Qin, taken aback, turned to Cao Xinyue, “Senior, what did you say?”

“Junior, are you not dating because you can’t keep up? A girl like her is hell-level difficulty. I think you can forget about love in this lifetime,” Cao Xinyue clicked her tongue.

“Senior, your ability to imagine things is of web author caliber, isn’t it? Why not join our forum part-time? I’ll make you the new queen of romance s, you’ll be famous, and I’ll make a fortune!”

Cao Xinyue pursed her lips, knowing that boys need to save face, and not wanting to ridicule him further, she greeted Feng Nanshu and then took her downstairs to the general office.

Applying for an independent entrepreneurship certificate was quite simple. All she needed to do was fill out an application form, get a stamp from Director Yan, and then make a record at the Bureau of Industry and Commerce when she had time.

Feng Nanshu leaned over the table, writing carefully and earnestly, as if making a life-altering application, her charming face filled with solemnity and seriousness.


As she finished the last character, the little rich lady exhaled deeply, holding up the form towards the window, letting the sunlight illuminate her elegant handwriting through the back of the paper.

Applicant: Feng Nanshu

Gender: Female

Business Name: Xi Tian Milk Tea Shop

Role: Proprietress

Registration Location: Entrepreneurship Center General Office

Participation in Entrepreneurship Training: No

Main Business: Milk Tea

Source of Funds: Given by Jiang Qin

“I’ve finished filling it out.”

“Okay, junior, just leave the form here, and you can go,” Cao Xinyue said with a smile, placing the form at the very top, ensuring the professor would stamp it first. There was no helping it; being good-looking did come with privileges, especially with such universally appealing beauty.

Feng Nanshu hesitantly walked a few steps out, but couldn’t help looking back as she left, thinking about her proprietress certificate.

But she was rather socially anxious, only talkative around Jiang Qin, and mostly silent when facing someone she had just met.

So, despite her questions, the little rich lady didn’t voice them, deciding instead to go back and find Jiang Qin.

“Angel junior’s handwriting is really beautiful, even neater than printing. Truly, like the person herself. With a girl like this, Jiang Qin might lose his shoes chasing after her and still not catch up. No wonder he bristles at the mention of love, looking down on it. He must have faced many setbacks, leading to a shadow in his heart.”



Cao Xinyue picked up the application form again, her eyes lingering on the “Purpose of Entrepreneurship” section, her expression gradually turning peculiar.

“To Be Jiang Qin’s Proprietress”


After leaving the Entrepreneurship Center, Feng Nanshu walked briskly upstairs and ran into Jiang Qin coming out, “Done with everything?”

“Done, but I didn’t get a certificate. Did she forget to give it to me?” Feng Nanshu showed her empty hands.

“That means they don’t agree with you being the proprietress.”


Feng Nanshu’s beautiful eyes widened in shock, as if struck by lightning.

At three in the afternoon, as biographies of the goddesses from various departments were uploaded, the website again stirred up a frenzy.

Firstly, the content team’s writing was indeed excellent, detailed in description. Moreover, the idea of using milk tea flavors to describe the goddesses’ personalities was ingeniously cheeky.

This method of description not only made the images of the goddesses more vivid and three-dimensional, but it also instantly turned the matched milk tea flavors into bestsellers at the Xi Tian Milk Tea Shop.

Light and elegant multi-fruit grape.

Cheerful and lively cheese strawberry.

Delicate and gentle mango sago.

Curvaceously appealing full cup grapefruit.

Cool and haughty mischievous oolong.

Although the packaging remained the same, each flavor tasted much better than before, for reasons unknown.

Additionally, when interviewing the goddesses of each department, Jiang Qin had Dong Wenhao specifically sign authorization contracts with them, adding a layer of legality to the website’s activities.

Although it was the year 2008, women’s love for being praised and comparing appearances was the same, a fine tradition passed down from ancient times.

Being interviewed for their beauty and having their names used for milk tea packaging was a matter of pride for them, so they agreed happily.

However, when the biographies were spread by the forum’s users, unintended troubles began to surface.

At three-thirty, a group of male students from the literature department, filled with indignation and fiery glares, marched mightily from the east campus to the Entrepreneurship Center.

They varied in height and build, with long, short, and even middle-parted hair – a diverse group united by their admiration for their goddess, Liu Yiyi of the literature department.

Liu Yiyi was highly popular in her department and a hot candidate in the campus beauty contest.

Dong Wenhao and Lu Feiyu had interviewed her, and she was pleased, as all girls love beauty and appreciation of their beauty.

So, she had been eagerly anticipating her biography, curious about how she would be portrayed.

But when her biography was released, she was dumbfounded.

Why were the descriptors for others so grand like “nation’s beauty” and “heavenly fragrance”, but hers was just ‘delicate’?

She was angry and sarcastically commented in the forum’s discussion group, feeling wronged and almost wanting to cry.

Want to cry?

Liu Yiyi’s fans couldn’t stand this. They immediately gathered to demand an explanation.

Why were other department goddesses praised like flowers, but Goddess Liu was only ‘delicate’? This seemed like an insult!

The location of the forum’s headquarters wasn’t hard to find, thanks to the banner on the website’s homepage directing business collaborations to the Entrepreneurship Center, room 208.

“Who’s in charge here?”

A crowd of over twenty literature department males, all ardent fans of Liu Yiyi, ready for battle, arrived at room 208.

“It’s me,” Dong Wenhao looked around, realizing the boss wasn’t there, and stood up.

There was no way he could let a woman face such a crowd, especially since Su Nai was the only other senior member in the office.

And he recognized a few faces from the literature department.

“Who wrote Liu Yiyi’s biography from the literature department?”

Lu Feiyu swallowed nervously, “I did…”

The lead student’s expression darkened, “Are your eyes just for breathing? Goddess Liu is so beautiful, and you call her delicate? How is that different from insulting her?”

“I just made an objective assessment.”

“Objective? Oh, have you seen so many beautiful women that you call Liu Yiyi merely ‘delicate’? Your standards are pretty high, huh!”

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