Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 85

Chapter 85: "Delicate" is Quite Apt!

TL: Etude

As a cultured individual, Dong Wenhao could only think of one phrase at this moment: “A fit of anger for a beautiful lady’s sake.”

These people obviously came in anger, and without a change, they were determined not to relent.

Thinking back, Lufei Yu really was unreliable. For the biography of a campus beauty candidate, using “beautiful” was acceptable, but using “delicate”? That’s practically an insult! What girl could be described as “delicate”? It’s a term used when there’s nothing else to praise.

A passable nose, eyes, mouth, face shape—everything just passable. That meant there was no particular feature to describe, so one could only boldly use “delicate”.

For an ordinary girl, seeing this description might be acceptable, but Liuyi Yi was the goddess of the literature department. To be described like this, it would be strange if she didn’t get furious.

“Feiyu, hurry up and change it to ‘national beauty and heavenly fragrance’, ‘beauty that brings down nations’, ‘disaster for the country and people’!” Dong Wenhao quickly pulled Lufei Yu aside. “What’s the matter with you? Didn’t I say that the pride of a scholar isn’t worth much?”

“But senior, I really can’t do such blatant lying!” Lufei Yu stood firm, not giving an inch: “I’m in the journalism department, I’ll be a journalist in the future. I believe every description I write must be objective and fair!”

“Hah, you dare claim you’re objective and fair? You’re clearly looking down on my goddess!” The leading boy rolled up his sleeves in anger.

Dong Wenhao’s face paled, realizing things were going south. Lufei Yu was definitely in for trouble today.

Sure enough, the boys, now banded together, couldn’t tolerate this any longer. Changing the description to ‘national beauty and heavenly fragrance’ was considered blatant lying? This was even worse than describing Goddess Liu as “delicate”.josei

Lufei Yu was stubborn, refusing to change even as the others were ready to fight.

The atmosphere was tense, on the verge of exploding.

The noise from the office penetrated the wooden door, drawing the curiosity of the passersby in the corridor, all peeking into the room.

Just then, the door of room 208 was pushed slightly open. However, due to the crowd from the literature department, the door couldn’t fully open until someone at the back moved, creating a small opening.

Jiang Qin squeezed in from outside, frowning: “What’s happening? Why isn’t the boss letting anyone in?”

“The literature department is unhappy with the biography we wrote for Liuyi Yi,” Dong Wenhao confessed honestly.

“All this fuss over such a trivial matter? Just change it. Websites are rigid, people are flexible. What’s the dissatisfaction?”

“Lufei Yu described Liuyi Yi as ‘delicate’.”

After hearing this, Jiang Qin was also stunned, thinking that it indeed sounded like an insult. No wonder these people had come knocking: “Change it quickly, to ‘national beauty and heavenly fragrance’, ‘beautiful as flowers and jade’.”

“Beautiful as flowers and jade won’t do!” The leading boy was demanding. ‘As flowers’ was not acceptable, as it was seen as an insult.

“Fine, fine, like a weeping beauty, dreamlike and fantastical, whatever works. Just change it and leave. We have clients coming soon, blocking the doorway like this is unsightly.”

Upon hearing this, Lufei Yu immediately objected: “Boss, the biography should reflect reality, we can’t just make things up!”

“That’s it, you’re still arguing?!”

Several boys instantly grabbed stools, holding them over their heads, bristling with aggression, ready to erupt into a fight.

Jiang Qin was exasperated, thinking, “Are all these literature creators so stubborn?”

Just then, the door was pushed open again. Feng Nanshu entered, her face sullen and indifferent, still upset about not receiving the “Boss’s Wife” title, adding to her cold demeanor.


The male students from the literature department were momentarily stunned, involuntarily lowering their stools. In their eyes, confusion was replaced by awe.

Wait a minute…

Isn’t she the real campus beauty?

This is the true definition of a beauty that brings down nations, a disaster for the country!

Compared to this, Goddess Liu and the word “delicate” seemed perfectly matched.

Not bad at all, “delicate” was quite fitting.

Strangely enough, they had just felt that praising someone as “delicate” was somewhat insulting. How had it suddenly become so apt? Indeed, Chinese culture is profound and vast; the same word can evoke completely different feelings in different contexts and times.

“I won’t change it,” Lufei Yu persisted, “When I write biographies, I adhere to the truth. Haven’t you heard the saying, ‘How can I bow and scrape to those in power, preventing me from being true to myself’?”

The leader frowned: “Fine, you’ve got guts. Don’t change it then!”

At around six in the evening, the sky was ablaze with the brilliant hues of a sunset.

Liuyi Yi returned to her dormitory from the teaching building and immediately opened the Zhihu forum. She then accessed her own biography and started refreshing the page incessantly, her eyes not blinking as they stared at the computer screen.

To her disappointment, the words “delicate” were still there, unchanged, which infuriated her.

She opened a discussion group and tagged Cui Qiang, who had promised to seek justice for her.

“Cui Qiang, did you go to room 208?”

“I did. I took more than twenty people with me, and we even met the website’s boss,” Cui Qiang replied quickly.

After hearing this, Liuyi Yi’s brows furrowed: “Then why does my biography still have ‘delicate’?”

“Actually, I think ‘delicate’ is quite fitting.”


Meanwhile, in the dormitory of the literature department in the east campus, Cui Qiang opened the website’s posting feature. His fingers flew over the keyboard, typing out a short post filled with grandiose phrases like “beauty that eclipses nature”, “beauty that shames the moon”, “national beauty and heavenly fragrance”, “angel descended to earth”, describing Feng Nanshu in a way that made her seem more divine than a fairy.

If Dong Wenhao saw this post, he would undoubtedly give it high praise from a professional standpoint.

Why? Because the biography was written perfectly, every line and word exuding the aura of a goddess.

But Dong Wenhao was destined not to see this biography. Just as Cui Qiang clicked ‘send’, a prompt popped up on his computer screen.

“What the heck, my post contains sensitive words?”

“That’s impossible, let me check again!”

From dusk to sunset, and from sunset to night, Cui Qiang checked his post seven or eight times and tried to repost it five times. Finally, after being notified that his account was banned for 24 hours, he gave up.

Damn it, it felt like some mysterious force was throttling him through the internet cable! He looked at the three flowers in his account and reopened Liuyi Yi’s voting page. His mouse hovered over the voting button for a long time, but he still didn’t cast his vote.

No other reason, he just suddenly felt that the competition was a bit of a joke.

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